Wow.Yeah they also got rid of the discount for Toys to life as well which sucks for anyone collecting amiibo
I'm hoping it's just a temporary glitch and it's not listing the discount like it should. Unless it's been explicitly stated, in which case I hope they change their mind before it's time to renew. If they do stick with this stance, I'm definitely ending my run with them.
Yeah, it's kind of confusing.Pretty much the same here.
I mean, I get that Amazon Prime offers benefits other than 20% off "all" games (or, at least it's supposed to refer to all games) but, as a gamer, if they remove the chance to pre-order Limited/Collector's Editions of games at 20% off I'll literally have no reason to stay a member (aside from the laughable "Free Two-Day Shipping", which tends to take just as long if not longer to reach me when compared to non-Prime members).
You'd think they would give some reason, for gamers in-particular, to want to renew their Prime subscription. Most people likely subscribed when Prime first hit, which means the re-subscription date is coming ever closer. To go through E3, offering the standard 20% off of all game pre-orders to everyone, and nothing else to Prime members, and then remove the one thing that might make the service somewhat enticing (20% off Limited/Collector's Editions outside of E3)? Well, it's money saved for me, I guess, if they don't revert the change.