Same as the time travel episode, they leave it up to the viewer.
Yeah but here it wasn't as well-done I thought. It felt tacky. I don't know.
Same as the time travel episode, they leave it up to the viewer.
They didn't explain how the fraud guy was pulling his stuff in front of his "students". Probably with magnets, but still, I would have liked to see some closure.
They always do that with the pseudo-science/paranormal-themed episode. It's frankly silly, and borderline annoying, but what are you gonna do.The very last line of the episode suggests that the kid actually WAS telekinetic, and was just lying about the magnets and stuff. Beckett says something along the lines of "They searched the kid's house, and they didn't find any of the stuff he claimed he used to set up the tricks."
The very last line of the episode suggests that the kid actually WAS telekinetic, and was just lying about the magnets and stuff. Beckett says something along the lines of "They searched the kid's house, and they didn't find any of the stuff he claimed he used to set up the tricks."
They always do that with the pseudo-science/paranormal-themed episode.
I'm talking about the indian-looking dude who was housing Jordan. He was obviously a fraud.
I have no issue with them leaving things like that. It brings you into Castles world of believing in that kind of stuff, where he is there from the beginning.
I like it because I like Castle, this season and previous seasons. If they confirm 100% that these supernatural things are real I could see the actual tone of the show shifting.
Though I can't actually see how the time travel wasn't legit. The letter clearly changes at the end of the show in a way that really cannot be explained.
I don't think they need to confirm anything though. The time travel thing can be real, and they never have to mention it again. The show and story can remain grounded in reality for the most part, with little oddities thrown in, because just toying with Castle and his desire for all of these things to be real.
Awesome ep. Enjoyed it the whole way through. When Castle had an idea right before the interrogation scene to out the Ninja I was thinking "man this is going to come across as profiling" and sure enough they had the character go there. haha.
Worst part was it being a classic Castle back to the start move as well.White ninja of course. Predicted it from the get go, never change Hollywood.
Also the 4th wall breaking with "And you're afraid we're going to become boring?"
New episode this week.What's going on with this show? I could have sworn that the preview at the end of the most recent episode said "In two weeks...." and it's been over four now.
New episode this week.
.As usual, if a person has a speaking part that doesn't contribute to the plot at all, then they're the killer.
The actual mysteries are getting boring.
The themed eps aren't supposed to be enthralling mysteries. They're just fun little adventure episodes. There are still good mysteries being done this season like Disciple, Time will Tell, and Room 147.
Ryan and Esposito competing for best man? Love it.
Kate in DAT tie & blazer and plays strip poker?