If you want to use cancel culture against them, that's your prerogative. I won't do it, for the reasons I mentioned earlier (e.g., lowering yourself, amplifying the problem, hypocrisy).
I'll add one more. It'll probably sound misogynistic, but oh well. Cancel culture uses methods that overlap with women's characteristic style of expressing aggression - smears, reputation destruction, behind-the-back gossip, isolation, and exclusion. It's no coincidence that most SJWs are women. I'm no macho man, but engaging in cancel culture feels unmanly to me.
Extremely misogynistic, to be honest. You think most SJWs are women? What part about the whole massive trans movement did you miss? You know… the one where it’s a lot of biological males driving almost every aspect of the activism?
You might think cancel culture is unmanly, but there are a lot of dudes out there who are quite happy to engage in it.