If any of you guys went to the Sony E3 Experience and received an email for the $5 voucher code, apparently it will not work if you have a Canadian PSN account, it only works with a US account. I just had an online chat with a Sony chat adviser and he said that there is nothing he could do. I am sadly disappointed by this, and I do worry that the rest of the stuff I receive from the E3 experience will not work as well.
Jose: Hi my name is Jose, how may I assist you today?
You: I attended the E3 theater experience, and was emailed my $5 voucher code yesterday. I went to redeem it on my console and it said the code was no longer valid
You: I tried online via the link in the email, and got the same error.
Jose: I see DrEvil. I'd be happy to look into this for you today.
Jose: Although you have entered information about a SEN account before this chat, could you please provide the following to confirm the *exact* account you need assistance with?
- First and Last Name on account
- Sign-In ID (email address)
- Online ID
You: *Psn info here*
Jose: Thank you so much for the information provided, please wait while I research this for you.
Jose: Thanks for waiting.
Jose: Could you please provide me the voucher code you received?
You: Yup, one sec
You: ********
Jose: Thanks, where are you trying to redeem the voucher code?
You: I've tried via the PSN Store 'redeem code' screen, as well as the link provided in the email
Jose: Please Sign-in through the following link, and try to redeem the voucher code again please:
Jose: Sorry, this link:
You: both links give the SNAAAKE 404
Jose: The 16 digit code had to be redeemed before 11:59PM (PT) on June 21, 2015 at https://www.playstation.com/E3Voucher.com (link no longer working)
Jose: I am really sorry, in fact the vouche code has already expired.
You: no, no.
You: these are different codes.
You: The one I got for attending the event, I redeemed on the 19th
You: it said i'd get emailed digital goodies
You: the first of which, was a $5 PSN voucher
You: which is what I received yesterday
You: that code (the one i provided above) is coming back as invalid
Jose: Correct, If you already redeemed it on the website I just sent you, the digital gift will be emailed over the next few months.
You: the gift was emailed to me yesterday
You: the code in the gift is coming back as invalid.
Jose: What is that code gift?
You: ... i just explained it above.
Jose: Could you please to provide me it?
You: i just did.
You: i sent you the voucher code above
Jose: People who attended to the PlayStation E3 Experience 2015 in movie theaters received a 16 digit code, located on their badges.
Jose: The 16 digit code had to be redeemed before 11:59PM (PT) on June 21, 2015 at https://www.playstation.com/E3Voucher.com (link no longer working)
Jose: The previous step entitled you some PSN codes that will be emailed over the next few months.
You: Ok please listen to me carefully
You: because i've explained this already
You: I got the 16 digit code at the theater experience.
You: I redeemed it on the 19th of june at the website, at which time I was told I'd be emailed digital goodies over the next few weeks
You: YESTERDAY, I got the first of said goodies
You: which is a $5 PSN voucher
You: I went to redeem the $5 voucher
You: which I provided to you above
You: and that is coming back as the code is no longer valid
You: which is why i'm talking t you now
Jose: Okay, and that is which you just sent me before, right?
You: yes.
Jose: 12 Digits PSN Card voucher?
You: yes.
Jose: Using your PSN account, please Sign-in through the following link:
Jose: Then, go to account tab > redeem codes, and try to redeem it directly from the website, no from the console please.
You: "The Prepaid Card code you entered is incorrect or is no longer valid"
Jose: Okay, let me check this for you, one moment please.
Jose: Okay, thanks for waiting, I have identified that your PSN account is from Canada, right?
You: yes
Jose: Those voucher codes of E3 only applies for US accounts, in that case, the only way you can use the gift you received is using a US PSN account.
Jose: Since the event was performed on US, the gift are only for the same region.
You: why would they give out US codes at canadian theatres?
Jose: I am really sorry, but that is the information available about this process.
Jose: As I mentioned before, unless you use an US account, you won't be able to use that voucher code due region's restrictions.
Jose: Besides that, Is there anything else I can assist you with today?
You: nope.
Jose: It was a big pleasure to assist you with your Inquiry today. Thank you for contacting PlayStation Chat Support, have a nice day.
Yup, mine's american, too. The guy on the chat was ridiculously annoying.
Christian: Hello, My name is Christian how may I assist you today?
You: Hi Christian. I have recieved an email regarding the $5 voucher code since I attended the Sony E3 experience, however, when I try inputting the code, it says that it is invalid
Christian: I'm really sorry to hear that. I'd be happy to look into this for you today.
You: Thank you
Christian: Let me gather some information first to assist you better. May I please have the following?
•Online ID (Nickname on PSN).
•Sign in ID (Associated Email).
•First and last name.
•Phone number.
You: Online ID: ***********
You: Signin ID: ****************
You: ***********
You: Phone: *************
Christian: Thank you, Haru. One moment while I access your account.
You: Thanks
Christian: You're very welcome.
Christian: May I please have the voucher's code?
You: Sure. It is ****-****-****
Christian: Thank you.
Christian: I was checking the information but it seems the voucher was given for the region of US, since your account is from Canada, it cannot be redeemed on your account.
You: Oh, I see. So is there no way to receive the $5 to my account?
Christian: I'm afraid it can be redeemed only in an US account. My most sincere apology for that.
You: I deeply understand. Does that also mean the things I will receive from the Sony E3 experience will not work as well?
