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Castle |OT| It is okay to have a man-crush on Nathan Fillion

I think it's going to be an ongoing subplot for the first half of the season. No way they can cover all the mysterious details plus take care of a new case in just one episode. I like the new direction.


No Scrubs
Well, I think my enjoyment will depend on if they try to keep making it look like he masterminded his own kidnapping. Plus the speed at which everyone turned on him, I'd just rather have some fun episodes than a whole lot of constant mistrust and suspicion.


I'm just gonna say it. Molly Quinn is looking good these days.

Daaaaamn straight.

I feel like 3XK is the only lingering story arc (since Bracken's been arrested, but they could continue it I guess if he masterminds shit from prison) so that's my guess as to who's behind it all. Although I'll be pleasantly surprised if they decide to introduce another recurring villain into the mix.
I'm just gonna say it. Molly Quinn is looking good these days.

Been lookin' good for a while now.

And the episode sure was anticlimactic. All that for no real payoff. I was expecting at least a little tease at the end about stuff, but no. At least it looks like some of the fun will be back next week.

EDIT: I also just realized that this OT is now a hair over 4 years old. Damn. It ain't lively like other TV threads, but it has lasted.


No Scrubs
Daaaaamn straight.

I feel like 3XK is the only lingering story arc (since Bracken's been arrested, but they could continue it I guess if he masterminds shit from prison) so that's my guess as to who's behind it all. Although I'll be pleasantly surprised if they decide to introduce another recurring villain into the mix.

Could be something to do with Castle's dad. This sort of insanity could easily fit into a spy arc. If it was 3XK the man must have been planning this for years, no way one dude is good enough to pull it off on his own and not on short notice.
Clearly the one they saw in the video tape is a future version of Castle who had to go back in time to preserve the timeline.

It's the time traveler from last season, guys. I solved the mystery!


No Scrubs
Clearly the one they saw in the video tape is a future version of Castle who had to go back in time to preserve the timeline.

It's the time traveler from last season, guys. I solved the mystery!

And now I will be disappointed when this isn't the case. This needs to happen, if they do it then Castle will become the procedural cop show of the FOREVER.


Not a terrible episode. Good thing he got semi cleared but I hope the memory thing doesn't last all season. 5 episodes max, then we move on to another arc.


spoilers…for the record, i really liked the episode

kidnapped?! maybe

denge fever
shot-2-3 weeks prior to being found

also remember, the camp site was a plant/staged by whomever was in the camper, castle never actually camped there........


spoilers…for the record, i really liked the episode

kidnapped?! maybe

denge fever
shot-2-3 weeks prior to being found

also remember, the camp site was a plant/staged by whomever was in the camper, castle never actually camped there........
Also, another clue that wasn't explained:
Key with the number 38 on it.


true not explained,

will - hopefully- be explained next week, or episode 3 called

episode titles
note: comcast lists monday's episode as being Montreal, although montreal was the 3rd episode filmed in the season they do change order of episodes sometimes.
1 driven
2 childs play
3 montreal
4 meme is muder
5 clear and present danger
6 time of our lives (au episode where they never met- they get married this episode-pretty much confirmed now but you never know people can lie)
7 once upon a time in the west(call sheet somesome took a picture of has beckett and castle mention being newlywed)


Well, I think my enjoyment will depend on if they try to keep making it look like he masterminded his own kidnapping. Plus the speed at which everyone turned on him, I'd just rather have some fun episodes than a whole lot of constant mistrust and suspicion.

I like the fun episodes but I think it'd be better if the thing was cleared up first. I don't know if I'd trust a man who disappeared for 2 months with all evidence pointing to him being behind it who doesn't remember anything back into my police force to work on solving murders. I'd like him to be cleared of all doubt and suspicion first.

I do think it was stupid how quickly they turned on him after seeing the video, it could easily have been the kidnappers forcing him to make the drop in case of any cameras or trouble and him paying with the money he had on him also makes sense because that way there is no link back to the kidnappers (coincidence it was the right amount or some sort of negotiated price).


just in case:
thing that gets me on the money drop is,

castle is not stupid, he would KNOW that that money is traceable in that amount.
any transaction 10k or higher is reported to the irs/gov't
and he delibrately looked in the direction of the camera..
if I wanted to make a 10k payment to someone in the mafia and i was rich with multiple accounts;

1) multiple transactions at different banks from different accounts in amounts of 5k or less... that way no sequential numbering etc
2) i would not make said total come up to the transaction amount to the mafia..it would be under by a thousand or so-since it is not unreasonable for castle to have ~2k on him in cash....(see season 5 the fake eye episode where the butler did it)
3)i would not be easily recognizable at said drop off, i'd wear a reversible hoodie/hat drawn up so noone could see my face easily and be looking down almost the entire time
I found the ep intriguing and I'm actually glad it wasn't wrapped up in a single episode. Cliffhanger seasons finales that are cleanly solved and wrapped up tight in the premiere of the next season annoy me.

