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Captain America: The Winter Soldier SPOILER THREAD | ...does anyone want to get out?


It would be interesting if Black Widow ended up being a double agent for Shield/Hydra in Cap 3 and she was the one that gave the staff to Hydra.


Feels like Avengers 2 will be more about the Avengers leading themselves in the absence of SHIELD, which could be a really cool way to make the tone feel different right from the start, instead of feeling like a repeat of the beats in the first Avengers film.
Didn't Joss recently say Avengers 2 would be a more personal, tragic film? Trying to lead themselves without SHIELD would definitely line up with that.


It would be interesting if Black Widow ended up being a double agent for Shield/Hydra in Cap 3 and she was the one that gave the staff to Hydra.

But honestly she didn't have to work for HYDRA to give them the staff, she recovered it for SHIELD unknowingly it would fall by proxy on HYDRA's hands, so that would be an unnecessary development unless Marvel want her to be on the clearly evil side which I don't think they do.


Just imagine all the stuff HYDRA now have in its hands since who knows for how long they have been infiltrated in SHIELD.


It doesn't really seem like Hydra really needed to "steal" anything from SHIELD really. They were a part of the organization since it was created, and as recent as in the Avengers films, SHIELD's big military plan was to use Hydra tech as a foundation for creating more weapons of the same sort - implying that Hydra's WW2 tech is still ahead of the curve compared to whatever they can come up with themselves.

It's kinda hilarious how incompetent SHIELD is. No wonder Stark is just a "consultant" instead of an actual partner or director in SHIELD's tech division. He probably rolls his eyes every time they call him.


I watched this yesterday and I loved it.

The fight sequences goddamn. Not enough Agent 13 but it's nice to see she's gonna be back in the next film. Not enough of Maria Hill either.

I did notice something was off with Peggy's mouth, it seemed like she was using dentures... which made sense since she's an old lady I guess.

Black Widow's line of "I want to play a game" had me on the floor, specially because after I watched TWS I got home and Saw 3D started airing lmao. Now every time I see Jigsaw I'm gonna think of that moment.

I was glad too see that everyone got their time to shine and I liked Caps and Natasha's dynamic a lot.


Yeah, the War Games reference was pretty great.

I was kinda expecting Cap saying something along the lines of "I understood that reference", but I chuckled when he said "Yeah I saw that movie". Surprising, Cap saw that particular movie but he still has Star Wars on his list? Hehe. Still, I loved the fact he was a bit annoyed about Natasha explaining it to him. Guess the countless "oh you need to catch up on that" lines are getting old, even for Cap :p
Yeah, the War Games reference was pretty great.

I was kinda expecting Cap saying something along the lines of "I understood that reference", but I chuckled when he said "Yeah I saw that movie". Surprising, Cap saw that particular movie but he still has Star Wars on his list? Hehe. Still, I loved the fact he was a bit annoyed about Natasha explaining it to him. Guess the countless "oh you need to catch up on that" lines are getting old, even for Cap :p

I thought Star Wars was crossed off the list, but Star Trek was not.


Yeah, we really need a screencap of that list soon. :p


I need to take a picture of my theater. I remember that it said among other things "Octavio Paz"


I like all the actions scens in the movie, it was a very serious movie. (almost no humor in this)

Really love the movie but for my friends was a little confusing.

- I was expecting to see more of Emily Van Camp.
- ..and more of Maria Hill. And WTF at the ending Maria Hill at Stark Industries office (?)
- Love the Dr. Strange reference and to see the Stark/Avengers Tower.
- Dat knife combat sequence in the street fight.
- I really love how Marvel uses the Winter Soldier. It was good as the Cap, but so different in some badass ways.
Happy he didn't die in the movie and he is a soldier who doesn't know about who he really is.
- Really miss Hawkeye in this one
and now i undertand why he isn't using a suit with the shield logo in the shooting of Age of Ultron.
I was thinking Hawkeye are a key character only in avengers movies.
- Really like the Robert Redfort part in this, but the "daughter-bogota plot" was silly for me. Also i don´t like to see somebody (even Pierce) over the top of Nick Fury.
- "Peggy Carter still owes me a dance". Very good Cap,..very good.
- Funny to see The Dark Knight's Mr. Lau as a member of the council and the Community's guy.
- The council was stupid for me.
- Don't know now who Crossbones is. But i want to know more.
- Falcon was really charismatic in this one like Coulson was in phase 1 for me.
- Ezekiel 25:17 quote make my day.
- I totally forgot about Loki´s staff until i see the post-credits.

Very fun movie and want to see it again. The last 40 mins i want to go to the bathroom, but i can't stop watching. I really like the balls of Marvel to erase Shield for the plots of Age of Ultron. Yeah, I strongly believe that will help to build the Avengers Team without any organization's support behind them.

At this moments the MCU feels all connected, but Guardians of the Galaxy seems distant for me, at least for the phase 2 era.


I like all the actions scens in the movie, it was a very serious movie. (almost no humor in this)

Really love the movie but for my friends was a little confusing.

