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Castle |OT| It is okay to have a man-crush on Nathan Fillion


Didn't like the premiére at all. It was just boring and the way they're handling things seems like a cop-out to me. Just transfer Castle and family to Washington and get rid of the two policemen (I don't even remember their names).
This way it seems like the thing won't last long.

Did you just start watching at season 6?
Did you just start watching at season 6?

No, I recuperated all the seasons last year because of one friend. Liked 1-4 (3 was probably the best from what I remember, the ending surely), didn't like 5 so much. I love Fillion but to me he's the only strong character on the show. I like Beckett but her storyline about the mother's murder was stretched for so many years (considering it involves like 3-4 episodes per season) that I just don't care anymore.
A change of set to Washington would've spiced things up, but I fear it's just a gimmick which won't last in the long run.
get rid of the two policemen (I don't even remember their names).

To each their own. No worries.

The point is that I feel their presence is the reason why the showrunners didn't change the set completely to Washington. Alexis and Castle's mother obviously are not a problem, he can just say "Fuck you you're coming with me and Beckett that's it." but they can't move Ryan and Javi (I remembered!) to DC so easily too without really stretching things. So we get all that "Oh no I haven't seen you in six years how are you" bullshit which always happens in a TV series involving a major lovestory like this one (remember Friday Night Light's season 2?). I hate that crap. Why can't Castle just move in DC, he's a freaking billionaire. Oh yeah right, because he would leave Ryan and Javi alone, and the show can't lose two major and highly liked characters like those just like that.
I like them too, to be fair, they're fun, how can you hate them. But to me it seems like they're holding the series back for now.
The point is that I feel their presence is the reason why the showrunners didn't change the set completely to Washington. Alexis and Castle's mother obviously are not a problem, he can just say "Fuck you you're coming with me and Beckett that's it." but they can't move Ryan and Javi (I remembered!) to DC so easily too without really stretching things. So we get all that "Oh no I haven't seen you in six years how are you" bullshit which always happens in a TV series involving a major lovestory like this one (remember Friday Night Light's season 2?). I hate that crap. Why can't Castle just move in DC, he's a freaking billionaire. Oh yeah right, because he would leave Ryan and Javi alone, and the show can't lose two major and highly liked characters like those just like that.
I like them too, to be fair, they're fun, how can you hate them. But to me it seems like they're holding the series back for now.

I do agree that moving to DC would be a nice jolt for the series, but I also feel it would be stretching the credibility even further than it does now in regards to how Castle helps with cases. Besides, I don't think the government would tolerate Castle for more than one case before locking him up for a long time.


I do agree that moving to DC would be a nice jolt for the series, but I also feel it would be stretching the credibility even further than it does now in regards to how Castle helps with cases. Besides, I don't think the government would tolerate Castle for more than one case before locking him up for a long time.

But he's got friends everywhere!
They're holding the show together. They are one of the few reasons to keep watching this show!

Meh, I don't totally agree with that. For my personal experience, the biggest problem with procedural shows is that they rely on the same characters for their entire run, and in the end come up as boring. A major change like "DC without Ryan and Javi" could feel rushed at first, but they created those characters, no? So they can make new ones of the same quality.
Take Homicide: Life On The Street. That series constantly loosed main characters every season, and introduced new ones, and that's what kept it fresh for all the seven-seasons run.
But he's got friends everywhere!

It's not the friends everywhere thing. It is him still helping with cases after all these years. It stopped being "I am researching for my new book" thing a long time ago. I know without him at the police station we dont have a show, but him also helping with the FBI or whatever would stretch things too far. And they showed in the premiere how he cannot help them there. Classified info and all that.
I do agree that moving to DC would be a nice jolt for the series, but I also feel it would be stretching the credibility even further than it does now in regards to how Castle helps with cases. Besides, I don't think the government would tolerate Castle for more than one case before locking him up for a long time.

That's true but it sill a drama with very strong comedic factors. I don't personally care if he starts helping the government too. I wouldn't even care if they found a very farfetched way to move Ryan and Javi to DC, to be honest. I just don't like seeing two different sets continuously, it messes up with the focus on the action.


Pizza Dog
My girlfriend's watches along with me fairly casually, she said she found this episode boring. Think she'd rather get back to the status quo, she didn't find the storyline engaging at all, especially throughout the first half of the episode.


Neo Member
Thought it was another pretty mediocre episode to continue the quality from where they left off last season.

Need to congratulate them though on coming up with a character even more annoying than the daughter
It's not the friends everywhere thing. It is him still helping with cases after all these years. It stopped being "I am researching for my new book" thing a long time ago. I know without him at the police station we dont have a show, but him also helping with the FBI or whatever would stretch things too far. And they showed in the premiere how he cannot help them there. Classified info and all that.

All he would need is a background check for Security Clearance and he could be hired on as a Consultant. It's really no more of a stretch than him becoming a permanent ride along for the NYPD with no experience or training.

But I like Ryan, Javier, and Janie.. so I'd still like to see Beckett keep her job, but get stationed back in NY as a liason to the NYPD. That would keep all the characters around and give the show the ability to continue with some of the lighter episode but also give her a longer reach to do really big episodes similar to the Taken-esque two parter from last season.


Pizza Dog
All he would need is a background check for Security Clearance and he could be hired on as a Consultant. It's really no more of a stretch than him becoming a permanent ride along for the NYPD with no experience or training.

But I like Ryan, Javier, and Janie.. so I'd still like to see Beckett keep her job, but get stationed back in NY as a liason to the NYPD. That would keep all the characters around and give the show the ability to continue with some of the lighter episode but also give her a longer reach to do really big episodes similar to the Taken-esque two parter from last season.

