I don't think kids born in Canada will have much problem with integrating into Canadian society because they'll be spending all their time in school where the teachers will most likely be teaching Canadian culture anyway.
Although I still speak Chinese, I somehow feel that if I have kids in the future, they won't be unless I specifically send them to Chinese lessons and keep diligent in speaking Chinese with them at home. I already see that in some of my younger cousins whose parents both speak way more English than my parents because they immigrated here at a younger age.
With a much larger immigrant population than in the past, the parents themselves don't integrate well, school populations are becoming much more ethnic, teachers can only do so much, I think relying only on the kids going to school to learn to be Canadian is a bit of a mistake, because they're no longer going into school speaking only English among mostly white kids.
I think it's unfair to give a Canadian-born child the burden of perpetuating a culture that often he or she doesn't understand. It's novelty, it's just skin color and learning how to speak a foreign language to talk to grandpa and grandma, it's the whole discover my ancestral roots bullshit, there's no history behind it, even if my son can speak a few words of Chinese which I doubt, he'll never understand things like the cultural revolution and what that did to change people's moral values, he'll never share the same value system (definitely a good thing), there'll be no real connection.
It's insane how much tutoring services are thriving these days even when some of the parents themselves are uneducated/borderline illiterate.There's plenty of stories about kids committing suicide because of not being able to handle the academic pressure being put on them by their parents. And there's the classic "Corporal punishment is good. My parents beat me and I turned out fine. Heck I needed it". Shitty parenting is shitty and is terrible no matter what cultural frill is applied to it.
The worry is dog whistling. Bans on head coverings are usually 'not targeting Muslims' either.