Capcom seems to be getting ready to announce a Dragon's Dogma 2 DLC


Gold Member

After last week, it looks like Dragon's Dogma 2 is getting ready to receive a DLC.

As reported by users on reddit, the Dragon's Dogma 2 application on Steam received numerous encrypted updates that can be consulted via SteamDB. The wording accompanying these updates shows the word “DLC” in several cases, apparently a clear sign that Capcom is working on new content for its action RPG.

Currently, the company has not announced anything official about this, nor has Itsuno, in his farewell message, made any mention of the arrival of DLC for the game. But we know how Capcom has already proposed a substantial post-launch expansion with the first chapter of the series, and it's by no means excluded that this could be repeated. Dragon's Dogma Dark Arisen was one of the most highly regarded pieces of content in the game, acclaimed by players looking for a new mysterious setting to explore, even more attractive and challenging, and new specializations to further improve their Arisen.



It's hard to imagine the franchise going forward without Hideaki Itsuno, from what I understand he envisioned the game as early as the mid 2000s, we're talking a Kojima-Metal Gear type of thing here, but we'll see, to be fair Capcom has been releasing banger after banger recently so I'll trust them for now, maybe he even managed to work on the DLC before leaving Capcom.
It's hard to imagine the franchise going forward without Hideaki Itsuno, from what I understand he envisioned the game as early as the mid 2000s, we're talking a Kojima-Metal Gear type of thing here, but we'll see, to be fair Capcom has been releasing banger after banger recently so I'll trust them for now, maybe he even managed to work on the DLC before leaving Capcom.
well, my main issue with dragon's dogma 2 is that the franchise didn't go forward. it basically just reiterated itself, &, in some ways, not nearly as well as it'd done originally...


Gilgamesh Fan Annoyance
Hope they add new vocations or give Sorcerer it's Dark Magic back. Either way if they do announce DLC I hope they add endgame on par or better then BBI and keep players engaged on wanting to stay playing the game.

And give us some dungeons that aren't just more caves.

semiconscious semiconscious It very much rewrites itself. This ties into the lore of DD2. Digging deep you have something very interesting but it is not explored a whole lot and that is where DD2 failed to deliver.
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Honestly the game drew me in but didn’t stick the landing. I hadn’t played the original, but honestly eventually the lightness of content is just exhausting. Same 3 fucking reskinned world bosses..
Hope they add new vocations or give Sorcerer it's Dark Magic back. Either way if they do announce DLC I hope they add endgame on par or better then BBI and keep players engaged on wanting to stay playing the game.

And give us some dungeons that aren't just more caves.

semiconscious semiconscious It very much rewrites itself. This ties into the lore of DD2. Digging deep you have something very interesting but it is not explored a whole lot and that is where DD2 failed to deliver.
why would i want to spend time 'digging deep' into a game that's fundamentally one long, never-ending episode of deju vu? i can see wanting to bail (which I did after 30+ hours), but wanting to 'dig deep'? there's just gotta be some incentive there (i loved/replayed the original game, btw)...


Gilgamesh Fan Annoyance
why would i want to spend time 'digging deep' into a game that's fundamentally one long, never-ending episode of deju vu? i can see wanting to bail (which I did after 30+ hours), but wanting to 'dig deep'? there's just gotta be some incentive there (i loved/replayed the original game, btw)...
To each their own. I like the lore in both games. But I spent 100+ hours in both games so...

Player engagement is definitely much better in DD1.


I cry about Xbox and hate PlayStation.
DD2: cut content edition

well i bought DD2 months ago, i guess i should wait for this and further optimizaton then
After the recently De Nuvo free version had been acquired. Dataminers found in the game files cut content/possible DLC that brings multiplayer and a boss rush mode in the Moon Tower.



It's hard to imagine the franchise going forward without Hideaki Itsuno, from what I understand he envisioned the game as early as the mid 2000s, we're talking a Kojima-Metal Gear type of thing here, but we'll see, to be fair Capcom has been releasing banger after banger recently so I'll trust them for now, maybe he even managed to work on the DLC before leaving Capcom.
He was the one holding back the franchise from going forward, same thing he did to DMC. I’ve enjoyed his games but maybe capcom restricted him, or he just wasnt creative enough.


Been holding off on getting this game as I hear it severely lacks enemy variety. Hopefully they have an updated version being worked on? Maybe DLC like Black Isle too?

Mr Hyde

Hold off on buying this because I knew Capcom would release a new SKU with DLC included, just like Dark Arisen.


Gold Member
Bought it this weekend and add a lot of fun for a dozen hours before the lack of enemy variety started to get a bit annoying, mostly because of how easy it is to beat up anyone when you're leveld up. Except the dragon what a cunt im level 35 and it still destroy my party everytime i see it.



After last week, it looks like Dragon's Dogma 2 is getting ready to receive a DLC.

As reported by users on reddit, the Dragon's Dogma 2 application on Steam received numerous encrypted updates that can be consulted via SteamDB. The wording accompanying these updates shows the word “DLC” in several cases, apparently a clear sign that Capcom is working on new content for its action RPG.

Currently, the company has not announced anything official about this, nor has Itsuno, in his farewell message, made any mention of the arrival of DLC for the game. But we know how Capcom has already proposed a substantial post-launch expansion with the first chapter of the series, and it's by no means excluded that this could be repeated. Dragon's Dogma Dark Arisen was one of the most highly regarded pieces of content in the game, acclaimed by players looking for a new mysterious setting to explore, even more attractive and challenging, and new specializations to further improve their Arisen.

