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Canadian Gaming Deals and Discussion Thread 5: Much Ado Aboot Shipping


Are we even going to have E3 deals this year? With prices being so high retailers can't expect preorders to be at high volumes. Preordering at a discount is great but if the discount isn't deep enough the incentive just isn't there.

If E3 deals reduce the price to $60, I'm in for the games I truly care about (which are the games I mostly use the deal for, anyways).

If there are no E3 deals... I'll be at a loss. I'd have to get back into the buying-and-quickly reselling game or something.


Will QA for food.
My long time strategy is basically only Nintendo games at launch and then just wait for everything else to be half price six months later. Too bad half price now isn't really that cheap.
My long time strategy is basically only Nintendo games at launch and then just wait for everything else to be half price six months later. Too bad half price now isn't really that cheap.

I'm on the same thing basically for the past year. I don't have a PS4 or Xbox One nor have plans to get one until 2016 so it's new Nintendo stuff or Steam sale stuff for me. Although I did buy Shadow of Mordor for PC at launch, no regrets (still need season pass - will get that someday when I'm bored, heh)


I'll be trying to get as many games at Shoppers as I can. Lucky for me I've got loads of points saved up from all the food I buy there on 20x days.
My long time strategy is basically only Nintendo games at launch and then just wait for everything else to be half price six months later. Too bad half price now isn't really that cheap.

I'm unwilling to pay >$40 for a 3DS game. It's just not happening. I've found for most things I want if you wait a bit (a month or two) Amazon will discount it down to $40 (unless stock is really bad), so there's that at least.

For non-Nintendo games I've tended to just wait a year until Steam or PSN has them for $10 or less. I'm fine with living a year behind in games. Problem is it seems like Steam/PSN sales have been getting worse... maybe I'm imagining things but doesn't seem as steep a discount as it used to be.

Thankfully (?) this year there's very little I want to buy. Monster Hunter 4 ($40!) last month and Cities: Skylines this month is it so far outside of buying old games. The release calendar is devoid of anything I'm interested in either. There will probably be a Pokemon game later this year but maybe I can sit on it until the price discounts into the $30s -- I have more than enough old Pokemon games to play.

Mikey Jr.

Honestly, seems like PSN is the only way we are going to get some respite, as long as they keep not charging tax.

I'm probably going to go much more digital this gen.

Also, my bro is going to Rogers today and apparently upgrading our Internet to Rogers ignite.

Were going from 25/2 mpbs to 250/20 mpbs which honestly sounds like horseshit. 250 doesn't sound real lol.


I paid $20 for 4, $10 for 3 used, and $40 for 3 on Vita. The only reason I paid full price of 3 on Vita was because it was right after launch of the Vita. I highly doubt Disgaea 5 will go to $20, or even $30 in a few months after launch. The majority of PS4 games have taken a while to drop in price. Currently, I am waiting for Xenoverse to drop, but I feel I will be waiting until November.
Most of the PS4 games launched between september and december have been sub 30$ in the past few weeks

Let alone those launched before who have all been sub 20$ at various points
Yeah, $80 games would suck. You can refuse to buy them if you want, but I mean, that really isn't sticking it to anyone worthwhile. The prices aren't rising because of retailers or publishers, they're rising so stores can still break even with our shitty dollar. As much as it sucks, I still believe in voting with my dollar on games I believe in, so it's tough.

Mikey Jr.

Uhm, gigabit internet is a thing and it's actually horseshit Canada didn't invest in the infrastructure to have it anytime soon.

Ohh I know about gigabit Internet. I always thought that was a south Korea thing.

Honestly, I've been perfectly happy with 25/2.

Increase of tenfold seems like overkill, but I ain't complaining.


I'm not trying to "stick it" to anyone. I just have better ways to spend $80+ than something as silly as video games. I believe it is probably the same for others. Not some "boycott" to prove a point or something.

spicy cho

Do I need to worry about my bloodborne preorder at eb going up to $80? There's zero chance they will do that right, with the game being a week away?



I refused to buy when games went to $70

I hope others follow suit now that it's $80
You're preaching to the choir here.

Unfortunately it seems Joe Consumer will still happily fork out $80 plus season pass dollars on Battlefield: Hardline so little Joey can play it Day 1 with his buddies from grade school.
But then you get things announced like Persona 5 for PS4 and well the only option is to hope for more price errors during E3 days, despite how unlikely that is.

