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Captain America: The Winter Soldier SPOILER THREAD | ...does anyone want to get out?


Why isn't Thor or Hulk or Hawkeye there? Just have to accept the solo movies are compartmentalized.

Hawkeye was probably off on some mission, but that is a handwave. But Thor and Tony make sense. Tony deep sixed all of his suits in Iron Man 3, so even if he was made aware of the stuff happening, what could he do. 90% of the on street stuff was orchestrated by Hydra under the guise of police activity and likely kept hush hush.

For Thor, he is not the most networked individual, and he swore at the end of Thor 2 to protect the 9 realms, so who is to say he was even on Earth at the time. In every Agents of Shield episode where it comes up, they make a point to say that he if off the grid/unavailable.


Exactly one person in my theater squealed like a girl (because she was) at Stephen Strange namedropping.

Other than that, solid show. Liked how it showed a more personal side of Cap, and the fight choreography was amazing.

Why are people so hard for Dr. Strange?


Not really, it's just one girl. She's probably just a Marvel Comics fan who's excited with the acknowledgement of Dr. Strange in MCU and thus the probability of a movie.

I've been hearing about that dude a lot. That girl just kind of reminded me that I've been meaning to ask. People are pretty excited about the idea of a movie being made for him.


So speaking of the council. It is the same way in the comics that the world/Shield is run by NA, India, Europe, and China(or Japan?)? Or am I reading too much into things? My weak google-fu didn't help me much.


I've been hearing about that dude a lot. That girl just kind of reminded me that I've been meaning to ask. People are pretty excited about the idea of a movie being made for him.

I find it interesting because Strange being around opens up an interesting new avenue for the movies since it would be the first thing that is implicitly "magic". Up till now the more mystical stuff has all been explained as super advanced Asgardian technology.

Though they could obviously explain Strange's powers in the same way, if they wanted to. But that'd be a pretty weird version of the character.


Then watch a satellite feed of a green mass flying from the ruins of Stark Tower to DC in one leap.

Not even, a bunch of Chitauri with hand held weapons were able to subdue/contain him in the Avengers, only Thor was still going strong in that film and that was after being stabbed by Loki. Thor knowing exactly what he was going up against in a rematch versus Hulk, without being concerned for everyone's safety, would be a whole other story.


Anyone else notice the American flag imagery in the scene at Falcon's apartment?


Haven't seen anyone else online mention it yet but it jumped out to me immediately when I saw it opening night.


But if you think your way through the story at that point, you'll have a bunch of people leaving the movie saying "So who was that random old lady who beat up the bad guy? Just some random character ended up saving everyone? That's dumb."

Not really. Unless your imaginative fuse is really short.

You'd more likely come to the reality that we actually know nothing about the council and its members and that at least one of them being a trained martial artist capable of taking out multiple guards, alone, hosts some startling implications for that group. All of a sudden they're more interesting than the cliche, ominous, figure-heads barking orders from a safe house away from the action.


I find it interesting because Strange being around opens up an interesting new avenue for the movies since it would be the first thing that is implicitly "magic". Up till now the more mystical stuff has all been explained as super advanced Asgardian technology.

Though they could obviously explain Strange's powers in the same way, if they wanted to. But that'd be a pretty weird version of the character.

From the comments Feige has made about it, it sounds Dr. Strange will also be a lot of pseudo-science than strictly pure magic. Similar to how the gods in Thor are more like aliens with advanced tech but are perceived as gods.


From the comments Feige has made about it, it sounds Dr. Strange will also be a lot of pseudo-science than strictly pure magic. Similar to how the gods in Thor are more like aliens with advanced tech but are perceived as gods.

I hate how blatantly they tried to hammer that home with Thor 2. Real cowardice after Thor 1 tried to play it both ways.


At least we got Hyper Charging Star, right? :D


Yup that one :p

A question about the after credits scene: Who are scientist guy and monocle guy (did he have one, I think he had one)?

Baron Von Strucker. The scientist i don't have idea

Why are people so hard for Dr. Strange?



Also he means this guy:

Or even this guy:

Can appear in the MCU. It will be weird but awesome.


No, that'a right. They are currently called "miracles" in this continuity.

My understanding from the mid-credits scene was that they got their powers as a result of their bodies being experimented on with Loki's staff, which would serve as an in-universe explanation for why they are not called mutants.


Anyone else notice the American flag imagery in the scene at Falcon's apartment?

Haven't seen anyone else online mention it yet but it jumped out to me immediately when I saw it opening night.

Am I missing something? Sometimes blinds are just blinds. :/


I simply would have been more satisfied with the relative absurdity of an old-lady performing crowd-pleasing judo over the "it-was-really-the-spy-character-all-along" cliche. Not only was it deflating; it was groan-inducing. Were it the old lady, it would have had interesting implications for the Council.

