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Capcom Says It Will Continue To Grow The Ace Attorney Series And Insists It "Won't Stop Producing Content"

Thick Thighs Save Lives

NeoGAF's Physical Games Advocate Extraordinaire

Ace Attorney fans worried about the series dropping off can seemingly relax, with Capcom recently easing any concerns in a recent interview.

Speaking to Netlab, Capcom's Kenichi Hashimoto has mentioned how the Japanese developer and publisher "won't stop" producing Ace Attorney content. There are apparently plenty of "directions" the team is looking at taking this long-running series. This even potentially includes more "mixed media".

At the moment, there is not much else the developer can say, and it will be ready to reveal more when the time is right. Here's a translation (via Nintendo Everything):
Kenichi Hashimoto: "The Ace Attorney series won’t stop producing content. We definitely have a lot of directions we want to further grow in, including mixed media. There’s things we’d want to talk about when the time comes that we can reveal something, but for now I can’t say much."


Love Ace Attorney. Hope they drop some of the goofy sidekicks and powers though. Every time I go to play AA5, Athena is such a huge turn off. I'd love to see them take a more serious tone. Drop the psyche-locks and Mood Matrix and Divination crap. I'd like to see Apollo's Perception ability come back. No goofy bracelet required. For as limited as they are, AA games have excellent animation. Each frame is meticulously designed to convey a given message, and I being able to spot weird sideways glances or nervous ticks during testimony always makes you feel like a genius when you get it right, rather than relying on a magic macguffin to do the leg work for you.

Honestly if there's any series that could benefit from AI, it would be this one. Being able to actually verbally ask or type out questions to various people to get information would be awesome. To be able to cross examine witnesses in your own words, and get varied responses back based on that. One of the most limiting factors in the games is the precise nature you have to offer the exact item on the exact phrase or whatever, no matter how tenuous of a connection those things might hold.

In other news: Objection.lol is one of the best things to come out of the series, if indirectly.


The statement does make it sound like we'll get more side projects rather than more games, until they're ready, but here's hoping that's just a small part of it.
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Gold Member
I’ve lost track of what I’ve played, the first 3 for sure, Apollo had a game and the first of miles’ but not the second, or the one in the past. But then there was one at sea world was that 4 or 5?


The nicest person on this forum
Spin this however you like, what I hear is "AA7 is no longer in development and we're not sure what the future of this series even looks like."
To be fair Takumi didn’t want to continue Phoenix Wright’s story after first trilogy.
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