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Castle |OT| It is okay to have a man-crush on Nathan Fillion


her father asked her what she was going to do, she had not given an answer, yet.

oh, any one think that there was someone in the office when the guy made the call besides me?

if there was, bets on it being bracken?


but ever so delicious
Certainly an odd finale, The question at the end wasn't all that surprising either. It does make you wonder where they will take season 6.

I can only assume she says yes but also yes to the job in DC, More of a trial run which is what part of S6 will be about. Them trying to do the long distance (although i doubt it really is) relationship.

To me, Kate is a great detective but with Castle by her side she excels. I get the feeling that will be played out in S6 as well, Ultimately making her come back to homicide or Castle somehow getting a gig with her in DC.

Still, Cliffhangers, Eh. I love them and hate them. I guess the next season will be in sept .. Not too long D:


That was a shity ending. It looked like he was forced to do it and not like he wanted it.

And Castle shouldn't behave so whiny all the time something's not perfect, it's little annoying. Where is the charmer from earlier seasons, even the first episodes of this one? EDIT: Oh and why couldn't he just move to DC with her? It's not like anything keeps him in NY, not his daughter anyway. He is a millionaire, right?
Shut up, we need the epic fineness of Stana Katic.

Weird finale. Castle just looked angry and disappointed as he proposed. That was really fucking weird.

He did, but I think that was the point. I think he was trying to come across as serious about the commitment. I think he got the feeling from Stana that she never beleived in their long term relationship, so he proposed with that "what now bitch" look, as if he pinned her down.
He did, but I think that was the point. I think he was trying to come across as serious about the commitment. I think he got the feeling from Stana that she never beleived in their long term relationship, so he proposed with that "what now bitch" look, as if he pinned her down.

It looked fairly murderous.


from reading reviews analysis of the show, this is going to be a bit "weird"

castle and beckett BOTH have 2 "modes" of personality

rick has the "rick mode" and the "castle Mode"

Castle mode is the 9 year old on a sugar rush, the playboy, the fun guy.
the Rick mode is the insecure abandonment issue, serious guy, who has been hurt by Every personal relationship he has had- Kyra- left him, Meredith cheated on him- gina (not sure) etc.. he shows up when it's Serious time.. knockdown- its Rick that pummels lockwood, in Target, its Rick in the bedroom with the driver not "castle".

beckett has the "kate mode" and the "Beckett Mode"

Kate mode is the repressed personality, she is the playful one, she is the "biggest scofflaw at high school" she is the one that planned the birthday for the person she loves, she loves deeply, she cares, and she gets scared...

Beckett mode is...the emotionless super-cop that protects the kate mode from being hurt emotionally, beckett mode came because of her moms death... beckett is the protector, the one that breaks off relationships so that "kate" doesn't get hurt emotionally.

Castle has spent 4 years breaking thru the walls and letting - after 12 years- the kate mode be "released" from the cage, and truly "love"

the episode Still triggered Beckett mode's protection protocols.. she got scared at the depth of Castle's commitment, yet they do not talk about it, so she got scared and withdrew, as her father says, she always breaks things off before they get too serious...

assuming they show in the right order--

squab's temptation by vaughn, was part of the protection protocols, he was not Castle, cheating on castle= ending relationship, being "safe" emotionally= "kate" safe, however "Kate" interfered - thus the push away.

human factor, kate is more and more secretive, more "supercop" than we have seen ALL year, WAY worse than season 1, she is acting different, she is doing this because with the last attempt to remedy the "potential heartache" failed, more drastic measures were called for.

the bipolarity is evident in her demeanor, how she talks, walks, kate talking is warm, soft, caring, Beckett talking is, hard, driven, emotionless.

now we get watershed.

beckett mode in overdrive in washington, beckett keeping secrets, doing things TO sabotage the relationship. Castle finds out and is justifiably upset about her going to washington without talking about it.

the interview in the interrogation room is the pivot, it is the point where people disagree, those ascribing to the "not taking the job" aspect say that is where she realized that the job was just hiding, just running away from the relationship...

beckett mode never apologizes.

when castle interrupts kate- which he rarely does, with the let me finish bit- he is deadly serious, he is not CASTLE, the playboy, he is rick.

he isn't looking deadly, he is nervous, he is scared, he HAS THE RING ON HIM, who here WASN'T nervous when proposing to his girlfriend, i sure was.

