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Castle |OT| It is okay to have a man-crush on Nathan Fillion


I think I found it, it was in season 2 ep 10


I will find a way to catch up on the rest of the show slowly but surely
btw Molly Quinn AKA Alexis just turned 18 on October 8th AKA Legal




I'm currently on a marathon Castle seasons 1 and 2, and hopefully 3 but what I've learnt is, this is not the kinda show you should watch ep after ep in long stretches... procedurals tend to run together quite a bit

and yeah, not technically possible for a teenage girl to be that perfect given her surroundings


I'm on season 2 at ep17 where Detective Beckett is being taunted by a serial killer who is dedicating murders to Nikki Heat, the character Beckett is based on... this is the first case I've watched in so many eps that seems genuinely intruiging to me

FBI lady with the CGI screen is cool sci-fi


I'm almost entirely caught up, still straddling last half of season 3...

There is a change in direction and pace for sure since the middle of Season 2, that's when the show really got good for me
Good episode again. This show, from season 2 on, has been consistently decent. Not amazing, but decent. And frankly, that's why its one of my favorite shows on TV now. I like consistency.


I think Detective Beckett loves Castle

It's oh so romantic *sniff*

Incompotent TV Doctor mercenaries lol

Good ep tonight

Got 4 more eps to go till I'm done Season 3


The more this season goes on the more I'm leaning towards the writers getting them together by the end of the season. Assuming Castle still working on Kate's mom's murder doesn't throw a wrench in it. Which with November sweeps coming up hope they return to that storyline for a bit on the side.


The "will they/won't they" of Castle and Kate at first kinda turned me off as it seemed kinda forced in the beginning, but I have watched enough now to see those two are so right for each other that it just seems retarded how much they keep missing their opportunity to get together other than the tv tradition, consummating the primary romantic storyline is sure fire way to kill off further emotional investment in the characters together.


"You said to build a rapport."

"Don't worry, I saw this work on Die Hard."

Knew that guy wasn't a real hostage and the seizure was fake but liked the hiding from domestic violence twist,
still good show overall Castle. Guy was a pretty great villain overall as well, bring him back.
Either one.

"Honey, I'm home."

"Only that this is the eighth time you've saved my life, and I've saved your life nine times."


I had also missed the season premiere of season 4 so I just watched that

Becksters, how could you...lying to everybody you remembered everything...and the only person you could tell this to was Worf?

Tsk tsk
"Last time you were here, you 'accidentally' set a mattress on fire and the drapes were covered in jam."

"Yeah. That was a fun night."

Wtf at the jam? Lol


I've been watching the earlier seasons, wow, Beckett looks more natural with less makeup. Castle was a lot more juvenile, I guess he eventually tones down his jokes after being exposed to so many murders (who wouldn't?). Their banters are a lot more hilarious since they still don't know much about each other, looking at season 4, I can see how far this series has come.


Who knew that Beckett was such a big deal... that her family was wrapped up in this huge ass conspiracy with lots of murder


I caught it, very good episode for Stana, great acting as usual. But I am kinda getting impatient with hoping they solve her issues with the killing in her family.


Fantastic episode tonight, lots of emotions, and flesh :p

Molly in her pajamas, nom nom.

Now that she's legal, suddenly she's wearing quite a revealing pajamas. A bit...awkward.

So I don't know much about PTSD but I find it hard to believe Beckett just recovered while working on this case. I mean, one scene she was really drunk, breaking things, getting slightly delusional. Felt that scene was too extreme.

And the new chief (aka Sherry Palmer in a police precinct) doesn't really have a strong presence, it's like she pops up once in a while just telling everyone to do their jobs, which was more or less the same with the previous chief. So why replace him, he was a good character already. Eh, maybe I just don't like the actress as much.
I cannot disconnect her from Sherry Palmer either. And I think the previous captain just wanted to leave the show for one reason or another. Not sure why.


I can't hate the new chief, she was Sisko's wife... but I do get tired of her schtick thinking Castle doesn't know what he's doing and all his ideas are juvenile and unhelpful... if he was, he wouldn't have lasted 1 day on the job before


Yeah no doubt, I was laughing how much of a Windows 7 commercial this was

And Alexis "I just turned 18"...do they know their audience or what?