Seems like a fairly good compromise to have her character progress career-wise but keep the show along the same lines as before. Of course, now that
Castle's going to die
the show's clearly changing radically. Or do people think that might not happen?


Just want to say i've been marathoning this show after watching the first series on Netflix, it's bloody awesome.


in all honesty, the feds so far are boring, no energy, no emotion, no spark.

and imo

McCord is the worst one of the bunch.

oh and its LANIE!

ryan and espo add too much to the show, the interaction the "family" bit

and castle is not a billionaire, just multi-millionaire...but he could just move to DC and buy a flat easy.

alexis- columbia- she is restarting school in a month so she -should- be heading back to her dorm unless she gets and apartment with Pi...

there is something about Pi though...i like his character- annoying as he is so far, i just like him (though i would never have a papaya steak for dinner-give me the real deal ~1" thick ~16oz of rib eye medium rare prepped with kosher salt ~45 minutes before cooking then served with a teaspoon of melted butter on top(or a blue cheese crust). dessert maybe.


Didn't like the premiére at all. It was just boring and the way they're handling things seems like a cop-out to me. Just transfer Castle and family to Washington and get rid of the two policemen (I don't even remember their names).
This way it seems like the thing won't last long.

WTF do you even watch this show?


Not a great start to the season, but they handled the proposal reaction as well as they could. I never like these arc episodes though and much prefer the fun ones instead.


they are back in NY in episode 3 btw. which is the end -i believe- of the overall FED arc.

it could be over next week once castle is not dead but i believe they are in NY with the gang for episode 3-

IF she is still a fed in 3 (and i know mccord is in episode 3 so probably) i bet she has to take over a case from the boys(espo & ryan & the new guy sullivan(who might have kate's old desk))@the 12th and the resultant conflict/resolution of the case convinces kate to leave the Fed Team and go back to being a detective for the NYPD.(at least we all assume she is going back to the 12th)


they are back in NY in episode 3 btw. which is the end -i believe- of the overall FED arc.

it could be over next week once castle is not dead but i believe they are in NY with the gang for episode 3-

IF she is still a fed in 3 (and i know mccord is in episode 3 so probably) i bet she has to take over a case from the boys(espo & ryan & the new guy sullivan(who might have kate's old desk))@the 12th and the resultant conflict/resolution of the case convinces kate to leave the Fed Team and go back to being a detective for the NYPD.(at least we all assume she is going back to the 12th)

Ya I see her either rejoining them within 5 episodes or taking a position in NY with the Feds.


Just a reminder that Castle airs in Canada not only a day early for the premiere but every week. Sunday rather than Monday.

Edit: Aired already.


Holy shit, i can't believe
Castle didn't die in this episode. I thought he was a goner! I was ok though, fun spy stuff. We are starting to see why Beckett will leave this job in the future.


I have yet to watch it, but that will never happen. So every time they get in a hairy situation there is zero tension on that front.


Holy shit, i can't believe
Castle didn't die in this episode. I thought he was a goner! I was ok though, fun spy stuff. We are starting to see why Beckett will leave this job in the future.

Yea I really thought
she would quit as soon as the other agent told her nothing ever wrapped up black and white in this city.

Deleted member 10571

Unconfirmed Member
Premiere seen, Castle/Prison Break same universe confirmed (in my head canon). I wish Nathan Fillion would get another series that's not a crime procedural, those things are annoying at times even if the characters are great.


from seeing the canadian version (castle is on CTV @9pm eastern sundays)

not much "caskett" in the episode except at beginning and looks by beckett, i like vallente's char more than mccord.

she is still a fed at the end of the episode, but you can tell at the end that she is becoming disillusioned with the "dream job" because while the person responsible for castle's poisoning and the theft gets caught, the person Responsible for said actions being taken gets away with it with no investigation etc...because he is untouchable pretty much- not bracken.

next week's episode has mccord and beckett in NY...investigating/taking over a case that ryan and esposito(and castle) are on. and it is- i hope- this episode that breaks the camel's back/ends kate's foray into the AG Taskforce.


the Castle Cast did Paley center last night if you all did not know, the people there saw episode 3...

twitter reactions for the episode are...that it is great and all the audience stood up and yelled YES!!! at the end

unconfirmed, but at the end of the episode the most common thought,,,kate is back at the 12th/Leaves the AG task force.


Had to DVR Castle last night, watched tonight. Good episode, but not enough levity.

Preview for next week looks much lighter. Yay!


Enjoyed the episode
but I hate it when Glen Morshower plays bit of a douche, he was one of my favorite recurring characters in 24 I dont like not liking him :)
Enjoyed the episode
but I hate it when Glen Morshower plays bit of a douche, he was one of my favorite recurring characters in 24 I dont like not liking him :)

Glen Morshower will always be Aaron Pierce to me. One of the few men badass enough to survive the entire series, even if he was missing from season 8. I especially loved his moment with President Logan in season 5, where he insulted him by calling him Charles.


only the premiere was at 7pm normal air time is 9pm for CTV

nabbed the episode, watched it, liked it, had decent banter, good caskett scenes and

beckett gets fired at the end-right after rick gives her a key to their new apartment in DC

for the first 2episodes, you can see beckett becoming more jaded/doubtful/upset about the "dream job"

EDITED:TO MAKE A few things more vague that were not spoilerized.


sorry about that.

OH OH OH,.. just remembered they mention the nikki heat movie tonite.

TV guide has some stuff out about episode 6.

alexis moving into an apt with Pi
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