Its one of few games that NEEDS dlc. Game was just so damn shallow and redundant. It needs dlc to overhaul the gameplay, it needs repeatable content and more worthwhile exploration, and a huge overhaul to loot.
Expansion needs to be huge though, like almost equal map size to the base game, just filled with dungeons.


I think enemy variety is kind of okay, it could be better but it didn't bother me. There is goblins, humans, lizards, ghosts, harpies and boss creatures like golem, cyclops, chimera, griffon, a few dragon types often in-fighting too.

DD never had enemy scaling. Its also a bit of power fantasy.

It could use some proper dungeons.

DD2 is one of my GOTY contenders, I beat it 2 times in a row which is a thing I rarely do.


I bought a sex doll, but I keep it inflated 100% of the time and use it like a regular wife
It could use some proper dungeons.
For me this is the biggest miss of the game. I was expecting at least a few dungeons like the water god temple from the first game but nah, it's all caves. Oh and don't forget the Bluemoon Tower being just an elevator. That one hurt lol.


The game has a solid base, but it really needs new content. Specifically new enemies and some dungeon crawling.
This is pretty much my issue. I have very little reason to go back to the game, DD1 felt like it had much, much more to explore. This game really fell off for me, kinda like it limited itself...if that makes sense.

The first one had an Morrowind sense of exploration for me, meaning I could wander off and find a lot of cool stuff, eventually end up somewhere I probably shouldn't be and get my ass whipped. The second game...I didn't really get that vibe. I'd find a cave and it was just a cave.
. The second game...I didn't really get that vibe. I'd find a cave and it was just a cave.
What are you wanting the cave to be? Seems very much like ER to me which I loved. You go into the cave explore and usually find some good equipment\treasure. Which I need right now because the new area is kicking my ass.
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Better late than never. They really need more enemy types badly. DD2 was my most hyped game of the year and also subsequently my biggest disappointment of the year. It wasn't a bad game, but it felt like a step back from Dark Arisen in a lot of ways, especially in enemy variety and magic classes. Launching with those performance issues didn't help it much, either.


Gold Member
DD2 felt like another try at DD1.

Instead of being the game they actually wanted DD1 to be originally, but due to time, budget, etc. they couldn't do it.

Also it uses the shitty (for open world) RE Engine.
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Gilgamesh Fan Annoyance
DD2 needs everything DDDA has and then some. Baffling how a sequel removed half of what made DDDA great and just inserted nonsense into it.

Vocation reworks as they are too limited and restrictive
Change vocation and gear from campsites
New vocations, pull from DD Online if you have to
Bring back Hybrid Vocations
Why are special arrows tied to a skill when we can set shortcuts for items in this game?
Restore all the missing enemy types and add more
Restore the DDDA enemy AI
Add enemy types from DD Online
Add real dungeons with multiple floors and not just forgettable Caves
Add meaningful gear that isn't just bought at vendor and upgraded there
Add the old gearing system with Clothing and Armor slots
Add meaningful upgrades that aren't just Knockdown Power
Randomized loot tables
Add a Everfall equivalent
Add a Bitterblack Mega dungeon equivalent
Add an actual Final Boss
Add Eternal Ferrystone
Make Eternal Wakestone infinite use
Fast travel between Riftstones would be better
Make Saurians turn invisible for ambushes
Space out enemies so you can enjoy the ambience
Give us the full DDDA soundtrack instead of select tracks
Set the lvl cap to 200 as anything above it does not give additional stats at all
Allow players to sell gear from Storage at vendors
Better inventory system
More then 2 romance options
Longer hairstyles
Hard mode difficulty
Give back Sorcerer their spell list
Revise consumables as losing max HP is just artificial difficulty
Change Warfarer so each weapon can set their own skills
Augments that matter
Dragonforging only possible by killing Drakes or Dragons with a percent chance based on the enemy type
NG+ should have a way to skip to Endgame immediately through a special Riftstone or NPC
Add a questline that raises the stakes or makes you care a little as you can basically do whatever and no one would bat an eye in the base game
Get the original composer from Dragon's Dogma off of Monster Hunter and let them compose for this game?
Flesh out Battahl and Volcano Island?
More lore on the Brine, Beastren and this iteration of this cycle
Return the Notice board for the typical MMO sidequests of deliver this or kill that, kill this boss 3 times and so on to lengthen the game
Quest NPCs and Pawns need color coded thought bubbles to tell the player if they have quest knowledge/hints
Can we have the Godsbane Blade as a usable weapon?

Lemme know if I missed anything.
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Hell fuckin yeah!

DD1 was shittier than DD2 is, before BBI.

Once the dlc/BBI hit, DD1 became a goat.

I'm expecting the same for DD2. Make it happen Capcom.

star trek picard GIF
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I was very disappointed by the variety and scale of DD2. I'm rarely hyped enough to buy a game day 1, but I thought that if they built upon Dark Arisen it'd be awesome. Instead they just made basically the same game as DD 1 on modern hardware. It only has 2-3 zones that are visually distinct. There were some cool things like pawn interactions that felt novel and cool, but it was barely a 6/10.
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