make sure the pudding isn't too soggy but that just ruins everything
So my mom of all people convinced me to watch the first few episodes of Castle.
I can see why she likes it (the whole will they won't they angle) but beyond that the writing is pretty clever and the dialog is snappy which is a huge plus.
I don't expect miracles from the show as it goes on... but it definitely starts on the right foot.
If you like it now, then you'll probably like it later. One of the strengths of this show is its consistency. There was a moment in the first episode or two or S2 that I thought it was going to come off the rails, but it didn't. And has been pretty strong since.
I actually think in some ways they've even gotten better.
Not the best thing on television, but enjoyable to watch. And the "will they won't they" isn't as annoying as some of the other shows that do it.