yup. luckily i still have some key 2015 titles preordered from last E3.
I am so insanely stupid for not preordering more games 2 years ago when we were still at 59.99 games.
So. Insanely. Stupid.
yup. luckily i still have some key 2015 titles preordered from last E3.
I am so insanely stupid for not preordering more games 2 years ago when we were still at 59.99 games.
So. Insanely. Stupid.
I was in a WalMart today and got a chuckle out of this. I didn't take it to a scanner to see if it is just a mislabeled sticker. I can't see anyone ever paying $80 for Other M.
I was in a WalMart today and got a chuckle out of this. I didn't take it to a scanner to see if it is just a mislabeled sticker. I can't see anyone ever paying $80 for Other M.
I have a few pre-orders from past E3 deals.
The Order Premium Edition - 15$
Bloodborne - 34.99$
Uncharted 4 - 34.99$
Persona 5 - 34.99$
Halo 5 - 37.95$
Kingdom Hearts 3 - 39.99$
Final Fantasy XV - 39.99$
Metal Gear - 39.99$
Witcher - 39.99$
Xenoblade Chronicles X - 39.99$
FE X SMT - 39.99$
Zelda Wii U - 45.49$
I'm good for a long time. Might add a few titles here and there depending on what is announced but this is the bulk of it and I ain't spending 69.99$ for any game (80$ in QC).
Some were from Amazon screw up? I was stupid for not taking advantage of that. Only get 3 games from those.
Some were from Amazon screw up? I was stupid for not taking advantage of that. Only get 3 games from those.
Yeah I'm hating myself for canceling some of my Amazon E3 screw up games. Specifically Uncharted 4, Destiny, the Order, and Bloodborne. I didn't think back then I'd be able to find a better job that'll make it easier to save up... And then I did eventually get a better job. Welp
Mann, where can I find a shulk?
I was in a WalMart today and got a chuckle out of this. I didn't take it to a scanner to see if it is just a mislabeled sticker. I can't see anyone ever paying $80 for Other M.
Anyone in the GTA looking for a Shulk, I'm looking to trade mine for a Lucario as I won't be able to head to Toys R Us because of work in the morning.
Few Vita games on sale for under $10 (Tearaway, Resistance, etc)
VitaTV bundle $140, regular $99
No mem cards though :/
Thanks Lone Prodigy for the Shulk!
I'm still salty that Future Shop canceled my $39.99 Zelda Wii U pre-order from a couple years ago. Or, more accurately, changed to a Wind Waker HD pre-order... which I already had pre-ordered separately...
I hope 20 people msg him and give him fake meet up times and not show up.Enjoy it! Aren't you glad I'm not this guy:
should i be worried that futureshop still lists my e3 2013 pre-order of xenoblade chronicles X as "X Wii U" in every order update email still?
Also, whenever I try accessing the order page from that period, I keep getting errors on their website. That's just frustrating.
Same. I had to return my one Wind Waker. Now I have one around $45, but I still feel cheated.
Just found out that Xenoblade Chronicles 3DS is up for preorder (@ $39.99) on the American Best Buy site. Can we expect preorders for Canadians to open soon and hopefully at $39.99?
Just found out that Xenoblade Chronicles 3DS is up for preorder (@ $39.99) on the American Best Buy site. Can we expect preorders for Canadians to open soon and hopefully at $39.99?
No. It will probably be 44.99 but with out shitty $ it might go 49.99
Mario Party 10 is the first Nintendo game to go +$10 instead of +$5
it's already happening, at least on Wii U ;_;
Thank you for this. Dropped by Metrotown today and got a copy of Tearaway. There was only one left after I nabbed mine.
I only see it at $54.99 for the standard on amazon which is only $5 more then US
edit - Nvm seems futureshop has it at $59.99
Mario Party 10 is the first Nintendo game to go +$10 instead of +$5
it's already happening, at least on Wii U ;_;
Just found out that Xenoblade Chronicles 3DS is up for preorder (@ $39.99) on the American Best Buy site. Can we expect preorders for Canadians to open soon and hopefully at $39.99?
I have a bad feeling this game will ultimately be $49.99 US and $54.99 CND. I hope I'm wrong.
Can't wait to see the Atlus tax stack on... OH GOSH.
I also didn't pre-order anything because I wasn't even sure if I was still going to play video games. So full price will keep me away for a while.
Hehe, I saw that earlier while browsing craigslist. Crazy pricing for Shulk...Enjoy it! Aren't you glad I'm not this guy:
Any other Vita games?
I have a few pre-orders from past E3 deals.
The Order Premium Edition - 15$
Bloodborne - 34.99$
Uncharted 4 - 34.99$
Persona 5 - 34.99$
Halo 5 - 37.95$
Kingdom Hearts 3 - 39.99$
Final Fantasy XV - 39.99$
Metal Gear - 39.99$
Witcher - 39.99$
Xenoblade Chronicles X - 39.99$
FE X SMT - 39.99$
Zelda Wii U - 45.49$
I'm good for a long time. Might add a few titles here and there depending on what is announced but this is the bulk of it and I ain't spending 69.99$ for any game (80$ in QC).
Crud the only e3 preorders I have left are Story of Seasons, Xenoblade X and Zelda U....
I wonder how much deals we'll even get on Handheld games during E3 with those going up to in price to $45-50..... urg so much for getting them for $30 (or less) at launch![]()