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Castle |OT| It is okay to have a man-crush on Nathan Fillion


Return to form this week. Quirky case, Kate showing some hidden "nerd", Castle with his weird subcultures, seemingly random twist near the end to determine the killer, Martha doing something Castle hates.

Not that I don't mind a little change and drama, but after the last one it was nice to relax with a more straightforward multiple homicide.


They should change the name of this show to JUST FUCK ALREADY.

I still love it. It's definitely at it's best when they explore some quirky "secret world" or get tongue in cheek about it.


They should change the name of this show to JUST FUCK ALREADY.

I still love it. It's definitely at it's best when they explore some quirky "secret world" or get tongue in cheek about it.

I really wish they would get back to focusing on his writing more often. It's become a sort of afterthought the past 2 seasons. One of my favorite episodes was when she got the advance copy of Heat Wave and was sneaking around reading the sex scene.
I really wish they would get back to focusing on his writing more often. It's become a sort of afterthought the past 2 seasons. One of my favorite episodes was when she got the advance copy of Heat Wave and was sneaking around reading the sex scene.

And more poker games with actual authors. Always loved those scenes to see authors poke fun at themselves. I actually kind of respect James Patterson after he joked about having so many books out in a year.
Solid episode tonight, but it seems like it just added a layer of drame to the Castle/Beckett shipper scenario. I hope they fix that shit soon. I dont want it to drag the show down.


Castle was so emo, zomg she remembered and she didn't say anything!

How's that evidence going to hold up in court? Is GPS tracking of citizens and hearing what they say legal?


Pizza Dog
Well, she did confess, so that's probably what they'd lead with in court. It happens a lot in these sorts of shows, the evidence might e corcumstancial and not have any weight to it, but the suspects never ask for a lawyer and always admit to their crimes when someone figured out how they might have done it. It's entertainment though, the show would be incredibly dull if it was realistic.
Ok, now they are REALLY dragging out the Castle/Beckett shit. Normally on a show like this, I dont give a shit. The playful banter is part of the fun. But these last few episodes it has been VERY annoying. Just get it out there and fucking be done with it. Now it just feels insulting.


Ok, now they are REALLY dragging out the Castle/Beckett shit. Normally on a show like this, I dont give a shit. The playful banter is part of the fun. But these last few episodes it has been VERY annoying. Just get it out there and fucking be done with it. Now it just feels insulting.

Yeah...really hoping this current rift ends SOON. They will probably drag this out til the finale though and the cliffhanger will be one of them confessing and we have to wait until the fall to find out what the other's reaction was.

Although it was nice they remembered that Castle has a Ferrari to drive around instead of slumming it in the crown vics all the time.
Yeah...really hoping this current rift ends SOON.

Although it was nice they remembered that Castle has a Ferrari to drive around instead of slumming it in the crown vics all the time.

Although next week looks fucking awesome. Spoiling it, but most probably wont care because the guest star is the big reason to watch:
Adam Baldwin guest starring.

Hell yeah!


but ever so delicious
Ok, now they are REALLY dragging out the Castle/Beckett shit. Normally on a show like this, I dont give a shit. The playful banter is part of the fun. But these last few episodes it has been VERY annoying. Just get it out there and fucking be done with it. Now it just feels insulting.

I haven't seen tonights ep just yet, But you know that's not going to happen by seasons end.

There's still 1 bomb that could go off to keep them apart for a little bit longer, Which could be the season finale cliffhanger?
I haven't seen tonights ep just yet, But you know that's not going to happen by seasons end.

There's still 1 bomb that could go off to keep them apart for a little bit longer, Which could be the season finale cliffhanger?

No, they need to hook up by the season finale. Because with all the bullshit they have pulled the last two episodes it is getting offensive. It was all playful before because you could tell the characters liked each other, but now it is to the point of them telling others how they feel (and the audience), but not each other because some random roadblock comes up. It is past being cute. It is insulting now. They better fix it quick, because after just two episodes it is fucking annoying.


No, they need to hook up by the season finale. Because with all the bullshit they have pulled the last two episodes it is getting offensive. It was all playful before because you could tell the characters liked each other, but now it is to the point of them telling others how they feel (and the audience), but not each other because some random roadblock comes up. It is past being cute. It is insulting now. They better fix it quick, because after just two episodes it is fucking annoying.

Agree. It's sucking the fun out of a show that I watch because it's fun.
If you think it's bad now, just wait until they finally decide to get together and then she finds his research into her mom's death and they go all the way back to square one. Because deep down we all know this is what's going to happen, because that's what TV shows like this do.
If you think it's bad now, just wait until they finally decide to get together and then she finds his research into her mom's death and they go all the way back to square one. Because deep down we all know this is what's going to happen, because that's what TV shows like this do.

Sadly, you are probably right. Two shows that did the leads getting together very well were Chuck and Fringe. Chuck had the stumbling block of season 3, but once they were together things were so much fun. Fringe had the drama roadblocks there occasionally, but they resolved them within one episode usually. Nothing got really dragged out. (Except Chuck season 3, but again, it was so much better once it was resolved.)


but ever so delicious
If you think it's bad now, just wait until they finally decide to get together and then she finds his research into her mom's death and they go all the way back to square one. Because deep down we all know this is what's going to happen, because that's what TV shows like this do.

Yea this is why I was thinking it wouldn't happen this season.

I expect that information to be the season finale with a slow and hopefully honest rebuilding of the relationship in season 5 with a get together not taking too fucking long. I do hope that's not the case though and we get some sort of honesty in the finale episode with season 5 starting with the two idiots as a couple a few months into the relationship.

