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Captain America: The Winter Soldier SPOILER THREAD | ...does anyone want to get out?


yeah some european countries (like our finland) even had both subtitles in the poster :p

Really? I didn't notice. But I did get a bit confused when I got my ticket and it said CA:TROTFA, since it was the first time I'd even heard of the other subtitle. They really should have just called it Talvisotilas and let the money pour in.


A properly done Doctor Strange film will prepare people for how insane Thanos is going to be for Avengers 3.




I believed Fury was dead, lol. I have little comic knowledge and don'tknow for how many movies each actor signed on, so I might beexcused, though.

I liked his dying scene, though. I couldn't clearly see the monitors thanks to shitty 3d, but it seemed they defibrilated Fury when he was having ventricular fibrillation , not when his heart had stopped which they often do in tv shows and movies, argh. It surprised me that they didn't try a heart massage when he was flatlining, though, but I guess the doctor declaring him dead was in on it and the rest of the team was shot when they asked stupid questions. They needed to get him off the EKG quickly, because even one bpm shows up. Oh, and kids, don't try going down to one bpm and expect to survive, lol.


Ok, how did N Fury lose his eye?
And who are the "twins" at the end of the movie?
And did they seriously kill off Zola that lamely?
SO CA3 no Zola no Red Skull? WTF?


And who are the "twins" at the end of the movie?

The twins are Quicksilver and Scarlet Watch, two mutants with super speed and reality-altering abilities respectively.

Marvel is allowed to use them in their films as they have been long-standing characters in the Avengers, but Fox can also use them, as they are mutants. (Quicksilver will also be appearing in X-Men: Days of Future Past, but played by a different actor.) As part of this agreement Marvel cannot use the word "mutant", but I liked how they waived that away by referring to the characters as "miracles".

As for the Red Skull, that's all dependent on Hugo Weaving, and IIRC he's not been too keen on returning to the roll.


The twins are Quicksilver and Scarlet Watch, two mutants with super speed and reality-altering abilities respectively.

Marvel is allowed to use them in their films as they have been long-standing characters in the Avengers, but Fox can also use them, as they are mutants. (Quicksilver will also be appearing in X-Men: Days of Future Past, but played by a different actor.) As part of this agreement Marvel cannot use the word "mutant", but I liked how they waived that away by referring to the characters as "miracles".

As for the Red Skull, that's all dependent on Hugo Weaving, and IIRC he's not been too keen on returning to the roll.
Last I heard, Weaving had no interest in reprising the role.

I agree with this but it's still very weirdly executed in parts. Uncle been is still alive 45 minutes in, and Peter does such weird out of character things that hurt his ability to keep his identity secret. It's like a weird mirror version of man of steel where the secret identity stuff comes in.

I would love to have them introduce a secret identity character into mcu. It's a great combination with heroes who have nothing to hide.
It would have to be a secret identity that's off of the SHIELD/HYDRA hit list. A person that kept it hidden for decades.
I put the avengers on to pass out to last night and my god does caps suit in that movie look terrible now. They really did a better job at making the suit look decent in this movie. I don't think i can go back now. It looks like terrible cosplay.


I put the avengers on to pass out to last night and my god does caps suit in that movie look terrible now. They really did a better job at making the suit look decent in this movie. I don't think i can go back now. It looks like terrible cosplay.
Avengers one looks fine to me. The First Avenger suit was the best though.


I'm pleasantly surprised by this movie. I was never a fan of captain america because I think he seems pretty lame. Now I'm a fan.


Saw this movie last night. I don't go to movies at the theatre often these days but GAF convinced me to go. I also still haven't seen Thor 2 but I was told I didn't need to before seeing this.

