Pre-ordered just to hold it but probably can't afford.
Fallout Pip Boy edition is up on now for those looking.
Limit 1 per customer
Dat $160.....
So, first time I'm preordering from Amazon, and the paid shipping options, they don't really do you any better over the free one, do they?
Man I should have gotten in on that Chapters PS4 deal.
Normal DS4s are $60 US and $75 CAD which means this one at $65 US will probably mean $80-85 CAD.They announced the 20th anniversary DS4 for release in September. IT WILL BE MINEif there is any money left in my budget by then
Normal DS4s are $60 US and $75 CAD which means this one at $65 US will probably mean $80-85 CAD.
it was $90 earlier
... Fuck. God damn it. I'm not even sure if that $179 is a mistake or not. That's what the past year has done to me when it comes to prices. I'm just not certain anymore.
... Fuck. God damn it. I'm not even sure if that $179 is a mistake or not. That's what the past year has done to me when it comes to prices.
... Fuck. God damn it. I'm not even sure if that $179 is a mistake or not. That's what the past year has done to me when it comes to prices. I'm just not certain anymore.
was up for 90 on
got taken down had it for 150
factor in Harper tax and we get it back for 180
some people did get an order in for 90. I'm mad jelly. I had a chance too lol
Going to get a PS4 at Shoppers as was always the plan
I have about 60000 points now, should be able to get up to 95000 before the end of the year.
How are you finding a shoppers that actually has one in stock? I'd consider have my mom buy one for me with the seniors discount if any of the stores in my town actually carried one.
How are you finding a shoppers that actually has one in stock? I'd consider have my mom buy one for me with the seniors discount if any of the stores in my town actually carried one.
I dunno, I just assume most of them around here have it? Well I'm not 100% sure but I know I've seen WiiUs and Xbones so there's probably PS4s too...
It's $150 USD. It was like $90 earlier due to a pricing error.
will psn gonna have a e3 sales?
Let's just say, don't write it off just yet. ;DDoubtful. We'd see something by now.
Diablo 3 UEE, Drive Club, The Order, LBP3 are all $29.99. AC Unity is $19.99.
Diablo 3 UEE, Drive Club, The Order, LBP3 are all $29.99. AC Unity is $19.99.
Hey folks, does Best Buy match ?
Witcher 3 is 64.74 @ Amazon and 69.99 @ BestBuy.
Doubtful. We'd see something by now.
Do you guys think FFVIIR will pop up on Amazon for the preorder thing or no?
Waiting for it to finalize my order.
Most people seem to think the game is still in pre-production, plus Nomura is director and he has Kingdom Hearts III to finish, so it might not even be out until 2018. Highly unlikely Amazon's going to put up a pre-order for a game that's possibly four years out.
They announced the 20th anniversary DS4 for release in September. IT WILL BE MINEif there is any money left in my budget by then