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Captain America: The Winter Soldier SPOILER THREAD | ...does anyone want to get out?


Dark World needed much more of Thor's companions. They're much more interesting than the earthlings, who get way too much screen time, but they're barely in the movie.

Yeah, Warriors 3 are just background pieces in the movies. No casual moviegoer even knows who they are because they're so utterly unimportant. It's sooooo frustrating.

Dead Man

Dark World needed much more of Thor's companions. They're much more interesting than the earthlings, who get way too much screen time, but they're barely in the movie.

Yeah, I think their main mistake was setting too much of it on earth. More Asgardians is better.


Yeah, Warriors 3 are just background pieces in the movies. No casual moviegoer even knows who they are because they're so utterly unimportant. It's sooooo frustrating.

What I didn't like is how they didn't explain how the Dark Elves can turn themselves into these berserker beasts. At first I thought they used the Aether to do it, but by the end of the movie I figured one had nothing to do with the other. It just wasn't clear for me.
What I didn't like is how they didn't explain how the Dark Elves can turn themselves into these berserker beasts. At first I thought they used the Aether to do it, but by the end of the movie I figured one had nothing to do with the other. It just wasn't clear for me.

They explain it briefly when
they stab the guy and stick the rock in his stomach. The rock gives them the powers but it eventually kills them (or something like that, don't remember it exactly now)
. I'm pretty sure those guys are supposed to be versions of the Thor villain Kurse. My wife didn't catch the explanation when it happened and asked me what they said pretty much immediately after they say it, so I think it just goes by quickly so if you're not paying attention you miss it.


They explain it briefly when
they stab the guy and stick the rock in his stomach. The rock gives them the powers but it eventually kills them (or something like that, don't remember it exactly now)
. I'm pretty sure those guys are supposed to be versions of the Thor villain Kurse. My wife didn't catch the explanation when it happened and asked me what they said pretty much immediately after they say it, so I think it just goes by quickly so if you're not paying attention you miss it.

Yeah, but
what are the rocks? That's what confused me. At first I thought the rock was Aether, but then they were different rocks..
I really think Tony just retired using Iron Man as a crutch. He no longer sees the suit or the power source as a requirement for living, but something he chooses to do because it has become who he is.

it was still outright silly that he just decided at the end of the movie to "fix his heart" and remove the power source :D


After seeing how he used the bike to throw himself on top of the Quinjet, I figured he'd just sacrifice the bike the same way to get over the spikes. Either way, they weren't stopping him.
Just look at how big these spiks are.... He was clearly stuck.


The way they ended the movie to this day makes me feel like Stark is outright retired and doesn't want anything to do with "superheroing" anymore. Like, it doesn't make sense to me that he will be involved in Avengers 2 after that ending, much less with a Hulkbuster suit ready to go.
It looked more like he was going to go the extremis suit route that they've been hinting at since avengers.


Wasn't his last words. "I am Iron Man"?

Regardless Hydra coming back in a big way and being responsible for the death of his parents should add motivation.

He also says his armor "was never a distraction or a hobby, but a cocoon." That's kinda the whole point of the movie... He's not just some "man in a can," and Iron Man isn't the suit. He's the Iron Man. He's the superhero. He doesn't have to be afraid of gods and aliens because he's the mechanic that can face whatever he's up against. Even when he meets the kid in the garage, the kid looks at the suit and says "Is that Iron Man?" And Tony replies "Technically, I am." Again... that's the point. To acknowledge who the real hero is.

So then, unless I'm totally wrong here, I'm willing to bet that he's done with going out and fighting, and isn't in the suit for a good chunk of the movie because what he can offer the Avengers and the world is his intelligence. So he makes Ultron, and very likely, he'll reluctantly suit up at the end to correct his mistake.


Something tells me Cap would've been able to pull over, simply pick the motorcycle up, and place it over the spikes.

I'm joking.

I like the attention to detail that after taking out that Quinjet you can see from the hero shot after the dismount that he's on the other side of that roadblock.


I have mixed feelings about Tony Stark with actual super powers.