What I really liked:
  • The elevator and escape after scene
  • The bridge battle
  • Falcon
  • Winter Soldier (mostly)

What I didn't like
  • The Winter Solder memory thing
  • The "put 3 things in 3 different ships" thing felt like just a silly plot excuse to have some (good) action
  • The cheesy part where Cap is trying to put in the last chip while Winter Soldier shoots him once every 15 seconds as Cap slowly makes his way to the device the Winter Solider was trying to stop him from reaching

Everything else was good to great. It did feel like a Bourne movie crossed with a superhero movie.

I'll have to see it again on DVD and think about it for a bit but right now I think it would just squeeze in to my Top 5 comic movies of all time.


Canadians burned my passport
Goddamn this movie was great. Probably the most successful Marvel film to date and might very well by my favourite.


41 > 38
I love how in First Avenger, Zola came across as more of a guy kind of caught up in Red Skull's plan, maybe in a bit over his head, just following orders with a hint of a "what have I done" attitude at how far out of control his tech was going. Then in Winter Soldier, he's all fuckin' in.

Zola in the computer also really gave me a hardcore Lovecraft "Whisperer in Darkness" vibe, which made it all the more creepy and upsetting.

Another thing they bring up is how having this extended universe is sort of a detriment because in a movie like Winter Soldier there is nothing really at stake. We know they are all going to be back for Avengers 2.

I seriously disagree with this. If anything, the extended universe is what provided all of the "stakes" in this movie and those that come after. I mean, this movie basically resulted in SHIELD being replaced by HYDRA, with HYDRA having all of SHIELD's tech/discoveries/etc. That's insane, and will have ramifications across these movies for years. Same with Thor 2 (spoilers just in case, not sure what applies when):
Loki is now the King of Asgard, and nobody knows it.
Another case of huge ramifications that will have big effects on future movies.


41 > 38
Red Skull is literally the easiest person to re-cast out of all of the characters in the MCU. In fact, I would go so far as to say that Weaving shouldn't return in the role, as he would be incredibly easily recognizable as one of history's greatest war criminals.


41 > 38
I dunno, I really like Weaving as Red Skull, I'd like to see him return.


He did a great job, no doubt, but that could be any actor under that makeup. And you would have to imagine that, for purely story reasons, Red Skull would not pick out the exact same face if he were to return and hope to fly under the radar at all. The only way Weaving-masked RS returning would work is if he showed up with Thanos' army at his back and immediately declared full-on war.


He did a great job, no doubt, but that could be any actor under that makeup. And you would have to imagine that, for purely story reasons, Red Skull would not pick out the exact same face if he were to return and hope to fly under the radar at all. The only way Weaving-masked RS returning would work is if he showed up with Thanos' army at his back and immediately declared full-on war.

Knowing he didn't "die" per se and the tesseract just teleported him thefuckknowswhere that can be a possibility.
Weaving was cool as Red Skull for sure, but I felt like the character didn't really do as much as he could have. I was waiting to see Cap and Skull go at it Cap vs Winter Soldier style, but instead it was just some lame laser gun fight thing until he gets sucked into some dimension.

I remember after the Matrix sequels Weaving saying he didn't want to do anymore big blockbuster film roles, and he obviously changed his mind so there's still some hope. I'd be 100% alright with them recasting the role tho. Hell, i'd have been happy if Redford had ripped off his face and become the Red Skull. I just don't want to see Red Skull thrown in the trash bin all because Weaving is too cool for superhero movies.


Weaving was cool as Red Skull for sure, but I felt like the character didn't really do as much as he could have. I was waiting to see Cap and Skull go at it Cap vs Winter Soldier style, but instead it was just some lame laser gun fight thing until he gets sucked into some dimension.

I remember after the Matrix sequels Weaving saying he didn't want to do anymore big blockbuster film roles, and he obviously changed his mind so there's still some hope. I'd be 100% alright with them recasting the role tho. Hell, i'd have been happy if Redford had ripped off his face and become the Red Skull. I just don't want to see Red Skull thrown in the trash bin all because Weaving is too cool for superhero movies.
I hope he changes his mind. With Cap 2 doing so well he might reconsider.