Little is the new Big
Fantastic episode tonight, lots of emotions, and flesh :p

Molly in her pajamas, nom nom.

Indeed, Molly is just looking beautiful, as always. I liked the episode tonight but like Troidal pointed out the whole drunk scene and the way they made it look like she got over the whole thing in just one episode seems a bit too crazy to me. Also, I really liked the dynamic between Kate & Esposito this episode, very cool stuff.


I can't hate the new chief, she was Sisko's wife... but I do get tired of her schtick thinking Castle doesn't know what he's doing and all his ideas are juvenile and unhelpful... if he was, he wouldn't have lasted 1 day on the job before

If you noticed in this episode her and Castle worked together more, hopefully this will be a turning point.


This is still a weekly procedural, they have to do slow change, stick events in the sweeps/finales, etc. They like to keep things somewhat similar week-to-week so the chief distrusts Castle and is supposed to be a no-nonsense hard ass because that's her character right now and will soften as time goes on and probably just randomly switch to appreciating (but still being frustrated with) Castle at some point late this season or by the next. Probably after some episode where she or her daughter or sister or something is in danger and Castle saves the day.

Beckett/Espositio were slow to buy into Castle too at the start, the first ten episodes or so all have Castle coming along when he's not supposed to, Beckett upset and calling him out when he shows up or interferes. Like half of those episodes have Beckett trying to get rid of him and complaining but the Chief making her take him. Now she's constantly asking if he's coming along, giving him guns, no longer immediately shooting down and ignoring his wacky theories instead waiting for his explanation.
I see what you did there Castle... projecting Esposito's relationship onto yours with Beckett... so interesting. Yawn.

I think it would be awesome if Beckett and Castle didn't end up together and just were really great friends. It doesn't seem clear at all that Beckett really is interested in Castle, or if she just likes having him around.


Good but weird episode... I mean really, Tiger trafficking and almost getting eaten by one while trying to escape

So many moments with Castle and Beckett is awesome, they gonna get hand-cuffed for reals next time sans Tiger, kinkay


That tiger seems dangerous, did they really shot the episode with a live tiger jumping at them?

The sexual tension is enormous, lots of kinky dialogue, and Castle got to dry doggy Kate, DAMN.
Spoilers from EW

EW said:
One of my favorite things about Spoiler Room is that I get a chance to preview for you a lot of the fun things to come here on InsideTV, and here’s yet another: Yesterday, I hopped on the phone with Castle EP Andrew Marlowe, who talked about the second half of the season. And while you can expect a full report on our chat over the next few days (good stuff!), here are three bits I’ve pulled to entice you for the time being!

+ Another kiss coming?
As one of you pointed out in an e-mail to me, last January, fans were treated to a kiss between Castle and Beckett. So, I posed the factoid to the ever-coy Marlowe, while shamelessly fishing to see if there was something coming up to be equally excited about. “I think we can be treated to something, if not at that level, close to that level — in terms of movement and complication,” he teases.

+ Another high-stakes two-parter!
One of my favorite episodes of Castle last season was the two-part dirty bomb episode that guest-starred Heroes alum Adrian Pasdar. This season, Jennifer Beals will guest in another two-parter as a CIA agent (with ties to Castle!) who will allow the writers to “do storytelling on a grand scale.” “We have some folks here who spent some time in features and we want to try to bring that movie mentality to TV as best we can,” he says. “I think it will be as explosive as last season. Certainly, I’ll say, we were dealing with a dirty bomb so explosive is a good word for last season. This one will be equally high stakes.”

+ Finale planning in progress
Last season’s Castle finale was, for yours truly, the best episode of the series. So how does one top that? Simple: You don’t. “You try to do something different,” clarifies Marlowe. “If you’re doing the same thing, only better, it still gets a little bit familiar. We always like to keep the audience a little bit on their toes, so we’re conceiving the last couple of episodes — what can we do that’s really compelling in a way we haven’t explored on the show yet?”
So my mom of all people convinced me to watch the first few episodes of Castle.

I can see why she likes it (the whole will they won't they angle) but beyond that the writing is pretty clever and the dialog is snappy which is a huge plus.

I don't expect miracles from the show as it goes on... but it definitely starts on the right foot.
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