And it's not like certain forms of martial arts aren't accessible to old people. She wasn't doing anything acrobatic, if I recall.


It would be really terrible writing for a side character out of nowhere to suddenly be the one to turn the tables like that.

I'd argue that the reason the filmed version lacks impact is because of a different kind of bad writing: it pulled some technology out of their ass without properly setting it up. There should have been a scene before showing that facial system.

Still, good movie. Probably the first Marvel movie I can say is great.
My understanding from the mid-credits scene was that they got their powers as a result of their bodies being experimented on with Loki's staff, which would serve as an in-universe explanation for why they are not called mutants.
Experiments done on a number of people, only 2 survive. Plausible explanation, the experiment awaken or trigger the hidden potential in select people's gene.
There we got our first mutants, or miracles to avoid lawsuit. :p


It would be really terrible writing for a side character out of nowhere to suddenly be the one to turn the tables like that.

I'd argue that the reason the filmed version lacks impact is because of a different kind of bad writing: it pulled some technology out of their ass without properly setting it up. There should have been a scene before showing that facial system.

Still, good movie. Probably the first Marvel movie I can say is great.

This post is in harmony with my original point: it's bad writing either way.

I would have preferred the version that entertained me more :)
How many guards were there? There was also that elite soldier guy there who's no pushover. If Crossbones can beat Falcon, no way an older lady can beat him and the other guards.


No idea who the scientist is (likely just some random Hydra/A.I.M. scientist) but the monocle guy was Baron Wolfgang Von Strucker, a comic Hydra baddie and former Nazi.

Thanks. Seems that you age really gracefully when you're on team evil, the Winter Soldier, this guy. Hmh.

Hail Hydra!

Yes, Winter Soldier was on ice most of the time, I guess. But sophisticated monocle fascist looked well enough, unless he's a Neonazi

Oh, and was Cap really 95? Did he say he was born in 1904? My dad brought that up after watching it, I didn't really pay attention, though.
Thanks. Seems that you age really gracefully when you're on team evil, the Winter Soldier, this guy. Hmh.

Hail Hydra!

Yes, Winter Soldier was on ice most of the time, I guess. But sophisticated monocle fascist looked well enough, unless he's a Neonazi

Oh, and was Cap really 95? Did he say he was born in 1904? My dad brought that up after watching it, I didn't really pay attention, though.



Thanks. Seems that you age really gracefully when you're on team evil, the Winter Soldier, this guy. Hmh.

Hail Hydra!

Yes, Winter Soldier was on ice most of the time, I guess. But sophisticated monocle fascist looked well enough, unless he's a Neonazi

Oh, and was Cap really 95? Did he say he was born in 1904? My dad brought that up after watching it, I didn't really pay attention, though.

No need for spoiler tags, this is the spoilerific thread.

Yes. He's 95, was born in 1918. looking VERY good for that age i say.

Bucky/Winter Soldier was also experimented with, that's why he can do all that feats that rival Caps. Also he is "stored" when not needed. I can guess "sophisticated monocle fascist" (lol, i like that nickname) is enhanced in a similar way.


Let's not act like suddenly it is something so out of place in a spy thriller. It's obviously a genre nod. Like, so obvious.

They set up a few things before and use them again to surprise the audience, like the car floor cutting laser or BW's electronics disabling gadget, so I'm pretty sure they are aware of how things are supposed to be set up in a movie so it doesn't seem out of place, but setting the mask up would absolutely remove the surprise in that last scene. What is set up several times is that BW is a top spy, with all sorts of martial arts training and gadgets, and that they are on a very important mission infiltrating SHIELD HQ. They all have their role during the infiltration portion, and BW is nowhere to be found. It was so obvious she was doing something behind the scenes to help the team, and there it was.

The mask is a neat fan-service moment for fans of these types of moves, nothing more. A Deus Ex moment would be: "Oh, so now Widow knows how to infiltrate buildings" or "Oh, so now Widow knows how to fake accents" or "Oh, now Widow knows martial arts" or simply Widow appearing in the room out of nowhere, with no idea how she got there unnoticed... all of those things come together in that scene. All of those things are character traits that have been established for several movies now.
Chekov's gun is actually like the opposite thing too: for example, setting up they have that face technology early on in the movie, then never using it, thus no payoff. This wasn't that at all.

How is it that hard to accept that? Some of you guys will nitpick everything, even cool reveals or the directors acknowledging their inspirations.
A deus ex is a deus ex whether the machine is action-grandma or magic-mask. That part was simply pointless.

Uhhh, Shield has a ton of tech that we haven't seen and they're friggin spies. I found it much easier to believe that with their holograms and "kill millions of people a min" flying ships and light sabers that can cut through the ground that maybe someone thought of some clothing that can change your appearance. Even more so seeing as I remember seeing tech like that before in the comics and shows.