Yea Weaving right from the jump said he wasn't down with coming back to the role. Thought I remember hearing it was some sort of fallout between him and marvel and he also didn't feel comfy playing up the role especially with its Nazi attachment back in Cap 1.

As mentioned before the villian can easily be pulled off by another star, but it would have been cool having it be him


Kills Photobucket
Yea Weaving right from the jump said he wasn't down with coming back to the role. Thought I remember hearing it was some sort of fallout between him and marvel and he also didn't feel comfy playing up the role especially with its Nazi attachment back in Cap 1.

As mentioned before the villian can easily be pulled off by another star, but it would have been cool having it be him

Why the hell would he take the role if he had a problem with that.
Not enough Winter Soldier in it. Design was badass and he makes a kickass villain. Surprised that I didn't pick up on him being Bucky so that was a decent surprise.

Some minor stuff bothered me but it doesn't really detract from my enjoyment of the movie itself.

One thing that did bother me that's nitpicky is the "I made an algoritm" DUN DUN DUUUUNNNN type of bullshit that happened. I know why they use that term but goddamnit it bugs me, use the word program ffs. (told you it was nitpicky)


wow. best marvel movie yet. no joke.
better than the last two iron mans, both thor movies, any hulk movie ever made, and slightly ahead of IM1, spiderman 2 and x-men first class (continuity errors not withstanding).

with regards to cap, what really shit me was how 'The Avengers' film did such a piss poor job of showing why captan america is one of the greatest heroes in the MCU, and this movie went a long way in fixing that.

make no mistake, captain america can go toe-to-toe with anyone from the MCU and come out triumphant.
not because he's stronger and more 'powerful', but because he's tactically smarter, tenacious, and ingenious with how he approaches his adversaries. he WILL find a way to beat you, it's only a matter of time.

go cap. and go chris evans for doing a good job of portraying steve rogers yet again.

one note: does FOX have some sort of copyright on the word 'mutant' or something? wtf?


wow. best marvel movie yet. no joke.
better than the last two iron mans, both thor movies, any hulk movie ever made, and slightly ahead of IM1, spiderman 2 and x-men first class (continuity errors not withstanding).

with regards to cap, what really shit me was how 'The Avengers' film did such a piss poor job of showing why captan america is one of the greatest heroes in the MCU, and this movie went a long way in fixing that.

make no mistake, captain america can go toe-to-toe with anyone from the MCU and come out triumphant.
not because he's stronger and more 'powerful', but because he's tactically smarter, tenacious, and ingenious with how he approaches his adversaries. he WILL find a way to beat you, it's only a matter of time.

go cap. and go chris evans for doing a good job of portraying steve rogers yet again.

one note: does FOX have some sort of copyright on the word 'mutant' or something? wtf?



No idea why they have to go the "miracle" route with explaining the twins. Agents of Shield already established that some people just have special powers. No need to further explain it.


Seriuously .... that (REALLY) last scene totaly gave me the vibe "ok, NOW the Winter Soldier movie begins" feel

Me too. Apparently the Russos actually said they're really just starting Bucky's story. I hope we get some cool scenes in the next film of him fucking up HYDRA agents and facilities. Also, I want to see Sam and Bucky fight together, they made a great team in Bru's run. Anthony Mackie literally is The Falcon from the comics, one of the greatest casting choices of all time.

Psychotic 50's Cap sounds like a great idea for the "muscle", since he was pretty damn strong as I recall.

Dies Iræ

Does Winter Soldier have the best villain theme in Comic movies?


2:20-3:00 is so badass.

No idea why they have to go the "miracle" route with explaining the twins. Agents of Shield already established that some people just have special powers. No need to further explain it.

This is Joss lingo. Remember, he wrote that scene. I doubt "miracle" will be a canonical term, more likely it's Joss being Joss.
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