What the hell, there's like a balcony 5 feet next to her, just move over and drop.
Fuck yeah Castle got laid.
are you shitting me?? after four seasons you dont think one minute of making out was justified?
edit: but overall it was pretty good. I'm glad Beckett finally doesn't care about her mother's murder but I wish that it was a bit more of a character moment instead of (seemingly- though we know it wasn't-) on a whim. I also wish that the show wasn't finding ways to keep that Arc in play.
Has anyone by chance read Heat Wave?
Has anyone by chance read Heat Wave?
Yes. It isn't OMGBESTBOOKEVER but it's pretty fun for a tie-in. Take one random episode from Castle, change the character names around a bit, add some sexytime and you pretty much get Heat Wave.
I was in a bookstore once and was just flipping through it, and I'm pretty sure there are at least some Firefly references too. There are definitely characters named Malcolm and Reynolds. Haven't read it, so I don't know if it goes any deeper than that.
Edit: That might have been one of the sequels I was looking through. I didn't realize three of his books have been published, wow.
The book is written by the shows writers IIRC, some of whom were Firefly writers.
The point is there are a number of people that I have to thank.
First and foremost on that list are my daughter Alexis, for always keeping me on my toes, and my mother, Martha Rodgers, for always keeping me grounded. In the extended Castle family, very special thanks goes to the lovely Jennifer Allen, my first reader always, and to Terri E. Miller, my partner in crime. May you, dear reader, be lucky enough to know women such as these.
A debt is due to Melissa Harling-Walendy and Liz Dickler in the development of this project, as well as to my dear friends Nathan, Stana, Jon, Seamus, Susan, Molly, Ruben, and Tamala. May our days, no matter how long, continue to be filled with laughter and grace.
And finally, to my two most loyal and devout Sherpas, Tom and Andrew, thank you for the journey. Now that weve reached the top, in your company it feels as though the stars are within my reach.
Casting news,looks like HRG (Jack Coleman) will be joining the cast, and sounds like it's multiple episodes.
Beckett and Castle make out, that's all there was. Nothing else matters beyond that.
Beckett and Castle make out, that's all there was. Nothing else matters beyond that.
From EW:
+ Will Beckett and Castle stay together for good?
While I wont say for good (because theres just no way of me looking that far into the future), I will echo what creator and executive producer Andrew Marlowe told me: I think it would be unfair to the audience to have them invest all this time and all this time together only to pull the rug out. I think that was one of the fundamental mistakes they made in Moonlighting. They got them together and then they split them up.
+Is Maddox the big bad this season?
Well, if you didnt already hate this guy, youll definitely hate him in the premiere largely because hes the thorn that bursts our happy couples Bubble of Happiness. When we left last season, we know that whatever bubble Castle and Beckett wake up in, shes still under active threat, Marlow reminds us. And in the last scene, Maddox said, When I have those files, Im going to put Beckett into the ground. And we know hes close to getting those files. So as is often the case, in a moment of bliss, real life intrudes and the characters have to deal with that and deal with it in a new way, given where they are in the world.
+ Will there be a two-parter this season?
Maybe. And if we see one, it will not be like any of the ones from past seasons. Well probably do something different something a little more personal, says Marlowe.
That Castle and Beckett thing is going to be a mistake
That Castle and Beckett thing is going to be a mistake
Pft, it was heading in this direction since Day 1, a child could foresee it.
"Mommy, when's Castle and Beckett gonna finally hook up?"
I placed my bets on "never" because that is a sure way to kill the "will they won't they" crowd's interest. Hopefully they up the mystery quality (and interplay) and those people will be forced to enjoy the show for how great it is, not just to see if some people hook up.
Sept 24th. It's a big week for returning shows.When is the show coming back again?
And if anyone reads them, the new Richard Castle book is in stores today. "Frozen Heat."
Like all the others, it will be talked about on the show.
I am just curious as to who the real author of the books is.
Is there going to be a new OT or is discussion continuing in here? Eagerly anticipating the new season, love this show.
So excited, this AND Fringe return this week, 2 of my favorite shows on tv. Can't wait to see where they take Beckett/Castle.
20 minutes!