Yeah, I don't think him going with Extremis really fits either. Calamari41 is right in that it seems very odd for Tony, as we left him in Iron Man 3, to have a Hulk Buster ready to go. He promised Pepper he wouldn't and seemed to be putting that aspect of his life behind him. He seemed retired from super heroing, directly. Now maybe Banner asked a personal favor or something, but the entire point of Iron Man 3 was him realizing his own worth and moving past his addiction to Iron Man as a crutch.


Yeah, I don't think him going with Extremis really fits either. Calamari41 is right in that it seems very odd for Tony, as we left him in Iron Man 3, to have a Hulk Buster ready to go. He promised Pepper he wouldn't and seemed to be putting that aspect of his life behind him. He seemed retired from super heroing, directly. Now maybe Banner asked a personal favor or something, but the entire point of Iron Man 3 was him realizing his own worth and moving past his addiction to Iron Man as a crutch.
I still think Extremis is going to happen. It's the only point of them injecting it into the MCU during a iron man movie no less. Plus you have the bracelet in avengers that summons the armor to him and all the other little things like the triangle arc reactor that all take from it.


steals Justin Bieber DVDs
So then, unless I'm totally wrong here, I'm willing to bet that he's done with going out and fighting, and isn't in the suit for a good chunk of the movie because what he can offer the Avengers and the world is his intelligence. So he makes Ultron, and very likely, he'll reluctantly suit up at the end to correct his mistake.

Tony ain't making Ultron. It's pretty obvious that the Project Insight tracking algorithm will become Ultron (a program that detects threats from people who ultimately comes to the conclusion that all of humanity is a threat ain't much of a stretch). I can see Tony using JARVIS to take over his Iron Man role to become Vision and Ultron using one of Tony's suits as his body.

In other news EW is predicting that Cap 2 will be #1 for the fourth straight week. $700 million anyone?


Saw it last night with my GF. Both loved it. Thought it was a much better film that the first.

Excited to now catch up with Agents of SHIELD and see what the fuck happens now.


41 > 38
Yeah, I don't think him going with Extremis really fits either. Calamari41 is right in that it seems very odd for Tony, as we left him in Iron Man 3, to have a Hulk Buster ready to go. He promised Pepper he wouldn't and seemed to be putting that aspect of his life behind him. He seemed retired from super heroing, directly. Now maybe Banner asked a personal favor or something, but the entire point of Iron Man 3 was him realizing his own worth and moving past his addiction to Iron Man as a crutch.

Honestly after thinking about it more, I could easily see the events of The Winter Soldier jolting him back into action. Especially since he's already chilling at Avengers Tower working away. Maybe he realizes after the shit with SHIELD and HYDRA went down that he would have been unable to go help in the event that he actually had time to or was called up to. So maybe he decides that even though he doesn't need the suits to feel complete as a person, he should probably have one or two around if someone needs help. Especially since SHIELD, the organization that was taking the lead on that kind of thing, is now gone/replaced by HYDRA.


Finally saw it. Was pleased. Surprised how connected it was to the first movie. For whatever reason I just thought it be a whole new arch.


Tony ain't making Ultron. It's pretty obvious that the Project Insight tracking algorithm will become Ultron (a program that detects threats from people who ultimately comes to the conclusion that all of humanity is a threat ain't much of a stretch). I can see Tony using JARVIS to take over his Iron Man role to become Vision and Ultron using one of Tony's suits as his body.

In other news EW is predicting that Cap 2 will be #1 for the fourth straight week. $700 million anyone?
Man, Cap has had a charmed run. 4 essentially uncontested weeks. Were other studios afraid of releasing other films in Marvel's path or did they just get lucky?
Finally saw it. Was pleased. Surprised how connected it was to the first movie. For whatever reason I just thought it be a whole new arch.

I love this about it, it looks like the Cap movies will have the most cohesive arc from the first to third film if they keep it up and follow the rest of the Winter Soldier arc for movie 3.


My prediction of a billion was a stretch, I guess. I really thought three weeks without serious competition would be enough.


