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Canadian PoliGAF - 42nd Parliament: Sunny Ways in Trudeaupia

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He's much worse. He has zero tact in how little he cares about working-class Canadians (zero), he doesn't even spend his time in this country (he's a US resident), and he's a serious, hardcore neoliberal of the most extreme kind, far beyond how any Canadian Prime Minister has ever governed. He also has no respect for either the indigenous peoples or the founding nations of Canada, and his lack of tact and propensity to run his mouth would show with the indigenous peoples, I'm sure. He doesn't remotely care about anyone other than himself. He has no understanding of what it means to be an MP, let alone a party leader, let alone leader of the opposition, let alone a PM. The less the media here focuses on his loud mouth, the better.

He would turn us into a loud, obnoxious joke on the world stage.

Given what went down south of our borders, it would be unwise to ignore Kevin and his utterings given he's one of the three leading candidates in the ongoing race (Bernier, Leitch, O'Leary). If anything, they should be covering what O'Leary today and whatever ridiculous remarks he'll make during the French debate as a reminder of why he is unfit to be leader of a political party, let alone the sole right-wing political party of Canada.

Pancake Mix

Copied someone else's pancake recipe
Given what went down south of our borders, it would be unwise to ignore Kevin and his utterings given he's one of the three leading candidates in the ongoing race (Bernier, Leitch, O'Leary). If anything, they should be covering what O'Leary today and whatever ridiculous remarks he'll make during the French debate as a reminder of why he is unfit to be leader of a political party, let alone the sole right-wing political party of Canada.

Isn't that what they did in the States, but it backfired and gave that kind of thing a platform?


Pretty new to Canadian politics and I came across this petition for electoral reform https://petitions.parl.gc.ca/en/Petition/Sign/e-616 and wanted to email my MP and pressure them, was wondering if there was a template out there about what I should say?

I saw at template over at the Canada Subreddit for a liberal MP.

Tbh, just email in formal language about why you would like to abolish FPTP (Like, lets say, how you feel like now more than ever the canadian people should be represented in proportion rather than having to strategically plan elections and how we need to make sure the loudest minority (ie: alt-right and fascists) don't end up gaming a system like this and control the majority) and explain what you want done about this situation going forward.

Your email doesn't have to be perfect, just one that isn't overly sloppy :p

Call. Emails are minimum-effort and often treated as such.

Or this too. I'd say do both since theres no harm :p
Call. Emails are minimum-effort and often treated as such.

And if you can't or really don't want to call, a completely personal email is better than a template one. I find most personal emails I sent out to my MPs had the MP themselves get back to me personally, whereas templated ones get filtered at the staffer level

it's pretty good
It would translate more to "Liberals have their hands in their own pockets". Alluding to the fact that liberals tend to spend a lot of public funds.

Ah, I figured it was going to be something like that. Though, I was wondering if something had broke/going to break newswise that I missed.
Well, I sent my ERRE email off to my MP, the Minister for Democratic Institutions and the PM. I'm right now 2/3 on personalized responses to my emails, let's see if I can get that to tick upwards

Also thinking about attending a local protest on Sunday. Even if this does nothing, we need to get our voices out to let them know the political hit this will cost them.


Well, I sent my ERRE email off to my MP, the Minister for Democratic Institutions and the PM. I'm right now 2/3 on personalized responses to my emails, let's see if I can get that to tick upwards

Also thinking about attending a local protest on Sunday. Even if this does nothing, we need to get our voices out to let them know the political hit this will cost them.

You could always drop by your nearest Liberal constit office.


I like this guy, why isn't he making or noise..Or he is and the crazier conservatives are just drowning him out?

He's leading in fundraising- both in the dollar amount but also in number of donors- lots of small donors. Don't know if his monetary policy insanity will ultimately sink him though.


I can't say I'm shocked that someone whose ideas are straight out of the 1890s also likes jokes that are about that old, too.

It's not even that cold. He was probably sitting on that joke for two weeks, impatiently waiting for the temperature to finally dip below -15 so he could use it.