Beckett thinks when he goes i want more, we deserve more, she thinks breakup is coming, not proposal.
from reading reviews analysis of the show, this is going to be a bit "weird"

castle and beckett BOTH have 2 "modes" of personality

rick has the "rick mode" and the "castle Mode"

Castle mode is the 9 year old on a sugar rush, the playboy, the fun guy.
the Rick mode is the insecure abandonment issue, serious guy, who has been hurt by Every personal relationship he has had- Kyra- left him, Meredith cheated on him- gina (not sure) etc.. he shows up when it's Serious time.. knockdown- its Rick that pummels lockwood, in Target, its Rick in the bedroom with the driver not "castle".

beckett has the "kate mode" and the "Beckett Mode"

Kate mode is the repressed personality, she is the playful one, she is the "biggest scofflaw at high school" she is the one that planned the birthday for the person she loves, she loves deeply, she cares, and she gets scared...

Beckett mode is...the emotionless super-cop that protects the kate mode from being hurt emotionally, beckett mode came because of her moms death... beckett is the protector, the one that breaks off relationships so that "kate" doesn't get hurt emotionally.

Castle has spent 4 years breaking thru the walls and letting - after 12 years- the kate mode be "released" from the cage, and truly "love"

the episode Still triggered Beckett mode's protection protocols.. she got scared at the depth of Castle's commitment, yet they do not talk about it, so she got scared and withdrew, as her father says, she always breaks things off before they get too serious...

assuming they show in the right order--

squab's temptation by vaughn, was part of the protection protocols, he was not Castle, cheating on castle= ending relationship, being "safe" emotionally= "kate" safe, however "Kate" interfered - thus the push away.

human factor, kate is more and more secretive, more "supercop" than we have seen ALL year, WAY worse than season 1, she is acting different, she is doing this because with the last attempt to remedy the "potential heartache" failed, more drastic measures were called for.

the bipolarity is evident in her demeanor, how she talks, walks, kate talking is warm, soft, caring, Beckett talking is, hard, driven, emotionless.

now we get watershed.

beckett mode in overdrive in washington, beckett keeping secrets, doing things TO sabotage the relationship. Castle finds out and is justifiably upset about her going to washington without talking about it.

the interview in the interrogation room is the pivot, it is the point where people disagree, those ascribing to the "not taking the job" aspect say that is where she realized that the job was just hiding, just running away from the relationship...

beckett mode never apologizes.

when castle interrupts kate- which he rarely does, with the let me finish bit- he is deadly serious, he is not CASTLE, the playboy, he is rick.

he isn't looking deadly, he is nervous, he is scared, he HAS THE RING ON HIM, who here WASN'T nervous when proposing to his girlfriend, i sure was.

Beckett thinks when he goes i want more, we deserve more, she thinks breakup is coming, not proposal.

That was... a pretty good analysis.


So the Senator is scared that Castle and Beckett together is a formula that will end up bringing him down eventually, and the invitation to DC is simply his way to break them up. Right?

Once Beckett finds this out (after like 2-3 episodes of angst at the beginning of the new season), she'll be devastated because she thought she got the job on her merits. At that point, it's emotionally damaged Beckett back on the job in NYC with Castle and the team. She has to be nursed back to confidence, and the next season ends with a series finale marriage.

Seems pretty straightforward.


jvm that is one theory that bracken is behind it.
the AG is a political appointee.. bracken is tight with the current administration= potentially he is behind it...

other possibility is Smith is behind it (assuming that his death WAS staged like some people think (me being one)

or we are looking too much for a conspiracy where there is none.

what i want to know is why did the AG investigator have a Silencer on his Gun......


So the Senator is scared that Castle and Beckett together is a formula that will end up bringing him down eventually, and the invitation to DC is simply his way to break them up. Right?

