Pfft. Moonstone doesn't count.
Wasn't she Captain Marvel for a whole year?
/shrug...though, I guess I don't consider Bullseye a "Hawkeye" so I'm indifferent
Pfft. Moonstone doesn't count.
Wasn't she Captain Marvel for a whole year?
/shrug...though, I guess I don't consider Bullseye a "Hawkeye" so I'm indifferent
I'm just being difficult.
You should. She's pretty much the best Captain Marvel, Mar-Vell included.
Eh? What movie? LolIs this going to be a comedy? Like that one movie with that one lady with the big feet.
One of the only high profile non-Mutant women they have where you could put her into that role believably.I actually like Captain Marvel, but I have always been puzzled as to why Marvel is hellbent on pushing her.
I actually like Captain Marvel, but I have always been puzzled as to why Marvel is hellbent on pushing her.
I actually like Captain Marvel, but I have always been puzzled as to why Marvel is hellbent on pushing her.
Hopefully its something inventive and not the usual comic book schlock. For the MCU, that kind of thing isn't going to fly
I made this thread knowing it was bait to Slayven. He could not resist.
So basically "She's not gonna be a drunk and we don't wanna do the whole "Mar-vell" thing".
I actually like Captain Marvel, but I have always been puzzled as to why Marvel is hellbent on pushing her.
Who else do they have, really? Yeah they should make a Black Widow solo movie, I hope they do. Can Scarlet Witch carry a movie? Probably not, not this version. Spider-Woman = brand confusion. They aren't in a position to launch JaneThor.
Monica is more deserving, but they don't have the balls to make a movie lead by a black woman. Not yet.
Honestly, I'm shocked we haven't gotten a She-Hulk appearance yet.
Ally McBeal with superpowers. Instant green gold.
I don't think they have the rights to do a She-Hulk solo movie. I think Paramount would have to be involved and that won't fly with Disney.
I don't think they have the rights to do a She-Hulk solo movie. I think Paramount would have to be involved and that won't fly with Disney.
Wow is this true? I was wondering why we haven't seen Shulkie.
How do you make a captain marvel movie without Mar-vell
Boring and completely undersving of her status
Hopefully. Most overrated character in Marvel history.
I wonder if instead of Mar-Vell's girlfriend, they'll simply make her Mar-Vell. Cut out the middleman.
Carol could be Mar-Vell.
They said she's human, early on in that Phase 3 announcement.
Her origin is Earth-based but her powers are cosmic.
I fucking knew it. I expect a completely new character. They are tanking her in the comics and there's a reason. They want another Iron Man + RDJ situation where they can just copy/paste the new interpretation of the character onto the old one. Because...
...this just isn't true.
The first time I saw this pic I didn't notice that she was reading in Marvel gear.
The first time I saw this pic I didn't notice that she was reading in Marvel gear.
I fucking knew it. I expect a completely new character. They are tanking her in the comics and there's a reason. They want another Iron Man + RDJ situation where they can just copy/paste the new interpretation of the character onto the old one. Because...
...this just isn't true.
Uhh the origin in the first Iron Man was pretty similar to the comic book one. I think what they are talking about here is different.
Iron Man was pretty clearly the ultimate version's personality on 616 Iron Man's origin as seen through the lens of RDJ. This sounds like they are just going to scrap old Carol like they did with Starlord.
They didn't say Ant-Man and Spider-Man would have movies in Phase 3 initially. Everything is subject to change.
I don't see any reason to involve Mar-Vell at all. I don't think she will be Mar-Vell and I don't think they'll even reference him.
none cares about mar-vell anyway
Because they don't have Storm or Sue Richards.
White blondes make scrilla and piss off Slayven
Who else do they have, really? Yeah they should make a Black Widow solo movie, I hope they do. Can Scarlet Witch carry a movie? Probably not, not this version. Spider-Woman = brand confusion. They aren't in a position to launch JaneThor. Or Kamala Khan.
Monica is more deserving, but they don't have the balls to make a movie lead by a black woman. Not yet.
How do you make a captain marvel movie without Mar-vell