This is one of those games where it is feels impossible to give it an appropriate score given how unconventional it is. Also, Unconventional is how I would sum it up in a single word.
Overall it is a very solid game. The art style is quite good. The character designs are all distinct and avoid the usual failings present in many anime. I've grown quite used to fantastic character designs from Shin Megami Tensei games and it's good to see that tradition present here. The music is also solid, with
It's a Golden Show being the stand out track. That horn at 1:13 is incredibly sexy. On the PS3 version, the controls are solid, as is the camera. The controls reversing when you are climbing on the back side of the tower is jarring and annoying, but you get use to it. Overall everything works quite well.
The biggest complaint I have about this game is the difficulty. It is insanely hard. It is crushingly hard to a fault, easily harder than Demon's Souls. I'd argue it's harder than Ninja Gaiden (NES) given how I'm certain I died dozens more times beating Catherine for the first time than I did beating Ninja Gaiden for the first time. And I played Catherine on Easy. Thankfully Catherine's check point system is reasonable, and the game basically throws infinite lives at you, but this game is in dire need of an "Even Easier" setting. Overall, the game is very addictive. When it was shipped to my house on the 27th I sat down and finished it in one sitting. It was about a 13 hour playthrough, so the game's length was solid as well.
There are other minor gripes as well. The animated cut scenes are
insanely loud compared to the game play and the real time dialog cut scenes. Why this wasn't fixed I don't know, because it strikes me as an incredibly easy thing to do. Also, the bells that ring during the landing pads and near the end of the levels can fuck right off. They are a constant annoyance. Also, the audible "Edge" noise that plays when you connect a block to the edge of another is incredibly grinding.
The story and characters are at least engaging. The voice acting is also solid. I was a little hesitant about the English cast from the previews, but it came together quite well. As others have mentioned, Vincent's indecisiveness can be really grating at times. Some of the dialog is also a bit wonky. Some characters also change subjects without notification. Also "Woman's Wrath" is eye roll worthy. I'll probably take some of my more specific complaints into the spoiler thread. Still, I was always excited to finish the nightmare stages simply to see where the story will progress. Also, by the end of my game, Vincent developed into one of the biggest bad asses in gaming, and he didn't need a minigun or a six foot sword to do it.
The game is very addictive. When it was shipped to my house on the 27th I sat down and finished it in one sitting. It was about a 13 hour playthrough, so the game's length was solid as well.
This game is so unique, I have no idea who'd I recommend it to, and the game's difficulty chains it's appeal because I'm willing to wager that the overwhelming majority of players who've played this game will give up in frustration over some of the harder levels, particularly stages 6 and 7 given how the game's difficulty ramps up during these segments. My thoughts on this game are complex, and I'll probably need even more time than I've already had to figure out exactly what my overall thoughts are.