Once Beckett finds this out (after like 2-3 episodes of angst at the beginning of the new season), she'll be devastated because she thought she got the job on her merits. At that point, it's emotionally damaged Beckett back on the job in NYC with Castle and the team. She has to be nursed back to confidence, and the next season ends with a series finale marriage.

Seems pretty straightforward.

I agree with all of this, but dunno about a series finale. The show is doing great numbers and the cast are wanting to continue. From what I hear ABC is happy too.
I thought the added clipshow episode really screwed with the dynamics of the finale, you can try to rationalise that Castle really believed that the bomb would never go off but there's no way he could, the guy was willing to die with the person he loved. And then a couple episodes later, they try to play the card of how serious they are, if they have a future, it just doesn't ring true, especially in such close proximity.


spidey re-read what i posted and rewatch the diner scene

Still..Scared her so much that she pulled away from Castle- what castle did in still -said , i want to be with you until death do us part.

this is the woman that according to her father cannot commit to a long term relationship, she always- ALWAYS - ended relationships before they got too serious.

so she pulled away the past 3 episodes..to end the relationship-all subconsciously.


No finale talk?

It felt like a play on that recent case where the girl ended up in the water tower.

The dead girls friend said she saw the dead girl fighting with guy.
They find dead girls computer with a message saying to meet dead guy.
They said dead guy is dead before the meet.
Did girl that said she saw the fight lie?
No finale talk?

It felt like a play on that recent case where the girl ended up in the water tower.

The dead girls friend said she saw the dead girl fighting with guy.
They find dead girls computer with a message saying to meet dead guy.
They said dead guy is dead before the meet.
Did girl that said she saw the fight lie?

They ever solve the Elisa Lam case?


budding politician's stepbrother did it on orders from said stepbrother

he rolled on said stepbrother for all the deaths/killing orders

lawyer and the main case of the week murders and the accidental death of her friend in the car crash (that said politician was driving for)

anyone else think there was someone else in the office of the AG guy when he called to say she got the job? my guess there was, and it was bracken but :)

production crew is on set building season 6 stuff, filming starts in like 3 weeks


post on twitter by molly and an interview from stana the other day- season 6 filming starts on july 8th.

teri miller (wife of AM) tweeted this morning that the script for the premiere is done.


you want news.......

do you REAAAAAALLLY want news?

beckett takes the job in washington, & she says YES to Castle, so they are engaged to be married.
side note: marlowe had them buy 5 copies of the engagement ring- ring cost ~20k each

Alexis beings a guy home from costa rica- he moves in to castle's loft, guys name is PI

lisa edelstein is a fed agent named mccord, beckett is working with for the first 3 episodes of the season

new detective- think it is at the 12th- is named sullivan

and yes i am pathetic that i know all that already.
you want news.......

do you REAAAAAALLLY want news?

beckett takes the job in washington, & she says YES to Castle, so they are engaged to be married.

Alexis beings a guy home from costa rica- he moves in to castle's loft, guys name is PI

lisa edelstein is a fed agent named mccord, beckett is working with for the first 3 episodes of the season

new detective- think it is at the 12th- is named sullivan

and yes i am pathetic that i know all that already.
I foresee great comedy from the Alexis one.


possibly. i read a rumor that the reason why is

alexis is pissed that they got engaged/didn't tell her so she is being a whiney bitch about it.. but that is rumor


It seems like a lot of woman like this show because of the romance part. Am I the only one that just likes the crime and comedy part, and doesn't care at all about the couple?


For what it's worth as a man, I'm mostly in it for the moments when Castle makes an utter dork of himself and/or shows himself to be the N'th Doctor I never knew I wanted.


For what it's worth as a man, I'm mostly in it for the moments when Castle makes an utter dork of himself and/or shows himself to be the N'th Doctor I never knew I wanted.

That kind of reads like I am a woman haha. I'm also male but noticed how the only fans they showed in the trailer were female and screaming about the proposal thing.