- I was expecting to see more of Emily Van Camp.
- ..and more of Maria Hill. And WTF at the ending Maria Hill at Stark Industries office (?)
- Love the Dr. Strange reference and to see the Stark/Avengers Tower.
- Dat knife combat sequence in the street fight.
- I really love how Marvel uses the Winter Soldier. It was good as the Cap, but so different in some badass ways.
Happy he didn't die in the movie and he is a soldier who doesn't know about who he really is.
- Really miss Hawkeye in this one
and now i undertand why he isn't using a suit with the shield logo in the shooting of Age of Ultron.
I was thinking Hawkeye are a key character only in avengers movies.
- Really like the Robert Redfort part in this, but the "daughter-bogota plot" was silly for me. Also i don´t like to see somebody (even Pierce) over the top of Nick Fury.
- "Peggy Carter still owes me a dance". Very good Cap,..very good.
- Funny to see The Dark Knight's Mr. Lau as a member of the council and the Community's guy.
- The council was stupid for me.
- Don't know now who Crossbones is. But i want to know more.
- Falcon was really charismatic in this one like Coulson was in phase 1 for me.
- Ezekiel 25:17 quote make my day.
- I totally forgot about Loki´s staff until i see the post-credits.

Very fun movie and want to see it again. The last 40 mins i want to go to the bathroom, but i can't stop watching. I really like the balls of Marvel to erase Shield for the plots of Age of Ultron. Yeah, I strongly believe that will help to build the Avengers Team without any organization's support behind them.

At this moments the MCU feels all connected, but Guardians of the Galaxy seems distant for me, at least for the phase 2 era.

No need for black bars here. This is the spoiler thread.

I can see Hill going to Stark, she needs to lie low and also to keep tabs.


So, what did Fury tell Cap when they met at his tombstone, about what he was doing and where he was going? I kinda forgot already :p


That's not true at all. It's not like Iron Man 3 or Thor 2 but there's definitely humor.
Its too little and too sutil for an average audence. For me was a fine trip, but for my family was exausting. Sometimes the film needs some spaces to break the tension.


steals Justin Bieber DVDs
You know, the dismantling of SHIELD really opens up new possibilities in the MCU and would explain how superheroes can operate street level in the Netflix series. If Cap 2 didn't happen, SHIELD would probably bring Daredevil and co into their influence. And if Marvel/Disney do get the rights back to Spider-Man (yeah right), it would easily fit into the post Cap 2 timeline.


You know, the dismantling of SHIELD really opens up new possibilities in the MCU and would explain how superheroes can operate street level in the Netflix series. If Cap 2 didn't happen, SHIELD would probably bring Daredevil and co into their influence. And if Marvel/Disney do get the rights back to Spider-Man (yeah right), it would easily fit into the post Cap 2 timeline.

Also for a lot of fodder, also i'm curious of what will happen to former-Agents of SHIELD.
I must have watched a different movie from GAF, the hand to hand fight scenes were really well done, Evans is always great as Cap and Winter Soldier was pretty fucking badass. Falcon was ok and it was nice to see Peggy, dat Alzheimers :*(

Everything else though...Black Widow is the most boring character ever and just like Avengers you could have removed her from the movie and lost more or less nothing. Too many inconsistencies and stupid moments that had me scratching my head too, Cap's shield will absorb a blow from Thor's hammer that levels half a forest but a punch from GSP/Batroc knocks him back.

Needed about 30 minutes less Black Widow and running around crying about SHIELD and Fury and another 10 minutes of Cap struggling with Bucky being the Winter Soldier.
The body count on this movie kinda reminds how rated G was Indiana Jones lol
I like more grounded feel of Cap. Its kinda hard to buy Falcon's suit and skill in this movie. Its like he's been part of Avengers West Coast and finally showed up


You know, the dismantling of SHIELD really opens up new possibilities in the MCU and would explain how superheroes can operate street level in the Netflix series. If Cap 2 didn't happen, SHIELD would probably bring Daredevil and co into their influence. And if Marvel/Disney do get the rights back to Spider-Man (yeah right), it would easily fit into the post Cap 2 timeline.
I keep seeing people saying similar things about Marvel never getting the rights from Fox back. What type of deal did they make? "Keep making films and you keep the rights indefinitely"?
*post kiss*
"Still uncomfortable?"
"Uncomfortable's not the word I'd use"

They kept the kiss scene? Not seen them movie, but read the comics. How much have they kept from it? In the comics the Black Widow and Bucky used to have a relationship so I thought this might have been a ruse to draw Bucky out. Also who says what in the above quote?


They kept the kiss scene? Not seen them movie, but read the comics. How much have they kept from it? In the comics the Black Widow and Bucky used to have a relationship so I thought this might have been a ruse to draw Bucky out. Also who says what in the above quote?

They just kiss to avoid the HYDRA agents from spotting them. Black Widow says the former and Cap says the latter.
You know at first I thought they were going for a BW/CA pairing and prayed it didn't happen, but after seeing it, I don't think I would've minded if they went for it.
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