My order says 48.99$ for all my 2014 E3 games. Did I end up paying 1$ more per game for some odd reason?
Nope. You were right. I don't know why I said 47.99.
My order says 48.99$ for all my 2014 E3 games. Did I end up paying 1$ more per game for some odd reason?
Thanks for posting this. Hard to pass up at that price.Not sure if anyone is interested but the Prima Zelda Guide box set is on sale for $50 on indigo online.
EDIT: I should add this is for plum members only (I believe it's a free membership).
Another EDIT: As zroid points out below I may be wrong about the members only for $50. When I first added it to my cart it came up over $100, but it may have just been a glitch.
You can do a ship to store and pick it up, if you are near one of course.
I got a 32GB ADATA card for $13 on Black Friday. It depends on the brand's reputation and the speed, but yes prices will always go down over time.
Looks like the cheapest the Zelda guides have been:
NEW DEAL...sorta
n3DS XL charging cradle from NoA store is $9 + $7shipping. After taxes to Ontario it comes to $18.08 CAD.
If you didn't select any kind of express shipping, at the very most you'll just get hit by Canada Post...Bah. I ordered this on from a third-party, and I'm shitting my pants thinking about brokerage and customs fees. I'm only at this place for another month, so I might even miss the freaking invoice if there is even one. Also reassured me that they would take care of any custom fees.
I'm just really scared since I got $30 brokerage fees from DHL for $20 cards. >_>
NEW DEAL...sorta
n3DS XL charging cradle from NoA store is $9 + $7shipping. After taxes to Ontario it comes to $18.08 CAD.
Damn it, expected it to be more, so I ordered from the UK. Oh well, awesome stand nonetheless.
Speaking of Apple, everything in the Canadian store just rose 10-15% or so due to the shitty dollar. I was able to grab an iPhone 6 off Craigslist just now (which I felt pretty nervous about but the guy was cool about it and agreed to stick with me as I got the hell off Rogers and activated it in the Wind Store). $100 more for iPhones and $100+ more on the refreshed MacBook Pros it seems. At least the MBPs have a new processor, new track pad, and better battery life in 'em?
Ebgames mailed me a Monster Hunter 4 Ultimate pin even though I didn't buy Monster Hunter from them.
Hey, I'll still take it.
Too bad it doesn't fit with my hori tpu case. I know I can remove them but that defeats the purpose of being able to drop it in and forget it.NEW DEAL...sorta
n3DS XL charging cradle from NoA store is $9 + $7shipping. After taxes to Ontario it comes to $18.08 CAD.
Speaking of Apple, everything in the Canadian store just rose 10-15% or so due to the shitty dollar.
Speaking of Apple, everything in the Canadian store just rose 10-15% or so due to the shitty dollar. I was able to grab an iPhone 6 off Craigslist just now (which I felt pretty nervous about but the guy was cool about it and agreed to stick with me as I got the hell off Rogers and activated it in the Wind Store). $100 more for iPhones and $100+ more on the refreshed MacBook Pros it seems. At least the MBPs have a new processor, new track pad, and better battery life in 'em?
Apple TV got a $20 price drop ($30 price drop in the US).
BTW this is a pretty sweet plan on Wind if you go to the US frequently:
No longer need to switch to my T Mobile SIM every time I go down and pay $3 a day.
Anyone know where I can find a good deal on Diablo 3 for Xbox One? Its back up to $64.99 everywhere
Uh, guys?
That's normal as shipments come into stores.
Unless you're talking about something else.
It was "out of stock" everywhere else, didn't think they would update the system until it was actually on sale.
Interesting...yeah, two weeks out is pretty damn early in that case.You usually see it update less than a week before so it's definitely earlier than usual but stores showing stock prior to release isn't unusual.
Interesting...yeah, two weeks out is pretty damn early in that case.
NEW DEAL...sorta
n3DS XL charging cradle from NoA store is $9 + $7shipping. After taxes to Ontario it comes to $18.08 CAD.
Speaking of Apple, everything in the Canadian store just rose 10-15% or so due to the shitty dollar. I was able to grab an iPhone 6 off Craigslist just now (which I felt pretty nervous about but the guy was cool about it and agreed to stick with me as I got the hell off Rogers and activated it in the Wind Store). $100 more for iPhones and $100+ more on the refreshed MacBook Pros it seems. At least the MBPs have a new processor, new track pad, and better battery life in 'em?
Apple TV got a $20 price drop ($30 price drop in the US).
BTW this is a pretty sweet plan on Wind if you go to the US frequently:
No longer need to switch to my T Mobile SIM every time I go down and pay $3 a day.
For those who missed out on Mortal Kombat X Kollectors PS4 on or don't do Amazon
I just noticed it went up at
I do the same thing and it'll fall over pretty easily. I've put a little more space between my bed and the table to avoid that easy can the 3ds tip in this thing? I keep mine at the edge of my bed side table and i'd be afraid of knocking it over.
Sometimes I wonder if Apple is playing with fire by pricing everything so high ($450 for a low-end Apple Watch when it'll be outdated in a year) but it hasn't hurt them yet.
Why is Devil May Cry Definitive Edition not shipping until March 17th on Amazon? Isn't it supposed to come out today?
It's never an issue when your consumer base and the tastemakers for the rest of society are people who feel the need to and will spent hundreds to replace products that work perfectly fine with every new iteration.Sometimes I wonder if Apple is playing with fire by pricing everything so high ($450 for a low-end Apple Watch when it'll be outdated in a year) but it hasn't hurt them yet.
It's never an issue when your consumer base and the tastemakers for the rest of society are people who feel the need to and will spent hundreds to replace products that work perfectly fine with every new iteration.
Anyone know where I can find a good deal on Diablo 3 for Xbox One? Its back up to $64.99 everywhere
What platforms?NEW DEAL
Wal-Mart next week:
XB1 Unity bundle with $50 GC $369
$10 GC with Hardline or FF Type 0
Lego Batman 3, Unity, Rogue, Mordor, Watch Dogs, Just Dance 2015 $29.96 each
What do you guys think. I need a bluray player. Should I get a ps3, standalone, or bluray drive for my computer.
Sometimes I wonder if Apple is playing with fire by pricing everything so high ($450 for a low-end Apple Watch when it'll be outdated in a year) but it hasn't hurt them yet.
Why is Devil May Cry Definitive Edition not shipping until March 17th on Amazon? Isn't it supposed to come out today?
Wal-Mart next week:
XB1 Unity bundle with $50 GC $369
$10 GC with Hardline or FF Type 0
Lego Batman 3, Unity, Rogue, Mordor, Watch Dogs, Just Dance 2015 $29.96 each