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Catwoman - Gamespot review


works for Gamestop (lol)


Catwoman isn't a good game. The graphics are its only real strong point, and the rest of it has the feel of a bad attempt to duplicate the acrobatic gameplay that made last year's Prince of Persia such a success. But bad control and annoying camera work get in the way of this goal, making Catwoman a rental--at best. However, most players won't be missing much if they skip this one entirely.


stuck my tongue deep inside Atlus' cookies
I don't get review scores. That paragraph summary makes it sound like a 3.4 or a 4.4. Not a 6.4, which might be a "D," but is still passing. Reviewers are too scared to give games they didn't enjoy bad scores...

Edit: Damn you drowningman!


TheDrowningMan said:
If it's so bad then why did it get 6.3? Sounds like about a 4 judging by the text.
I was going to make the exact same post.

This brutal and sadistic rape of the 10-point scale has got to go. Use it all, please, not just 7-10! :(


Dose this mean EA will need to pay penalty royaltys for the bad game since it hit >50% at Game Rankings? :)


Another weird thing about Catwoman's combat is that it seems to go out of its way to illustrate that none of your enemies ever dies from your attacks. When an enemy is defeated, he'll continue to stand around, but he'll glow and stop attacking you. And if you knock an enemy off of a high ledge, the game will often cut to a view of the enemy landing--and then sitting up and holding his head.
teh innovation!


Wow, hating the Catwoman movie sounds like a cool thing. I thought the game would have gotten something like a 4.0... a 6.3 isn't very bad, just not good at all. :p (I found the Catwoman movie to be above average)


aku:jiki said:
I was going to make the exact same post.

This brutal and sadistic rape of the 10-point scale has got to go. Use it all, please, not just 7-10! :(

Didn't you get the memo? Everything below a 7 is a 'failing grade'! GAFfers said so, so it must be true! :p
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