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Celebrating Fifteen Years of Final Fantasy XI

I love this game, but man, back in the day I had such a hard time finding pickup groups - people hated on anything out of the norm, and I was a BLM/SMN. That combo gave me hella-damage, but people wanted some sort of backup healer. Luckily I had a static party of friends to play with most of the time, just 4 of us but we finished the main story up until Zilart with only picking up extra characters to help us a couple times (or when it was required).

These days you can solo quite a bit of content :)

Static parties were amazing, I must have taken 4-5 jobs up to 75 back in the day thanks to them. It was always a sad thing when they broke up due to people reaching goals or being unable to show up on schedule. Then the merit grind came and there was like, 1-2 viable camps and everything else was bad.


I love this game, but man, back in the day I had such a hard time finding pickup groups - people hated on anything out of the norm, and I was a BLM/SMN. That combo gave me hella-damage, but people wanted some sort of backup healer. Luckily I had a static party of friends to play with most of the time, just 4 of us but we finished the main story up until Zilart with only picking up extra characters to help us a couple times (or when it was required).

These days you can solo quite a bit of content :)

Man...my first 75 was BLU. At no point in the leveling process is that job wanted.

Had to get used to making all of my parties lol.
My favorite game. Just thinking about it makes me want to come back. Was playing Threads of Fate last night and one of the songs (gamul forest) totally reminded me of some of FF XI's music.

Last thing I did was finish CoP and start up Aht Urghan missions. I love being able to essentially play it as a single player game via trusts. I like to do things at or under leveled so I don't just plow through everything at lv99.

FFXI music was pretty much all i listend to in FFXV lol.
I miss it dearly. I didn't realize I was playing on the GAF server until the last few months or so I was playing. Though I'm not sure if that originated from Fairy or if it was when it merged into Sylph.


Man...my first 75 was BLU. At no point in the leveling process is that job wanted.

Had to get used to making all of my parties lol.

Give credit where credit is due man, BLU was best dunes tank by a mile as soon as you got {Head Butt}.


I actually downloaded this for the first time last night on a whim but had no idea how to do anything and shut it off lol

If a current player is awfully bored I'd love to have someone to tag along the low level area with


The best MMO they've made. I've wanted to head back, but it's not the same experience as it was back in the day.
probably my favorite MMO soundtrack, even above World of Warcraft and Anarchy Online. Those starter area tracks... Ronfaure and Gustaberg.

Never did get my elvaan dragoon his job armor, think I petered out around Lv45.


Give credit where credit is due man, BLU was best dunes tank by a mile as soon as you got {Head Butt}.

Perhaps. But since it was my first job I didn't know the value of accuracy so I was missing everything lol. Can't count on my head butt at that time.


Love the comments! Best thing now is that jobs are largely balanced well in the game (besides Hand to Hand weapon skills....) so don't be afraid to play the class you really enjoy!

Also it's important to note you don't really solo in the game. You summon NPCs to form a party with you. This makes it almost a single player game if you're into that. NPC jobs range from tank to ranged to nukers to healers. Keeping the party flowing well is a lot of fun. Unfortunately, you do need to do a lot of rhapsody to get the ability to summon 5 trusts at once. However I think you can unlock at least 3 trusts by completing up to CoP which no longer has any level restrictions.


One amazing game world.


I wish SE did a better job of making people aware of it (all they ever show is the opening animation, which is nice but does a questionable job of showing off the game's actual stories and characters), but at least nowadays it's getting more of a presence in the likes of FF Record Keeper.

I hope they bite the bullet and convert it into a single player game. Or an MMO Lite, idk. I don't want a numbered Final Fantasy to disappear from history.

This is already a problem with XIV 1.x too, but I hope eventually SE set aside the time and budget to adapt XI to single player - the other PS2-era FFs are already remastered on Steam.

The gameplay would need some revisions, but at least the assets are all already there, and they could tweak a few things into a more coherent package, like treating the whole game as a whole instead of having to worry about players lacking specific expansions and having to design around that, which would let them connect some stories better, like starting the Rise of the Zilart story as you beat the Shadow Lord fight, and while at it apply the voice work they used on those clips they used to have on the Famitsu Youtube channel.

