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Castle |OT| It is okay to have a man-crush on Nathan Fillion

NO! I refuse!

So many good moments with the fake documentary. Lots of comedy came from it, and surprisingly some from Beckett.

Best line (some version of it) belonged to Castle: "Maybe he got a mad scientist to put together an amp that goes all the way to 12."

They even got a Wham joke in there.

Great episode, and this season has been on fire so far.
Yeah I'm burned out by every show always having a documentary episode but they did it rather well. I loved how everyone turned into a camera hog except Beckett and Ryan. Also Castle making the "cut to black, dramatic sound effect Bwah-Na-Na!" before nearly every commercial had me in tears.

Good stuff.
I liked the episode itself but I thought the focus was wayyy too tight like... a good 85% of the time. You're allowed to have more than half a person's head in the frame at a time doing this kind of thing -_-


This is about as much Ithaca gets mentioned on TV, ever.

Anybody else thinks Stana's expression of dismissal is so hot? My god.


The whole fake documentary thing has been done too much

But it was very entertaining towards the end indeed

Stana makes anything look good
This is about as much Ithaca gets mentioned on TV, ever.

Anybody else thinks Stana's expression of dismissal is so hot? My god.

Oh yeah. I fall in love every time she does that.

Great episode. Really funny. Loved everyone's reactions to the camera. Lainey showing off her boobs, Esposito's "You're welcome, America", and Gates' glory-hogging was hilarious.


Glad they didn't go full on trope-mode and have Castle's mom and Beckett's dad hook up or anything like that. Was expecting it the entire episode. Also these shows need to start casting new people, always know who the bad guy is because they play it in every other show they're on.
Glad they didn't go full on trope-mode and have Castle's mom and Beckett's dad hook up or anything like that. Was expecting it the entire episode. Also these shows need to start casting new people, always know who the bad guy is because they play it in every other show they're on.

What other show was he on?


Glad they didn't go full on trope-mode and have Castle's mom and Beckett's dad hook up or anything like that. Was expecting it the entire episode. Also these shows need to start casting new people, always know who the bad guy is because they play it in every other show they're on.

Actually, this twist caught me off guard. One of the few times I didn't see it coming.
Also these shows need to start casting new people, always know who the bad guy is because they play it in every other show they're on.
Yeah, at first I was like "oh, he gets to play a good guy" and then within 5 minutes I realize they're not gonna run into any other suspects so "oh, no he's not. He's pulling an Elias." Although he doesn't always play bad guys. But if there's organized crime involved he's probably playing a bad guy.





Is Alexis getting slowly phased out? Shes barely getting minutes of air time.

I know I am in the minority but I could not be more happy about that myself. For me the show has become much more watchable. Not a problem with the actress, she is probably good, just the writing for her was terrible.
I know I am in the minority but I could not be more happy about that myself. For me the show has become much more watchable. Not a problem with the actress, she is probably good, just the writing for her was terrible.
I think the Molly Quinn is in college now and they are adapting to her schedule. That is my guess.


There was a new ep tonight, anybody watch it yet?

Yeah, the actual case kept me guessing until near the end. The relationship drama felt like it was going back to the "Beckett's emotional past" well a bit too hard.

Too many serious episodes this year and not enough "fun" ones (like the Sci-Fi convention one).


It was a decent episode last night, but I felt the laughs were a bit weak. But, hey, it's a holiday episode. I have low expectations for those.
Good but not great episode. The preview for the next one looks like it could be great
with Castle's ex-wife showing up
, but it also looks like more relationship roadblock bullshit with Beckett's line of "You are not the man I thought you were!" Ugh.
It was still a super super fun episode. I think it's good when they balance the drama with the humor. Like the one where they get stranded in that bad part of the city? It was serious in the plot but a ton of fun with all the bickering and wacky situations.

P.S. Did anyone see the killer being who it was at all? DAMMIT!
I want to see an episode where they catch the killer before the opening credits, and the rest of the episode is just the crew going about their normal life without ever going back to a case. Just to shake things up.


Just started to catch up on a few episodes. Turned one on. Saw the most offensive shaky cam since Cloverfield. Promptly turned it off and deleted it. I really hope someone got fired for that episode.


Santa Claus vs Espo fight was awesome

And thank you for resolving the momentary tension between Castle and Beckett... didn't need another ep or 2 of him being passive aggressive at her again


Alan Tudyk could swing on by as well

He was great in Dollhouse as Alpha

Could play another multiple personality sociopathic genius again


Aliens ate my babysitter
It was still a super super fun episode. I think it's good when they balance the drama with the humor. Like the one where they get stranded in that bad part of the city? It was serious in the plot but a ton of fun with all the bickering and wacky situations.

P.S. Did anyone see the killer being who it was at all? DAMMIT!

Yes, the second the showed up. But that was more on account of who the actress were than anything else. Usually works out that way


Anybody still watching?

Last night's ep was alright, but this whole introducing doubt into Beckett's mind about Castle cuz he can't open up about his feelings is terribly ironic.


They're actually long lost twins too!

And i loved the sort of Seinfeld reference about the world's colliding theory
Anybody still watching?

Last night's ep was alright, but this whole introducing doubt into Beckett's mind about Castle cuz he can't open up about his feelings is terribly ironic.

lol, pot meets kettle.

I would love for the twist to be that Castle's father was a serial killer or something. Though I think someone toyed with the idea that he might be a CIA agent?

His father killed her mother.

Or this.

Castle's ex-wife is smoking hot.


Few seconds before the ending, I just said - Beautiful! The entire episode story was designed so well with the whole crew including the suspects and the victim being in the center of the story, each of them having his own part exactly on the right time. And some really funny moments with Castle.

Very good episode.
It felt like a "very special episode" featuring Esposito, but it was really well done. I like it when the side characters get their own feature episodes and Castle and Beckett take a backseat.

Now give me my episode that has Lanie front and center. Rowr.
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