Are game prices dropping soon??
Probably bracing themselves for the NAFTA nuke effect on the CAD.Why the fuck is the 1070 $100 more now??
$650 for it are they fucking retarded?
Are game prices dropping soon??
Why the fuck is the 1070 $100 more now??
$650 for it are they fucking retarded?
Are game prices dropping soon??
Are game prices dropping soon??
PC Game Supply is selling at $49.99 CDN, but I have not bought off the site before.
Picked up 40 chicken nuggets from BK on my way home this afternoon. Feels good man.
no they weren't just for me
Its $100 more in the US as well.Probably bracing themselves for the NAFTA nuke effect on the CAD.
Oh, there it is.In the PC thread the theory is that they're all being bought up by miners as the next best thing after the RX 480/580, which have also skyrocketed in price due to demand.
I bought a GTX 1080 FE for $569 back in April. Clearly I dodged a hell of a bullet.
In the PC thread the theory is that they're all being bought up by miners as the next best thing after the RX 480/580, which have also skyrocketed in price due to demand.
I bought a GTX 1080 FE for $569 back in April. Clearly I dodged a hell of a bullet.
In the PC thread the theory is that they're all being bought up by miners as the next best thing after the RX 480/580, which have also skyrocketed in price due to demand.
I bought a GTX 1080 FE for $569 back in April. Clearly I dodged a hell of a bullet.
Walmarts continual temp transactions and checks to make sure my credit card is valid, resulted in my cc provider's anti fraud department contacting me.uh oh
God I hate kijiji.
*Lists Duck Tales 2*
"Did you add a zero to your price by mistake?"
First I get the $80 lowballers, now I get idiots who dont know what stuff is worth.
Does Amazon let you switch console versions of games and keep the discount? Or is that a total luck of the draw thing with who you get in chat?
luck of the draw
Anyone know where to get cheap Android phones?
Or specifically can someone recommend a cheap Android phone with NFC?
I was actually hoping for something cheaper, since I'd just be using it for the NFC functionality.Moto G Play frequently goes on sale for like $129 (prepaid model) which you can unlock for a few bucks. not sure if the Canadian version has NFC though? Have to google that.
Anyone know where to get cheap Android phones?
Or specifically can someone recommend a cheap Android phone with NFC?
I was actually hoping for something cheaper, since I'd just be using it for the NFC functionality.
Is seeing a Switch in public a rare things still? My local Wal-Mart had one but I don't want one yet.
Hah, I don't even know if I can talk about it, but I would be using it for nefarious Amiibo purposes (involving a 20 heart Wolf Link).OH. Okay. What's this for, if you don't mind me asking? Would a PC-connected NFC reader work just as well? Those are way cheaper.
Do we assume snes mini isn't doing preorders?
Do we assume snes mini isn't doing preorders?
It's $100 more in the US as well.
Oh, there it is.
Fucking hell.
I want to build a new PC but it seems like such a shitty time to do it. Skylake X is pretty junk, the 10XX GTX series is a year old so new shit is around the corner. I wanted to do a Intel 7800X and 1070 build but it would be a lot better to do a Ryzen 1700 and 1080 Ti one since it's pretty much the same price but a shitton better in the GPU department. Or maybe just keep my 2500K and drop a 1080 Ti in it, get new CPU next year.
Hah, I don't even know if I can talk about it, but I would be using it for nefarious Amiibo purposes (involving a 20 heart Wolf Link).
As far as I know, you need an Android phone with NFC for it to work. Or that Amiiqo device, but that'd cost like 80+ USD with no real reliable sellers.
Is my best bet trawling Kijiji or something for people trying to offload phones?
uh oh
Were you able to change your credit card for the order after calling the number?
Anyone know where I might be able to find a first run copy of Binding of Isaac for Switch (other than eBay)? Looking for the one with the original cover and manual.
If you add Amazon credit to your account, does the next thing that ships use that before the primary payment in the order?
Example: If I add $10 Amazon credit, and Splatoon 2 ships in two weeks, does that $10 go toward Splatoon 2 before my credit card, or do I have to add it manually?