Christian: I'm sure they will, however, if there is other content you will receive and it doesn't work, please contact us back, so we can review those items for you.
You: I understand. While I am slightly dissapointed, I do thank you for taking your time for trying to help me out
Christian: You're very welcome, Haru. Is there anything else I can assist you with today?
You: I do believe that will be everything for today. Thanks
Christian: Thanks for contacting PlayStation chat support! Have a great day.
How can I not spend $69 on Splatoon? It's almost been a month at this point![]()
For those wondering, I just had my Battlefront automatically adjusted on Amazon to the temporary $64.96 without having to contact them.
Xbox One back up to $399![]()
Maybe I should have jumped at the $349 + $50GC offer.
Yup, mine's american, too. The guy on the chat was ridiculously annoying.
I'll never forget this.Josue: My solution can be: Create an US account.
Well, at least now I have an excuse to wait for Halo 5.
Climbing back to what? 80 cents? HahaWaiting not always the best especially as economists predicting the dollar to go to 73 cents near September onward before climbing back up next year. There's a reason retailers are keeping fall releases at $74.99-$79.99
Climbing back to what? 80 cents? Haha
Waiting not always the best especially as economists predicting the dollar to go to 73 cents near September onward before climbing back up next year. There's a reason retailers are keeping fall releases at $74.99-$79.99
Wait wait WHAT ?
2015/06/26 23:08 REGINA, SK In transit
2015/06/26 20:45 REGINA, SK Item processed
2015/06/26 13:02 AVONLEA, SK Item accepted at the Post Office
buy it from toysrus.ca
use CINEPLEXFEB in the coupon code box and you'll save $10.
the code is good to save $10 on any order over $50. I bought splatoon today from thanks to that.
I have two unused nintendo club codes. I don't know their value in coins (They are my ex-girlfriend's and she just left them behind. She never redeemed them and told me to just throw them in the garbage. Ugh.) I 've just learned that they're closing on the 30th so I'm just giving them away. If anyone wants them, Pm me ! First-come, First-served.
What are the chances of this getting delivered Monday? I'm in Toronto. Using Express Post service, estimate says Tuesday.
Just curious, slow work day lol
Code entering has been disabled I think. At least it was last time I checked.
Guaranteed next day to an Ontario address requires the shipment originate in Ontario or Quebec. They are rarely early.
Code entering has been disabled I think. At least it was last time I checked.
I found this :
" 7/31/15 - Last day to redeem Club Nintendo download codes in the Nintendo eShop. "
That's for game download codes you spend coins on. Codes for coins became invalid some time ago. And the last day to spend coins is the last day of June.
Waiting not always the best especially as economists predicting the dollar to go to 73 cents near September onward before climbing back up next year. There's a reason retailers are keeping fall releases at $74.99-$79.99
The pre-order price guarantee is that you pay the lowest price posted at any point between the time you place the order and when it ships. Some price drops only happen for a couple days and then go back to regular price and may not drop again. Star wars Battlefield is $64.96 today but it'll be going back up to $79.99 in a couple days and may just stay at full price until it ships. When it ships, it should be $64.96 charged.
Which reminds me that I have a code for Earthbound from last year that I never redeemed because I changed my mind about buying a Wii U. Would that code still work?
Hey guys, God of War 3 Remastered dropped from $39.99 to $39.96!
Hey guys, God of War 3 Remastered dropped from $39.99 to $39.96!
True, but $69.99 games are an easier pill to swallow than $79.99 games. Though I bet they'd take their sweet ass time bringing the price of games back down once they bring them up.
I just ordered 20
Xbox One back up to $399![]()
Maybe I should have jumped at the $349 + $50GC offer.
Ugh, I was actually debating getting one soon too. What a dealbreaker![]()
I can't remember the last time we Canadians got good news regarding the price of games....fml
Since I don't have a Wii U, I'm dropping the Earthbound code here. I hope it makes someone happy.
Guys, I'm getting buyers remorse from P4DAN. How are returns with Amazon? Do I have to pay for shipping? If I cancel that game, will it screw the deals I had in the same order? It really took me effort to get the 30% off applied to Superbeat Xonic and I don't want to screw that up.![]()
As long as you still have three games left in the order then you should be safe to cancel P4DAN, otherwise, yeah you have to pay return shipping.
And less than 2 days later my order is automatically updated. Stop wasting your time contacting Amazon to adjust what will automatically be adjusted. You people need to learn to relax.Hey guys, God of War 3 Remastered dropped from $39.99 to $39.96!
And less than 2 days later my order is automatically updated. Stop wasting your time contacting Amazon to adjust what will automatically be adjusted. You people need to learn to relax.
Rare Replay is only $30 in Canada too!
And less than 2 days later my order is automatically updated. Stop wasting your time contacting Amazon to adjust what will automatically be adjusted. You people need to learn to relax.
Will my card be charged now or when the game ships? Am I guaranteed to get it on release day? If I cancel two of my 3 games will I still get 30% off the third? Please advise.
Will my card be charged now or when the game ships? Am I guaranteed to get it on release day? If I cancel two of my 3 games will I still get 30% off the third? Please advise.
Card charged at time of shipping. You require 3 to get the discount. That is why many of us ordered more than 3 to provide a buffer for cancellations.