He's leading in fundraising- both in the dollar amount but also in number of donors- lots of small donors. Don't know if his monetary policy insanity will ultimately sink him though.
He seems like a decent fit for the cpc, certainly seems a lot more moderate (or reasonable) than some of the current shock value Conservatives of late. Think I'll do some reading.
He seems like a decent fit for the cpc, certainly seems a lot more moderate (or reasonable) than some of the current shock value Conservatives of late. Think I'll do some reading.

Bringing back the gold standard is arguably the most destructive and stupid idea put forth by any of the current Conservative leadership candidates.


It's a weird hill to die on. Although I'd imagine in our system it'd be impossible for a crazy PM to get a gold standard through the House and the Senate. If the Senate doesn't stop something like that, then what are they even there for?


It's a weird hill to die on. Although I'd imagine in our system it'd be impossible for a crazy PM to get a gold standard through the House and the Senate. If the Senate doesn't stop something like that, then what are they even there for?
Nah, because he likes the idea he'll just push it through, just like electoral reform
Sarah Palin could be the next US ambassador in Canada, according to a rumor Paul Wells heard: https://twitter.com/InklessPW/status/827539979484135424

This rumour has been around for a few months now. Canada 2020 held an event a few weeks before Christmas, and they made reference to it then.

From what I've heard, if it's going to be any public figure, Paul LePage is probably a more likely bet. He joked about it last summer, and apparently he visits Montreal fairly frequently.
You could always drop by your nearest Liberal constit office.

Maybe, I do know that the Liberal MP for where I am currently living for school (Ottawa) has scheduled drop-in hours where I could repeat my views in person. Then again, I could maybe also catch my NDP MP from where I'm officially registered in her Ottawa Office

GSG Flash

Nobody ruins my family vacation but me...and maybe the boy!
I received a Liberal survey, in my inbox today, about 2017 issues that are important to me. I emphasized the importance of electoral reform and keeping your campaign promises.

Surprisingly electoral reform was one of the options that you were able to select :p


Rumor has it that ex-MLA and political commentator Yolande James will be the candidate replacing Stephane Dion in the riding of St-Laurent.
I received a Liberal survey, in my inbox today, about 2017 issues that are important to me. I emphasized the importance of electoral reform and keeping your campaign promises.

Surprisingly electoral reform was one of the options that you were able to select :p


link to the online version:

Legalizing Weed is my top priority after Canadian Unity

Rumor has it that ex-MLA and political commentator Yolande James will be the candidate replacing Stephane Dion in the riding of St-Laurent.

Yay!!! I love her!


What will Trump want from Canada on NAFTA? A U.S. document may offer clues

— Cheese and dairy: Canada's regulations on compositional standards restrict access to the Canadian market for U.S. dry milk proteins. The report says Canada limits imports by providing milk components at discounted prices to domestic processors.

— Supply management: Canada limits imports of dairy, chicken, turkey, and eggs. The report says U.S. imports above quota levels face big tariffs — 245 per cent for cheese, 298 per cent for butter. "(This) inflates the prices Canadians pay for dairy and poultry."

— Wine and liquor: Canadians get taxed on imports of U.S. alcohol upon returning from U.S. trips, the report says. "This inhibits Canadians from purchasing U.S. alcoholic beverages while (travelling)." To boot, most provinces restrict sales of wine, beer, and spirits to provincial liquor boards, which have a monopoly. B.C. and Ontario also have grocery-store restrictions.

— Retail: Canadians have stricter rules on what they can bring home from a vacation duty-free. They also are allowed to buy far less online duty-free from abroad. Canadians pay a customs fee when importing anything over $20 from online purchases — for Americans, the limit is $800.

— Aerospace: The report mentions several Canadian initiatives helping the industry, and specifically refers to Bombardier Inc. as a company worth monitoring carefully.

— Intellectual property: The report calls enforcement of intellectual property rights a continuing priority in relations with Canada. It doesn't get specific, but pharmaceuticals are one recurring irritant.

— Procurement: Not all Canadian Crown corporations are open to U.S. product suppliers. "Hydro-Quebec... can pose hurdles for U.S. companies in the renewable energy sector."

— Telecommunications: Canada maintains a 46.7 per cent limit on foreign ownership of major telecommunications suppliers. The report says: "This is one of the most restrictive regimes among developed countries."

