Only thing I could see them dropping is used game sales. Then again, I have no idea how well they do with that.Has anyone else heard the rumour of FS going out of gaming? Anyone know if there's any truth to it?
Only thing I could see them dropping is used game sales. Then again, I have no idea how well they do with that.Has anyone else heard the rumour of FS going out of gaming? Anyone know if there's any truth to it?
Has anyone else heard the rumour of FS going out of gaming? Anyone know if there's any truth to it?
I wonder how much of their game sales is from the E3 thing and how much they sell otherwise.
Did they even do many midnight launch things this year?
That's what subscriptions are for at least!yo we are fucked if this thread goes to community
that's where threads go to die
but hey if it helps keep complainers out of the thread then sign me the fuck up
Oh they did Destiny and CoD? Crazy, although I guess it makes sense. It just seems like their shelves are usually full of the new games, because, well... who is going to pay 80 bucks for a game these days?I feel like they did as many as most other places. Destiny, CoD. EB did Smash & amiibo, but I don't think anyone else did.
Online sales have put a huge dent in midnight openings, I'm sure. Only the biggest games would be worth it.
Which reminds me, anyone know if EB is doing a midnight opening for n3DS/Monster Hunter/Majora?
yo we are fucked if this thread goes to community
that's where threads go to die
but hey if it helps keep complainers out of the thread then sign me the fuck up
I sub to all threads too. that feature must be hella underused
I wonder how much bigger that number would be if I started doing that sooner.
My GAF bookmark is my subscription page.
Yeah, but people actually don't use the highlighting consistently, so that's kind of a non-solution. I used to be fine with Amiibo hunting here because it is relevant to the thread, but right now it's actively making it harder to parse for deals.And that's exactly how people feel about shipping talk. It's never going away because people will always be ordering things online and it fills this thread with things other than deals. This is why we now highlight NEW DEAL at the top of a post to make it easier to see those deals. Once again, if you have a problem with what's being posted in here then contact a mod and have them deal with it. While you're at it have them move this thread to Gaming Community.
Has anyone else heard the rumour of FS going out of gaming? Anyone know if there's any truth to it?
Has anyone else heard the rumour of FS going out of gaming? Anyone know if there's any truth to it?
I wonder how much bigger that number would be if I started doing that sooner.
My GAF bookmark is my subscription page.
Has anyone else heard the rumour of FS going out of gaming? Anyone know if there's any truth to it?
I have zero beef with the thread moving to community. It should be there. If Giant Bomb can manage the change, we can too.
I agree with killing amiibo talk. Stop talking about stuff I don't care about, only post about things I do care about.
I'm usually fine with amiibo talk but I just had to go through four pages of whining about amiibo talk which was horrible. If you want gaming deals without discussion there are links in the OP to places that have that (RFD, Twitter, Facebook, etc)
I think Future Shop/Best Buy would sooner go online only and close up most if not all physical shops. After gutting all senior staff the other year, there's not much more to get rid of other than the stores themselves.So before we all freak out there is no basis for these rumours about Future Shop right? This is the first I've heard of it.
Thread should be split into Shipping/Amiibo Whinning and an actual deals thread. Leave the deals thread in gaming and move the whining thread.
thread 1 amiibo talk, tons of activity
thread 2 exclusively gaming deals, ghost town
this is unofficial canada gaf and that's gonna be no more if amiibo talk is removed.
people who are complaining, has the amiibo talk actually caused you to miss a deal? i kinda doubt it.
I still think the best solution is to keep everything together and somebody just posts a recap of all the current deals occasionally
Nah. We're talking three aisles.I don't see how FS/BB could get out of gaming, the stores would look empty
I don't see how FS/BB could get out of gaming, the stores would look empty
No, he's saying that if you cut out everything but deals (which in essence is what people are saying when they want no Amiibo/shipping/what people ordered during a sale talk) then this thread would be dead. There has been plenty of non-deals talk in this thread forever. Just look at the beginning of this thread:So you're telling me that we have come this far in so many years because Amiibo?
Ghost town my ass. Let me help you all:
Awesome, new thread!
yay new thread
My guardians of the galaxy steelbook just shipped from future shop!
My order updates for Last Guardian and Mirror's Edge 2 are going directly to Junk Mail now... Even my email doesn't believe
Thread title credit to Grimsen which everyone seemed to vote for over the others!
And subscribed. Looking forward to a whole new year with y'all.
I asked in the other thread, anywhere I can buy online Canadian PSN codes? I want to get Destiny PS3/4.
Also I can do swaps / trades for JP PSN eshop or itunes, in return for exact exchange rate via PayPal or the CA equivalent.
What are you selling?
Post here to be safe and let users decide:
I PMed him. I actually wanted to buy one for him but it was sold out a minute after I put it in cart. Sucks that I was looking for filler item for free shipping.
Yeah, one. Thanks for the contribution.Fuck you, Sony. Fucking stupid fucking shit with stupid fucking timing without stupid fucking warning.
Good grief, I waited for this shit; knew they would fuck up.
More likely that future shop will get out of the business of being future shop.'How can we improve the current business model?'
"...get rid of the video games?"
'....Johnson that's genius'
So you're telling me that we have come this far in so many years because Amiibo?
Ghost town my ass. Let me help you all:
No, he's saying that if you cut out everything but deals (which in essence is what people are saying when they want no Amiibo/shipping/what people ordered during a sale talk) then this thread would be dead. There has been plenty of non-deals talk in this thread forever. Just look at the beginning of this thread:
It's not until the 7th reply that there's anything relating to a deal of any sort and that's lupinko looking for one.
Hell, just look at your other 4 posts in this thread and tell me which should've been posted going by the "no off topic" rule that so many want.
Yeah, one. Thanks for the contribution.
But the Amiibo talk has been about deals (when they go up, what's going on with Rosalina, etc).You're taking it to an extreme. No one is saying don't discuss what you bought from said deals, rather conversations that are not related to deals is peeving off a number of people who use this thread. For me, the biggest complaint I have is when shipping-gaf comes into play. The amiibo talk hasn't been too bad for me, but I understand where people are coming from requesting that be moved outside of this thread, unless its related to a deal or a shipment or tweet about preordering.
I understand that after 5 OT's there is a community here that talks beyond just the topic at hand, but it has recently gotten to the point where the thread is getting constantly bumped with very little talk of deals (yes shitty dollar and all).