Seems like the show is popular with woman because of the romance, but it has never really interested me. I only care about the future of the two because I think the show is funnier with the couple antics thrown in.


The women are more emotional about it- have viewing parties etc
we(guys) don't(normally) get giddy like the girls do, though it is funny Watching them get Giddy.

i will admit that i did comment aloud a few times during all the shows- like season 3 finale i went holy shit, i gotta watch the season 4 premiere...and the end of tick tick tick i said the same thing...and of course the first real kiss i thought, ABOUT TIME!!

Oh oh

CTV in canada is showing Castle on Sunday's at 9pm eastern (instead of monday at 10eastern)and the Premiere is at 7pm on the 22nd so ......


The women are more emotional about it- have viewing parties etc
we(guys) don't(normally) get giddy like the girls do, though it is funny Watching them get Giddy.

i will admit that i did comment aloud a few times during all the shows- like season 3 finale i went holy shit, i gotta watch the season 4 premiere...and the end of tick tick tick i said the same thing...and of course the first real kiss i thought, ABOUT TIME!!

Oh oh

CTV in canada is showing Castle on Sunday's at 9pm eastern (instead of monday at 10eastern)and the Premiere is at 7pm on the 22nd so ......

As a Canadian, that's pretty good news :). I'm really looking forward to this, Grimm, and Arrow. All start close to each other, having something to watch without resorting to Under The Dome will be nice.


but ever so delicious
As a dude I like it for the romance as well as the castle being an idiot moments. I'm not to sure what that says about me, but I've always enjoyed good romance in TV shows or at least the kinda awkward nerdy guy getting the hot lady. I think it started with Seth and summer in the oc....

Only a month to go before we all rage about the bad romance choices and how there isn't enough molly.

Can't wait.


It seems like a lot of woman like this show because of the romance part. Am I the only one that just likes the crime and comedy part, and doesn't care at all about the couple?

I love the weird crimes too. For example in Season 2, the one about the vampire and the werewolf.

"Looks like Buffy is visiting the big apple"


As a dude I like it for the romance as well as the castle being an idiot moments. I'm not to sure what that says about me, but I've always enjoyed good romance in TV shows or at least the kinda awkward nerdy guy getting the hot lady. I think it started with Seth and summer in the oc....

Only a month to go before we all rage about the bad romance choices and how there isn't enough molly.

Can't wait.

I don't mean anything against the guys that like the romance. It just struck me as something kind of interesting. The show is most popular among woman it seems, and they seem to enjoy the show for a whole other reason than I do. It seems like everyone in here is a dude? Figured I'd see what you guys thought.
I don't mean anything against the guys that like the romance. It just struck me as something kind of interesting. The show is most popular among woman it seems, and they seem to enjoy the show for a whole other reason than I do. It seems like everyone in here is a dude? Figured I'd see what you guys thought.

Well there are reasons why it was compared to Moonlighting early on. The romance aspect is big. But this has much stronger procedural elements so it doesn't seem as doomed post-relationship.

I enjoy all the aspects of the show. The relationships, the comedy, the crime. The dialogue is really good for the most part as well. The characters are all really good. I just like pretty much everything about the show.


I enjoy a little soap, and I certainly find them an attractive couple. That said, the humor and fun side characters and goofy plots are more important. I think the soap is simply part of a great mix of features.


but ever so delicious
I don't mean anything against the guys that like the romance. It just struck me as something kind of interesting. The show is most popular among woman it seems, and they seem to enjoy the show for a whole other reason than I do. It seems like everyone in here is a dude? Figured I'd see what you guys thought.

Haha, Certainly nothing against me here. I just like to project the romantic idea of TV upon myself. Like, I'm the nerdy awkward overweight guy, so wouldn't it be awesome if Rachel Bilson entered my life and loved me ... Oh yea it would.

So i've always enjoyed the romantic side of what seems to be odd couples (seth & summer, chuck & sarah and so on) so this while it isn't exactly an odd couple, It still somewhat feels like it.

So I get a little bit of a laugh out of it all but it's certainly not why I actually watch the show.
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