any deals on a PS4 at the moment?
also how is when it comes to delivering? never used them.
From my experience, their shipping procedures are fine. They ship relatively quickly, and the option to either use Flex Delivery for free or ship to your home is nice.
Walmart's biggest issues, at least for me, is that if you want to edit your order in any way, you're going to have a hard time. Also, they apply a ton of pending charges to your credit card. Like,
a ton. This entire month I've had Splatoon 2 charged and retracted from my credit card about three or four times. It doesn't really hurt anything, but as someone who likes to keep a close eye on my finances, it's annoying to see charges build up and disappear at random.
They have some good deals sometimes though, so it's worth the hassle. I'm getting SMO for $50, and I'm going to totally embrace every pending charge come October.