My theory is that it'll tie in with Dad's spy life and hopefully bring in a new villain. Maybe a storied nemesis of Dad that was the primary reason why he had stayed away from Castle all those years that caught on to Castle when his Dad helped with Alexis being kidnapped.

Morrigan Stark

Arrogant Smirk
Montreal eh? Interesting. I wonder what this is about. Mostly because I'm a Montreal resident. :p
I do think it was stupid how quickly they turned on him after seeing the video, it could easily have been the kidnappers forcing him to make the drop in case of any cameras or trouble and him paying with the money he had on him also makes sense because that way there is no link back to the kidnappers (coincidence it was the right amount or some sort of negotiated price).
Yeah, I thought it was stupid. I kept thinking, "come on, he could have been coerced by the kidnappers off-camera, you idiots", and they never brought up that possibility. Really dumb.
new episode? where can I find it?

WRAGWSHQABJF My hulu subscription just had to try to renew today with that old CC, I cant watch the episode!!


I found the ep intriguing and I'm actually glad it wasn't wrapped up in a single episode.
Not sure about that. I really liked the episode until I realized that they were not going to wrap it up because it probably means it will be dragged out over the whole season and we'll get two minutes of the storyline each episode as an addition to the case of the week.

Then again, the end of the episode made it sound a bit like this will be the last season, so maybe they know what they're doing.

And, yeah, it was stupid how quickly everyone turned on him. Hate it when shows do that.


turned quick? not really.

the evidence was damning, and they follow the evidence..that said..

the main person against castle was espo, he has something against castle and i don't know why, he is ALWAYS the one first to turn/blame castle.

as to whether or not this is the last season.

1- actors LOVE regularly paying jobs...all of the actors on the show are in the last year of their castle contract...(standard 5 year with company option for 2 more- 7 total) if ABC offers them (or already has offered them) a new contract with comparable to what other show leads get for pay for several years,...i can see both of them signing on the dotted line. the one thing i do know, without BOTH of them, the show is DEAD- the rest of the cast can change, but most of the fans LOVE the both of them together.

last year castle was their most watched scripted "drama/show" on ABC, plus syndication plus books as well as charging -this year- ~148k per 30second ad(i didn't look it up-saw it on a discussion on ad pricing) Castle is 6th for ABC shows for ad pricing= Castle is a Cash Cow.... if the ratings keep up....note castle's premiere - 10-11 time slot, castle came in #1 in viewers, #2 in the "demo (19-49 age group) and also was the highest rated premiere for castle in 3 years(preempted in boston and KC too for football). if the ratings stay steady and the viewership stays steady, etc, then ABC WILL ATTEMPT to renew the show for seasons 8+.

this year's ad pricing:

From Variety:

1) Modern Family: $226,935; (2013: $281,951)
2) Scandal: $217,423; (2013: $207,053)
3) Grey’s Anatomy: $158,411; (2013: $209,542)
4) How To Get Away With Murder: $164,938
5) Marvel’s Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.: $154,374; (2013: $151,305)
6) Castle: $148,012; (2013: $124,050)
7) Resurrection: $146,676; (2013: $138,022)
8) Once Upon A Time: $145,582; (2013: $173,062)
9) Marvel’s Agent Carter: $142,758; (2013:
10) Dancing With the Stars: $127,617
11) Revenge: $115,224; (2013: $114,002)
12) The Bachelor (midseason): $115,105;
13) Nashville: $104,511; (2013: $107,591)
14) Forever: $82,81


Unconfirmed Member
the main person against castle was espo, he has something against castle and i don't know why, he is ALWAYS the one first to turn/blame castle.

i think he is jealous.

did not really like what happened. just a feeling..and i just do not want to see them both go through mistrust or anything and don't get married because of that and the whole drama thing anymore
Esposito is protective of Kate like she's a sister. It's engrained in his character as a part of his military background. Castle is a friend but his not being military or police places him firmly outside of the "brotherhood" mentality that Espo has towards co-workers.

Ryan on the other hand is much more laid back. He doesn't have the same outlook on friends and places Castle on equal standing to all his co-workers outside of Espo (who he's closer to as a result of being direct partners).


It is strange how bad a detective Beckett is without Castle. They needed Jenkins to point them to the tent at the dock, you know the dock they found with their Google search. They didn't think to check the 'home' of the boat they found their suspect on...


private property, they were out of jusidtiction, they need permission of owner to enter, to check the dock.

technically they were not allowed to pull their guns either since they were out of state.


Did they really arrest Bracken off-season?

I don't remember anything beside the end of episode 22 when the girl saves Beckett's life and they learn that Bracken wants to run for president and has a huge warchest. Then Beckett says to Castle that one day, they'll catch him.


No Scrubs
Did they really arrest Bracken off-season?

I don't remember anything beside the end of episode 22 when the girl saves Beckett's life and they learn that Bracken wants to run for president and has a huge warchest. Then Beckett says to Castle that one day, they'll catch him.