Yeah, that one hurt.

I have the PS3 version preordered still but I know that it's going to get returned. It was such a good deal too.

I have Rise of the Tomb Raider on order for PS4 as well. :/
With this weather we should start including snowblowers in addition to the nongaming pillow deals. I was really hoping that last storm a couple days ago would somehow be the end of this weather; what a fool I was.


This price hike has only made me regret not ordering more during last e3. :(

I would have but a bunch of stuff I wanted wasn't available. I still haven't bought Guilty Gear as a result.

My Xenoblade preorder is from two E3s ago, for 40 bucks. Problem is it's still got the placeholder title and never changed when the game got its official name - I'm hoping I can salvage it.


My Xenoblade preorder is from two E3s ago, for 40 bucks. Problem is it's still got the placeholder title and never changed when the game got its official name - I'm hoping I can salvage it.

I think it should be ok. Worst case, they will fix it if we contact them. (not the first time this has happened)


I would have but a bunch of stuff I wanted wasn't available. I still haven't bought Guilty Gear as a result.

My Xenoblade preorder is from two E3s ago, for 40 bucks. Problem is it's still got the placeholder title and never changed when the game got its official name - I'm hoping I can salvage it.

I'll get that game in the physical someday but I still took advantage of the PSN sale when it was $25. That was a good deal.

Yeah, that one hurt.

I have the PS3 version preordered still but I know that it's going to get returned. It was such a good deal too.

I have Rise of the Tomb Raider on order for PS4 as well. :/

$35 Persona 5 PS3 preorder? I'll be keeping mine. I probably won't open it for a while but I hope there's an upgrade option at FS/BB when the game is released.


You're preaching to the choir here.

Unfortunately it seems Joe Consumer will still happily fork out $80 plus season pass dollars on Battlefield: Hardline so little Joey can play it Day 1 with his buddies from grade school.

That's a pretty ignorant way of thinking about it... you're making it seem as if it's evil EA's fault the CDN dollar is garbage right now. Or somehow a consumer buying a product is supporting high prices.

You think if no one buys Hardline it'll drop to $40 USD? This isn't a supply/demand issue, it's entirely about the exchange rate.


My long time strategy is basically only Nintendo games at launch and then just wait for everything else to be half price six months later. Too bad half price now isn't really that cheap.


With the E3 deal, I'd buy western made games I was interested in at launch. Without it, I'd have to wait the 3 months until the western made games were $40 or less.

Kinda annoying, but I'll live. My backlog is gonna take a beating, that's for sure.
You think if no one buys Hardline it'll drop to $40 USD? This isn't a supply/demand issue, it's entirely about the exchange rate.
NVM, it's actually just a regional issue. The games in Canada have to match the american price otherwise, well everyone from US would just buy cheap canadian games.


With this weather we should start including snowblowers in addition to the nongaming pillow deals. I was really hoping that last storm a couple days ago would somehow be the end of this weather; what a fool I was.

mosquitos have already been back in Vancouver for a few weeks

I was playing soccer last night at UBC and I got eaten alive. Our lack of winter seems to have brought those little fuckers back early


Why are strippers at the U.N. bad when they're great at strip clubs???
Yeah, that one hurt.

I have the PS3 version preordered still but I know that it's going to get returned. It was such a good deal too.

I have Rise of the Tomb Raider on order for PS4 as well. :/


I have both Persona 5 PS3 Edition & Tomb Raider PS4 on pre-order; hopefully Best Buy will let me able to trade for the PS4 Edition.


Anyone know if shop.ca does release day shipping?

I ordered BladeStorm PS4 from there. It was released yesterday and it's still not shipped. One Gaffer said there was something with the provisioning of the game in particuliar so it could be a problem beyond shop.ca.

Anyone ordered MM 3D from Shop.ca when it was 10$ cheaper? Did you get it on release day?

i just noticed ebgames.ca increased the price on the mgs5 collectors edition by $10 bringing to 134.99 before tax.

There's no price protection if you preorder the collection in the store (not the ship to home feature), is there?



i just noticed ebgames.ca increased the price on the mgs5 collectors edition by $10 bringing to 134.99 before tax.

There's no price protection if you preorder the collection in the store (not the ship to home feature), is there?

if you fully paid it off most of the time yes, if not your paying the new price
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