Got both MM N3DS and Smash OST today (never got an email). Miraculously, the CD is intact, despite almost non-existent packaging. Good job, CP. Edit: Whoops, spoke too soon. Crack on the front cover. Screw you Nintendo.
Anyways, is $400 a fair price to to sell my MM N3DS? j/k The box is a lot smaller than I thought, though I guess that's partly due to there being nothing else inside other than the actual 3DS. No MM game, no charger, no dock. Just a few pamphlets and AR cards. Kinda expensive for $230. Is Nintendo selling at cost or something?
On the the actual 3DS, it's beautiful. The colour and design is fantastic. Very nice. And is it huge or what? I've been playing on my OG 3DS, so the size is new to me. It feels thinner, though, and a bit heavier. I like that the game cartridge goes on the bottom now. It'll help prevent accidental pressing. The C-stick feels stiff. I've never used one, so I'll have to get used to it. Anyways, I'm gonna just do the system transfer for now. I won't play anything yet; I want Xenoblade to be it's first game. April 10 can't come soon enough!