A single-player version would also enable tweaking things to have NPC party members a more natural part of the story, like having Lion and Zeid join your party during the critical parts of nature missions and join you in the relevant battles where they actually appear in the cutscenes but don't fight - probably because they lacked the battle data when the battles themselves were released, although that's no longer an issue thanks to the Trust system.

I love this game so much. I occasionally return, but it usually doesn't take me long to realize that I am literally a decade behind everyone else and I get overwhelmed at the idea of catching up, so I fizzle out. They may have made things way easier, but there's still a metric ton of individual things to do to catch up.

A decent rule of thumb for that IMO is to focus on the major mission stories in release order - and if you focus on the very worthwhile Rhapsodies story, that pretty much encourages progress in that manner, although it doesn't require the completion of each story to advance.

I started last night as a new player and ohhhhh man have those controls and UI aged poorly. I'm excited to see the stories but even just figuring out how to start them is confusing.

Nowadays the Records of Eminence system helps, so do wikis when in doubt, and there are even some nice official resources, like how the Seekers of Adoulin site has a relationship chart for every major chapter of its story with hint on whom to talk to to progress.

As much as I'd like to, I can't make myself return to the game. It's changed too much and everyone I knew is probably gone. I rather keep my image of it in tact rather than see an emotionally empty version of it where leveling parties don't even exist. Do want to do that final expansion's storyline one day though.

Rhapsodies is very much worth experiencing to the end if you have any sort of fondness for the game and its stories - chapter 3 alone is amazing and the end was a tearjerker.

I wonder if they'd bother to update that one line in the ending every year to keep matching the number with the game's age... it'd be neat, if unlikely...

exploration in XI was so great/infuriating. throwing on some sneak and invisible to get to your exp camp only to have an NM with true sight (fuck you guivre) aggro someone and then cause havoc in the area.

In dungeons sneak and invisible are still relevant, but in practically all outdoors areas nowadays you can use mounts to make that a non-issue. Parituclarly neat if you've beaten Fenrir and earned the right to ride him all over the place.
Now i wonder if they'll even do something of the sort with Odin's horse...

chains of promathia is one of the best gaming experiences i've ever had, and sky/sea are some of the best areas i've ever explored. sea's music is really good too

The game is filled with beautiful areas packed with details one might never even notice:

So if I buy this I get the full game + expansion and a free month?

Pretty much, assuming you buy the Ultimate collection, IIRC - the names changes as expansions were added, but if it's got Seekers of Adoulin if likely contains everything that preceded it too.

At that price it costs you less than a modern single-player FF, and the time in subscription fees it take for the cost to match the others you can probably complete all the major stories.


Spent the last 2 days farming SKCNM for mellidopt wings
Only for it to drop when my bag was full
Feels bad °.°;


I'll likely never play it again but I will always be very fond of it and any and all trappings it contained.

Also, still think Mizuta was the obvious choice for post-Uematsu FF soundtracks.


I loved my Soboro SAM/RNG back in the day on Carbuncle. I'll always treasure the memories I have of XI but I dont think I'll ever go back unless it gets a remaster or f2p transition down the line. With as much content that's been added since I used to play (Aht Urghan era) it would be amazing if they did.

FFXIV has been able to scratch my mmo itch in the ages since XI and im looking forward to finally being able to roll SAM once again.


Made really good memories on it. But seriously... The gameplay and mechanics are outdated now. Worst, it is now impossible to have time for those kind of MMO. :(


Best 6 years of my gaming life after it came out here, I eventually lost interest when the population faded away and they started adding more solo stuff


Ramuh server represent. Sometimes I wish they didn't have the policy of deleting characters after x months so I can revisit my old char again. Then again I can't remember my login details nor which server Ramuh merged with.