41 > 38
Man, Cap has had a charmed run. 4 essentially uncontested weeks. Were other studios afraid of releasing other films in Marvel's path or did they just get lucky?

I think it's a bit of both, and of course really good word of mouth, plus the fact that I believe Winter Soldier was the first "tentpole" summer action blockbuster released this early in the year. It was a bit of an experiment, and it worked.


Honestly after thinking about it more, I could easily see the events of The Winter Soldier jolting him back into action. Especially since he's already chilling at Avengers Tower working away. Maybe he realizes after the shit with SHIELD and HYDRA went down that he would have been unable to go help in the event that he actually had time to or was called up to. So maybe he decides that even though he doesn't need the suits to feel complete as a person, he should probably have one or two around if someone needs help. Especially since SHIELD, the organization that was taking the lead on that kind of thing, is now gone/replaced by HYDRA.

That makes a lot of sense.

Can Cap crawl to 800 million, like I wanted?

The sad thing is it will not beat The Amazing Spider-Man. Bleh!


Honestly after thinking about it more, I could easily see the events of The Winter Soldier jolting him back into action. Especially since he's already chilling at Avengers Tower working away. Maybe he realizes after the shit with SHIELD and HYDRA went down that he would have been unable to go help in the event that he actually had time to or was called up to. So maybe he decides that even though he doesn't need the suits to feel complete as a person, he should probably have one or two around if someone needs help. Especially since SHIELD, the organization that was taking the lead on that kind of thing, is now gone/replaced by HYDRA.

Interesting theory, especially if you have seen Cap's new costume for Avengers 2.
I think if AMS2 wasn't in the way, Cap2 had a real chance of reaching a billion.

I think the reception to the first movie and his previous characterization has been a bigger roadblock than ASM2 will be. It seems like once people saw Cap 2, quite a few enjoyed it enough to see it multiple times. The problem is getting people to actually believe the hype it's been getting in the first place.


Dark World needed much more of Thor's companions. They're much more interesting than the earthlings, who get way too much screen time, but they're barely in the movie.

I really wish that would keep annoying-ass Kat Dennings and that crew out of the movie completely. They aren't funny and just grind everything to a halt when they show up.
I think the reception to the first movie and his previous characterization has been a bigger roadblock than ASM2 will be. It seems like once people saw Cap 2, quite a few enjoyed it enough to see it multiple times. The problem is getting people to actually believe the hype it's been getting in the first place.

Makes you curious for how Cap 3 will do, since this movie proved that the Captain can carry a stand-alone movie no problem.
Makes you curious for how Cap 3 will do, since this movie proved that the Captain can carry a stand-alone movie no problem.

Yup. It will also depend on how he's characterized in Avengers 2 as well. If he reverts back to an Avengers 1 style of Cap whose fighting is less exceptional and personality is still very much naive boy scout, that could have a negative effect.
I see this happening; The Hulkbuster suit vs. Hulk, epic battle. We see Tony's face, hear his voice. Then the suit gets crushed to shit by Hulk. Like it blows up, it gets compacted etc.


Zooms out, Tony takes off AI control headset. Dat artificial drama.


Official GAF Bottom Feeder
I see this happening; The Hulkbuster suit vs. Hulk, epic battle. We see Tony's face, hear his voice. Then the suit gets crushed to shit by Hulk. Like it blows up, it gets compacted etc.


Zooms out, Tony takes off AI control headset. Dat artificial drama.

They already pulled that stunt in IM3.
I see this happening; The Hulkbuster suit vs. Hulk, epic battle. We see Tony's face, hear his voice. Then the suit gets crushed to shit by Hulk. Like it blows up, it gets compacted etc.


Zooms out, Tony takes off AI control headset. Dat artificial drama.

Same trick he used in IM3 on Pepper? nah


I see this happening; The Hulkbuster suit vs. Hulk, epic battle. We see Tony's face, hear his voice. Then the suit gets crushed to shit by Hulk. Like it blows up, it gets compacted etc.


Zooms out, Tony takes off AI control headset. Dat artificial drama.

Telepresence armor.
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