Their hint at that was the simple fact that of all the people doing shit we hadn't seen what BW was up to.


I'm beginning to think cutting holes in floors to escape is a running gag, since it was also used in TAOS's Turn Turn Turn episode (which actually made me laugh because it reminded me of Fury).


Official GAF Bottom Feeder
BW's face mask looked to be the same tech they used to cloak the helicarrier in Avengers. If they can change the appearance of something that large it's not a stretch to assume they have that tech for infantry.


I loved Fury's SUV scene. That thing is just a notch below a Jarvis assisted suit of armor.
Just one of many moments of badassery in this movie.


I've been hearing about that dude a lot. That girl just kind of reminded me that I've been meaning to ask. People are pretty excited about the idea of a movie being made for him.

I think having Dr. Strange would introduce the concept of Magic into the MCU which would greatly expand other types of things they can pull into the Universe....(and hopefully a better Ghost Rider....)

Edit: Even in Thor, they explained "magic" as science you don't understand. With Dr. Strange, i'm hoping for ACTUAL magical stuff with demons and Hell and what not...


I'm beginning to think cutting holes in floors to escape is a running gag, since it was also used in TAOS's Turn Turn Turn episode (which actually made me laugh because it reminded me of Fury).

This is actually a pretty awesome case of crossover. Fitz said he developed his "rat hole" technology like a year ago and submitted it for testing but nothing ever came from it. Then Paxton remarks "the top agents always keep the good stuff for themselves". And lo and behold in TWS we see Hill and Fury both using it. That was actually a pretty cool tie-in.


Bitches love smiley faces
This is actually a pretty awesome case of crossover. Fitz said he developed his "rat hole" technology like a year ago and submitted it for testing but nothing ever came from it. Then Paxton remarks "the top agents always keep the good stuff for themselves". And lo and behold in TWS we see Hill and Fury both using it. That was actually a pretty cool tie-in.

Yeah, that really worked well. Way better than their early attempts, which was just mentioning Asgardians/New York/Dying by the hands of Loki.
I'm beginning to think cutting holes in floors to escape is a running gag, since it was also used in TAOS's Turn Turn Turn episode (which actually made me laugh because it reminded me of Fury).

I so wanted them to be hiding in a secret compartment a la Star Wars.


I'd like to comment on how well executed the exposition in this film was.

The scene where he goes to the Smithsonian is basically a visual recap of his origin, and then the Zola scene was a more upfront I'M GONNA TELL YOU THE PLOT AND ALSO RECAP SHIT FROM THE FIRST ONE BEFORE I KILL YOU thing. But it wasn't as bad as say, Man of Steel having Lois Lane on the Krytonian space ship. It wasn't close to that to be honest. Lol.

It was stuff like this that help it as a standalone film. You don't even need to be a fan, or have watched the other ones to follow it. Reminds me somewhat about the original trilogy's Spider-Man opening credits.
Not really. Unless your imaginative fuse is really short.

You'd more likely come to the reality that we actually know nothing about the council and its members and that at least one of them being a trained martial artist capable of taking out multiple guards, alone, hosts some startling implications for that group. All of a sudden they're more interesting than the cliche, ominous, figure-heads barking orders from a safe house away from the action.

No one cares about this. They served a purpose, now basically over.


I'd like to comment on how well executed the exposition in this film was.

The scene where he goes to the Smithsonian is basically a visual recap of his origin, and then the Zola scene was a more upfront I'M GONNA TELL YOU THE PLOT AND ALSO RECAP SHIT FROM THE FIRST ONE BEFORE I KILL YOU thing. But it wasn't as bad as say, Man of Steel having Lois Lane on the Krytonian space ship. It wasn't close to that to be honest. Lol.

It was stuff like this that help it as a standalone film. You don't even need to be a fan, or have watched the other ones to follow it. Reminds me somewhat about the original trilogy's Spider-Man opening credits.

Yeah, the Zola exposition is actually really effective because it's an info dump disguised by the fact that: a) this is a new/recurring character to meet, and b) it's a plot point of itself, since Zola is just stalling for the missile strike.


Also the stun/tech disabling things that we see Cap and Black Widow use in the film were used in Agents of Shield in episode 16, prior to TWS.


It will be interesting how they handle Dr. Strange tho.

Like what someone mentioned months ago, the audience knows that greater forces then just Stark or high military tech at work, but it was passed off as "technology not yet discovered" in Thor 1. Dr. Strange feels like it will be them finally explaining it.


One question I've got and I don't know if it's been answered already, Cap's shield?

In the finale where he refuses to fight Bucky, he drops his shield and it falls from the helicarrier presumably into the water below.

Does he ever recover it or has it been lost? The camera did focus on it falling from the above perspective, so I assume it's going to be a plot point.

Avengers AoU spoilers
Set shots do show he has his shield back, so who knows if that particular plot point from TWS is at all relevant
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