Ramuh server represent. Sometimes I wish they didn't have the policy of deleting characters after x months so I can revisit my old char again. Then again I can't remember my login details nor which server Ramuh merged with.
Ppl managed to recover their toon even after years, afaik


I'll likely never play it again but I will always be very fond of it and any and all trappings it contained.

Also, still think Mizuta was the obvious choice for post-Uematsu FF soundtracks.

Yeah he's extremely talented and deserves to be doing a lot more with the franchise.
I actually re-subbed this month!, I'm Arterus on Asura if anyone from Gaf is there.

I haven't had enough time to devote to it, but I've been levelling Samurai between doing TOAU content and I'm having a blast.


I've been back for a couple months, just casually working on getting my jobs ready for new content. I've been playing in short spurts between long breaks since before Seekers was released.

Got my Aegis made and now I'm buying plutons for Ragnarok. Anyone else on Carbuncle?


Ramuh server represent. Sometimes I wish they didn't have the policy of deleting characters after x months so I can revisit my old char again. Then again I can't remember my login details nor which server Ramuh merged with.

They dropped that policy years ago - if you're interested, it's worth getting in touch with customer support if you remember enough about your old account to recover it.


Walks in the Light of the Crystal
I actually re-subbed this month!, I'm Arterus on Asura if anyone from Gaf is there.

I haven't had enough time to devote to it, but I've been levelling Samurai between doing TOAU content and I'm having a blast.

I'm on Asura. It's also the home of the Reddit linkshell, so there's still lots of people to interact with if you join.

Haven't played in a while myself. I keep telling myself I'll finish the Abyssea questline some day.


I'm on Asura. It's also the home of the Reddit linkshell, so there's still lots of people to interact with if you join.

Haven't played in a while myself. I keep telling myself I'll finish the Abyssea questline some day.

Whenif you do, if you can do that fight as a blue mage, it's one of the 2 possible sources of the Mighty Guard spell, which is pretty great.
I'm on Asura. It's also the home of the Reddit linkshell, so there's still lots of people to interact with if you join.

Haven't played in a while myself. I keep telling myself I'll finish the Abyssea questline some day.

Yeah, I'd love to join I asked for an invite on the subreddit months ago and nobody ever got back to me.


I have so many fond high school memories of farming those poop-looking things in the Valkrum dunes FOREVER. Such an amazing game that really filled me with this sense of awe and wonder.

It's quite a specimen today also - an MMO that neither influenced nor was influenced by World of Warcraft. I think that's a one of a kind deal these days.

Buggy Loop

Gold Member
Best FF, really.

So many good memories of it, in the GAF guild, so many moments burned in my memories. Every single spring/summer i have a nostalgic spot for this game and wonder if i should go back. SE login is thankfully a good guardian against that.


Friend and I who love the FF franchise but have never played XI are thinking of picking it up and running through it together. Worth it for a party of two?


Seriously thinking about coming back and trioboxing again

First, an important question...

Any announced changes to ambuscade grinding? That crap is too much, I got burnt out twice on it

I love everything else about the game except ambuscade
Friend and I who love the FF franchise but have never played XI are thinking of picking it up and running through it together. Worth it for a party of two?

It's viable, but worth it can vary person to person. It's personally my favorite combat of any MMO to this day but I know I'm in the minority there so I don't want to just say "Yeah! Jump in!". Maybe look up a bit of gameplay first to be sure. As far as progression, you can solo 99% of the content now so being only 2 of you isn't an issue.

I wish there was a current MMO like this. Friends won't go back and play such an old game but FFXIV put us all to sleep. It's crazy how goddamn boring XIV is compared to XI. Just mash your baby rotation while staying out of red circles, fun! Every piece of gear is the same exact as your last piece of gear except +2 to 4 stats lol

Miss walking around with my Optical Hat :(


Friend and I who love the FF franchise but have never played XI are thinking of picking it up and running through it together. Worth it for a party of two?

It's viable, but worth it can vary person to person. It's personally my favorite combat of any MMO to this day but I know I'm in the minority there so I don't want to just say "Yeah! Jump in!". Maybe look up a bit of gameplay first to be sure. As far as progression, you can solo 99% of the content now so being only 2 of you isn't an issue.