— Seeds and grain: Canada's Seeds Act generally prohibits the sale or advertising for sale or import into Canada of various seeds. Also, U.S. wheat and barley exporters struggle to receive a premium grade that indicates use for milling purposes.

— Cloud computing: The Canadian government wouldn't allow American cloud-computing services to compete for a contract to store federal data, like emails. The cited reason was national security. The report says that, under such logic, U.S. companies could be frozen out of all public-sector work — one-third of Canada's market.

Wolff predicts many issues will wind up on the negotiating table.

While Canada has suggested its preference would be a small, targeted renegotiation of NAFTA, Wolff, a onetime senior U.S. trade negotiator, said that the rule of thumb in important negotiations is that topics get added over time.

Fuck Off Tier:
Aerospace- The USA and other countries around the world heavily subsidize their industries way more than we do ours, They can fuck off unless they and the rest of the world stop subsidizing their industries also
Intellectual Property - Fuck off, simply just Fuck off
Procurement - Compared to the rest of the provinces, Hydro Quebec is pretty awesome and already generates the energy they need at an extremely low price. USA can fuck off if they want to change that in any major way (Granted, Ontarian here so the grass is greener on the other side)
Cloud Computing - Only because the USA has a wildly invasive Spying program and laws to force USA companies to turn over foreign data

Good Tier:
Retail - Our limits are way too low
Wine and Liquor - Anything that lights a fire under our provinces asses to make Alcohol easier to buy is good
Telecommunications - Only because I want Robellus to burn to the ground

No Opinion What-so-ever Tier:
Supply Management
Cheese and Dairy
Seeds and Grain


Please get rid of supply management. I don't understand its purpose in the 21st century, especially in a supposedly free-trade bloc.

edit: If Trump wants to emphasize Buy American and the reduction of the trade deficit, I can definitely see retail and supply management on the list. Not sure how softwood lumber will be in the mix, as that's apparently up for renegotiation.


Nexus cards revoked from all Canadian permanent residents with citizenship in restricted countries

Nexus memberships have been revoked from all Canadian permanent residents with citizenship in any one of the seven majority-Muslim countries affected by the U.S. travel ban, Canadian Border Services Agency has confirmed to CBC News, citing U.S. Customs and Border Protection.

At least seven Canadian-born and dual citizens have said that their Nexus memberships were revoked in the wake of a U.S. executive order barring entry to passport holders from Iran, Iraq, Libya, Somalia, Sudan, Syria and Yemen.


I hope none of you or your friend is affected.


Fuck Off Tier:
Aerospace (USA and other countries around the world does it too, They can fuck off unless they and the rest of the world stops subsidizing their industries too)
Intellectual property (Fuck off, simply just Fuck off)
Procurement (Compared to the rest of the provinces, Hydro Quebec is pretty awesome and already generates the energy they need at an extremely low price. USA can fuck off if they want to change that in any major way)
Cloud computing (Only because the USA has a wildly invasive Spying program and laws to force USA companies to turn off foreign data)

Good Tier:
Retail (Our limits are way too low)
Wine and liquor (Anything that lights a fire under our provinces asses to make Alcohol easier to buy is good)
Telecommunications (Only because I want Robellus to burn to the ground)

No Opinion What-so-ever Tier:
Supply management
Cheese and dairy
Seeds and grain

Hydro-Quebec is planning to increase its sale of electricity to the north eastern US quite massively over the next few years. We already produce at over capacity due to corruption, and when all cars will be electrified it will be a huge source of revenue for the state.

But I am 100% sure that corrupt governments will try to privatize everything profitable from HQ, as they have attempted before in various ways.

For the alcohol part, I don't care. Alcohol can remain expensive for all I care. Only reason I care about legalization of marijuana is to no longer put people in jail over this, allow the plant to be used for various purposes, but certainly not to sell marijuana cigarettes. Even prescribed marijuana ends up being smoked, which is completely stupid. Alcohol screws lives pretty significantly. High taxes on that stuff is how it should be, just like with fast food and other socially-counter-productive products.

I think that image is pretty insulting. I mean, he's not their grandma, he's a politician, the kind of politician who deploys people to war. You'd think he would have made more effort. Plus, Jos Louis are disgusting.
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