Yea the story hasnt grabbed me yet and like I said everything is so richly detailed I find it hard to focus on one thing. Its a lot better on the 4K TV, I think the increased pixel count and clarity helps in this regard. Ill keep trying to return to it, maybe one day it will click.
As for the PS4 being an exclusive box, The Last of Us and Uncharted 4 have already satisfied me. Between God of War, Days Gone, Spiderman, Detroit, Death Stranding, The Last of Us 2... etc all have me pumped and my Pro purchase, fucking $565, already feels like a great value. Sony Studios do cinematic/narrative blockbusters right, its the one thing Xbox cant seem to do. But I didnt want to bring that shit into this thread, thats why I didnt give you an in-depth explanation of why I prefer to play on Xbox when you asked me earlier. Because this thread is very much free of the console wars bullshit and Ive never felt any animosity here, hey etta, you shat on the PS4 controller/PSN/dashboard, you must be a hater!!. Nah, people are open minded here, they discuss like they would in person and think things through before throwing accusations.
Pretty much.