They arrested him last season, like half way through.


They arrested him last season, like half way through.

I see, we saw "In the belly of the beast" as episode 22 here, and we never saw "Veritas", the real episode 22 which has Beckett arrest Bracken.

Now to find season 6 at my local video club!


The Steam equivalent of the drunk friend who keeps offering to pay your tab all night.
awful premiere. the show is one of my "guilty pleasures", just a fun dumb show with great leads, but this episode might just be where the show jumped the shark for me. An amnesia angle, fucking really? And it did one of the worst things a "will they wont they" show can do for me which is, after they finally "do", you go "nah just fucking with you" and dont go through with it. Ill still watch it but that was terrible


private property, they were out of jusidtiction, they need permission of owner to enter, to check the dock.

technically they were not allowed to pull their guns either since they were out of state.

The dock was around a lake, so it would probably be public property. It would also be really easy to get a warrant if they needed it. It is directly linked to a major crime.


I just couldn't believe that when they saw the video of him dumping the cash not one of them suspected that he was forced to do it by the kidnappers.

Also Kate and Espo were far too quick to lose faith imo.
While the premiere was fine... I seriously LOL'd at the amnesia thing. Come the fuck on. Though, I will admit, when they mentioned the bullet holes, I was hoping for a Bourne-esque reveal and that Castle was a Manchurian candidate.

And it's bullshit that Esposito and Beckett lost faith so fast. Seven goddamn years where he's risked life and limb for these two, and they for him, and they think he just fucking walked off?

Come on. COME ON.


No Scrubs
I just couldn't believe that when they saw the video of him dumping the cash not one of them suspected that he was forced to do it by the kidnappers.

Also Kate and Espo were far too quick to lose faith imo.

Especially Kate, I mean goddamn. You could tell the writers knew it was OoC for her too by the way they kept having people suggest it to her, as a way to justify her taking that stance.
Especially Kate, I mean goddamn. You could tell the writers knew it was OoC for her too by the way they kept having people suggest it to her, as a way to justify her taking that stance.

I think people saying it's been too quick are forgetting that he was gone for months. Months with no leads except the evidence that he wasn't under duress and seemingly no attempt on his part to contact them.


I think people saying it's been too quick are forgetting that he was gone for months. Months with no leads except the evidence that he wasn't under duress and seemingly no attempt on his part to contact them.
Yes, but at the same time she has seen so many weird cases and she knows him through and through.
Yes, but at the same time she has seen so many weird cases and she knows him through and through.

People can have very weird reactions to pressured situations like Marriage. I'm sure most people who were left at the altar thought they knew their significant others through and through as well. And in this case in particular we as viewers know she doesn't know him through and through as he's never told her what he discovered about his father.


Clearly the one they saw in the video tape is a future version of Castle who had to go back in time to preserve the timeline.

It's the time traveler from last season, guys. I solved the mystery!
lol at this nonsense

It's clearly 3XK who had facial reconstructive surgery to look like Castle so he could go back in time to plant the money and then go back in time again to frame Bracken before jumping ahead to save Montgomery since he was the one really behind everything and they're both going to lure Martha to Romania to capture Castle's father because they ACTUALLY work for another secret spy organization headed by Ryan's wife.
Who's actually Beckett's mother who faked her death to jump forward in time to get reconstructive surgery to jump back in time and get close to Kate while secretly fathering her brother...3XK.
She turned on him before the time lapse though.

She didn't. She asked his family about the possibility of other things going on in his life that she doesn't know about but even when the FBI Agent told her that the money he withdrew matched the serials of the money left in the drop, she still felt something else was going on and dove head first into looking for him.

Her demeanor is only changed after the time lapse. Which makes sense because she's spent months looking for him and has come up with nothing but the bits of evidence that point towards his setting the whole disappearance up.


I remember it seeming very obvious to me that she doubted him before the time lapse but I'm not going to watch that turd again to see.
I remember it seeming very obvious to me that she doubted him before the time lapse but I'm not going to watch that turd again to see.

She gives the idea some credence, sure. But she doesn't fully start to believe it until after the time lapse.

Martha asks her directly if she suspects Castle actually set it up and Kate shakes her head and says no but she has to cover all bases. Then the following scene is with the FBI Agent who lays it all out as overwhelming evidence that he bolted and she staunchly disagrees with him and he basically says she's blinded by her emotions and his summation makes too much logical sense to be denied.

Morrigan Stark

Arrogant Smirk
Yeah, I think Kate's reaction was believable enough (minus everyone's reaction at the video, where no one even suggested "maybe he's being coerced off-screen..."). She kept the faith for as long as she believably could, but it's hard to keep it for that long especially when the evidence is so damning.

Morrigan Stark

Arrogant Smirk
It was odd hearing my city being mentioned. I tried to recognize buildings, but nothing immediately jumped at me. It was probably not filmed around here, otherwise they'd have thrown in a gratuitous Mont-Royal and/or Olympic tower shot. :D
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