My parents who are 70 and 71 voted just now.this makes me sad
Young people can't even make the effort to vote
My parents who are 70 and 71 voted just now.this makes me sad
not walking 20 mins just to go vote.
sue me.
I wish trudeau and the gang the best.
If you have a reddit account and want to help me out! For this video :
Go there
I re-summitted, they are 6000 people now :O!
Last time i post it lol. It's the Duceppe vs Harper vs Mulcair vs Trudeau Hardcore Wrestling match ( Made with WWE 2k15 )!
I think tories downvote mehaha
Works for me and I'm out of the country.
I voted for Re/Max.
They had the most signs.
My wife raised an interesting point: If non-Canadian residents aren't allowed to advocate, didn't Wayne violate that law?
not walking 20 mins just to go vote.
sue me.
I wish trudeau and the gang the best.
Well, I got my obligatory post out on Facebook trying to get my friends to vote... And now we wait
Is she not a resident? What?
I didnt know the Niqab was a big debate. What exactly is the Liberal stance on that?
Same, but from the looks of things the majority of mine had already voted by the time I had put it up.
My wife raised an interesting point: If non-Canadian residents aren't allowed to advocate, didn't Wayne violate that law?
I meant to reply earlier to this; that was funny as hell. I was watching it at lunch in a food court and probably looked like a crazy person just laughing at a table by myself.
My wife raised an interesting point: If non-Canadian residents aren't allowed to advocate, didn't Wayne violate that law?
Oh I read that as Wynne, I'm fighting a cold here, lol.
Your wife is correct.
like anyone is going after wayne
That women have the right to wear whatever they want in oaths, provided they show their face beforehand to confirm ID. Same as NDP.
I think Canadians living anywhere can comment on the election, so guys like Gretzky and Sutherland are fine
it's non-resident, non-Canadians that it applies to
dumb law, tho.
I'm a resident non-Canadian so I think I'm ok to tell y'all not to vote Con
A drunken Keifer Sutherland should totally storm the Conservative stage and Rocket Punch Harper.
A drunken Keifer Sutherland should totally storm the Conservative stage and Rocket Punch Harper.
oh god this fight happening on CBC
About what? Who's fighting?
My country is one where we're all in it together, working to build a better world.
Where is my country?
I thought it was Donald who was pissed? That would be better in my estimation.
That would make my year (if it was Donald instead)
About what? Who's fighting?
I think Canadians living anywhere can comment on the election, so guys like Gretzky and Sutherland are fine
it's non-resident, non-Canadians that it applies to
dumb law, tho.
I'm a resident non-Canadian so I think I'm ok to tell y'all not to vote Con
if the long campaign was worth it
the girl was saying it was shallow and didn't actually address issues... the orange haired boy was lving the long campaign and then went down to nah, nah, nah your from a other newspaper your opinion doesn't matter (kinda rude)
This National Post guy is super annoying.
GAF who do I vote for to have $60 games again.
My parents who are 70 and 71 voted just now.
Young people can't even make the effort to vote
That sounds reasonable.
Is it just for oaths? What happens for something like a driver's license?
Apparently only 2 in 686K wore a niqab for oathtaking. How did this become a big thing?