Fuck there's a 3 week break until we get the final 3 episodes? That blows.
Ok, now they are REALLY dragging out the Castle/Beckett shit. Normally on a show like this, I dont give a shit. The playful banter is part of the fun. But these last few episodes it has been VERY annoying. Just get it out there and fucking be done with it. Now it just feels insulting.

It's getting really annoying, and shows constantly fall into this same trap.

You have a male and female lead, fine. Either put them together or don't, but don't tease the will they/won't they season after season. It's insulting.

Chuck went through this for a while too. Luckily, they finally got went ahead and put them together and the quality of the show instantly improved.

If you don't want your leads involved romantically, that's fine - I don't think viewers would have a problem with that. But when you beat your audience over the head with how much the two want to be with each other and than write a bunch of bullshit barriers to keep them apart - that's when I want to turn the channel. It sucks the fun out of the show, every time.


Yep. My tolerance for the woo they won't they is officially over. This episode just was a repeat from previous seasons
Where is this preview? We didn't get one here in Canada, and the TV Passport listings site doesn't list next week's episode as a new one...

Is it three weeks to a new one and not next week? I missed that they said that. Either way, the next new episode guest stars
Adam Baldwin. And it looks like he is using the gift god gave him: his cop face. (Chuck fans will get that one)


I was actually in the mindset that they would never get together, but the way they are playing up the will they won't they angle lately I think we are gonna see something in the finale, whether it's and admission of their feelings or they just end up kissing or whatever.


They are clearly leading up to a big case happening in the season finale with them admitting their feelings finally for each other. Now if that means they end up together or not who knows.
They are clearly leading up to a big case happening in the season finale with them admitting their feelings finally for each other. Now if that means they end up together or not who knows.

Castle gets shot then Kate admits her feelings as he fades into unconsciousness. Season 5 opener is identical to the season 4 one, but reverse Castle and Beckett's roles.

Yes, I am kidding.


but ever so delicious
Theres certainly a story arc going on between them over the next few episodes with a conclussion in the finale. I can only hope its a good conclussion.

I don't mind that they are doing it, I dont expect it to be a simple I love you, I love you too, yay done, moment. It would be nice in a perfect world but this is tv world, everything Is silly.

I'm still enjoying it though, I'm a sucker for romance for some reason in tv, I like to dream I guess. So even if it drags on a little more im not too fussed. It certainly isn't on the chuck level of stupidity yet, it has a while to go before that happens.

What ever happened to Kate's therapist? Guess the man isnt needed anymore.
From EW Spoiler Room. Not really spoilery, but good news:

EW said:
This season of Castle did anything but start off on a light note, and the episodes that have followed pretty much matched in tone. Secrets lingered like unaddressed pink elephants, feelings were unresolved, and each character wrestled with inner turmoil of various kinds. As for next season? Creator Andrew Marlowe says fans can expect much of the air to be cleared.

“I think it’s going to be interesting to see the Beckett/Castle relationship next season when we have a lot of the cards on the table, and when they’ve had fundamental confrontations and each of them knows how the other one feels. I think that’s something that gives us a lot of really intense, fun storytelling,” he says. Emphasis on fun, in fact. Because Marlowe recognizes that this seasons has seen a little less of that than previous seasons. Appropriate as it was for the story arc (and, yes, it was) he’s hoping to ramp it back up next season. “Our goal has always been to be true to these characters as we arc them through this strange, wonderful, interesting, intense relationship that they’ve been going through from the moment they met,” he says. “We didn’t have a chance to mine it as much as we wanted to because of where the characters were emotionally. We’re hoping to return to it a little.”

That’s not to say we won’t see fun in the rest of this season. As I mentioned earlier this week, zombies are invading! But my big question after he dropped the zombie bomb, will we get to see any of our faves in zombie garb? “I think we might,” he says.


Does anyone else think that Castle is the only police procedural that doesn't suck? A couple of months ago they had a video image and they had to enhance it but nothing came up because as someone said it's nothing but pixels. It only reaffirmed I'm right that I love this show while I hate every other cop show on TV.
Does anyone else think that Castle is the only police procedural that doesn't suck? A couple of months ago they had a video image and they had to enhance it but nothing came up because as someone said it's nothing but pixels. It only reaffirmed I'm right that I love this show while I hate every other cop show on TV.

Law and Order is one of the best procedurals when it comes to that stuff. Lab work takes a realistic amount of time. Bad guys sometimes get away. Etc.


Law and Order is one of the best procedurals when it comes to that stuff. Lab work takes a realistic amount of time. Bad guys sometimes get away. Etc.

You're right but Law and Order sucks for a different reason. There's usually zero character development and most of them aren't interesting in the first place.
Theres certainly a story arc going on between them over the next few episodes with a conclussion in the finale. I can only hope its a good conclussion.

I don't mind that they are doing it, I dont expect it to be a simple I love you, I love you too, yay done, moment. It would be nice in a perfect world but this is tv world, everything Is silly.

I'm still enjoying it though, I'm a sucker for romance for some reason in tv, I like to dream I guess. So even if it drags on a little more im not too fussed. It certainly isn't on the chuck level of stupidity yet, it has a while to go before that happens.

What ever happened to Kate's therapist? Guess the man isnt needed anymore.

I think that Castle's Dad is going to be playing an important role in Kate's mom murder. I mean, I started getting this feel after the Jennifer Beals arc when she kinda dropped a clue about his dad, and frankly, there's a nice twist available there.


Spoiler for next season, nothing major.
Supposed to be more light-hearted than this season has been, which sounds good.
I just watched the first episode of season one after having heard so much about this series. I was really into it, and am definitely sticking with it till I catch up :)
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