Most of us who praise FFXI is mostly due to nostalgia, the game is very different than what it used to be. (This is good in your situation)

I honestly can't say what the experience is like for a newcomer these days. Redelicious said the combat is his favorite, and I agree. It's satisfying combat based on gear min/max with macro swaps.

Most of the fun stuff comes after hitting max level, so you might not be able to see what the game offers during the 1-98 levels, although the storyline is pretty great.

I would recommend not worrying at all about being efficient and getting to high level stuff right away. Just take in all the lore and explore new worlds when doing missions and doing artifact quests along the way, this will be a great gameplay experience for you and friends either way, just like how most of us experienced when the game first came out.

If you really like the game after finishing all the storyline missions, then delve into endgame stuff.

Enjoy the game for what it is if you decide to jump in, the story ramps up in Zilart expansion and rides well into CoP and ToaU. Just remember some stuff can be a bit outdated, such as graphics, character models, UI.

Last thing, I also wouldn't worry too much about which jobs to play. Just pick which fits your playstyle, the trust npc system will fill in the job role gaps.
The best Final Fantasy, those who haven't experienced the story of Rise of the Zilart or Chains of Promathia are missing out.

I still play today, though on Nasomi (75-era private server) and it's still as epic an experience for me as the first time I did it over ten years ago.


Yeah, I'd love to join I asked for an invite on the subreddit months ago and nobody ever got back to me.

Which subreddit, r/ffxi or https://www.reddit.com/r/RedditLinkshell/ ?

There are also Linkshell concierge NPCs in towns that assist with the recruitment process.

Friend and I who love the FF franchise but have never played XI are thinking of picking it up and running through it together. Worth it for a party of two?

Yeah - between whichever jobs you pick and the available Trust NPCs you can get you should be able to cover any roles needed in a party, and with a bit of the Rhapsodies missions done you can bump the default summonable amount of 3 Trusts to 4 and fill up a party, which should make progress even simpler.

I hope you enjoy it, and feel free to ask here if you have any questions.


The Valkrum Dunes Slaughter House! It was the most fun part of the game imo. Learning to play as a party first time. Getting killed by a bat in the tunnel while trying to reach party area. People who got no idea what they are doing with their Jobs in parties. People constantly bitching. Always a drama and a murder in the dunes. It was fucking chaotic and fun!


Personally, Valkurm Dunes in 2004-2006 could've been treated with moogles next to outpost NPC's by zones and the Selbina zone that gives away free sneak/invis items that are usable up to Lv20

Let people learn how to MGS in Qufim

The original director for FFXI was a true masochist


Personally, Valkurm Dunes in 2004-2006 could've been treated with moogles next to outpost NPC's by zones and the Selbina zone that gives away free sneak/invis items that are usable up to Lv20

Let people learn how to MGS in Qufim

The original director for FFXI was a true masochist


Well, IIRC Tanaka was involved with Final Fantasy III, which is infamous for its final Crystal Tower dungeon filled with bosses but no save points.


Best game ever. Wish I had access to my old account.

Anyone thinking about playing again but don't have access to old accounts.

I suggest starting over, especially with friends if possible.

In 2004-2006, it took me 2 years to get few jobs at lv75. Starting over now in 2016, it took a month of casual playing for my first lv99, and it took a week for my 2nd 99 job because all level limit breaks were done with. I'm already playing with 12 jobs at max level with an Aegis for my PLD.

The game got much easier and casual friendly compared to back then. The LFG system is done away with for 99% of the content because the trusts actually can keep up. The only time you will need to find parties is for efficient CP farming and real endgame stuff that you can't solo.

Just throwing this out for others who are on the fence about starting over.


Holy smokes, I'd love to give this another spin since I last subscribed in 2007 or 2008-ish but I think my PlayOnline account was made with the old IGNmail account I used as a kid back when I used it to access the Final Fantasy IX strategy guide online. I wonder if it's even possible to recover my account and transfer it to the account I've been using for FFXIV.
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