This season of Castle did anything but start off on a light note, and the episodes that have followed pretty much matched in tone. Secrets lingered like unaddressed pink elephants, feelings were unresolved, and each character wrestled with inner turmoil of various kinds. As for next season? Creator Andrew Marlowe says fans can expect much of the air to be cleared.
I think its going to be interesting to see the Beckett/Castle relationship next season when we have a lot of the cards on the table, and when theyve had fundamental confrontations and each of them knows how the other one feels. I think thats something that gives us a lot of really intense, fun storytelling, he says. Emphasis on fun, in fact. Because Marlowe recognizes that this seasons has seen a little less of that than previous seasons. Appropriate as it was for the story arc (and, yes, it was) hes hoping to ramp it back up next season. Our goal has always been to be true to these characters as we arc them through this strange, wonderful, interesting, intense relationship that theyve been going through from the moment they met, he says. We didnt have a chance to mine it as much as we wanted to because of where the characters were emotionally. Were hoping to return to it a little.
Thats not to say we wont see fun in the rest of this season. As I mentioned earlier this week, zombies are invading! But my big question after he dropped the zombie bomb, will we get to see any of our faves in zombie garb? I think we might, he says.