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CensorGAF - The list of indexed / banned games in Germany


ymmv said:
C'm on, Germany, learn to deal with your past!
I can't think of another country that has dealt with it's past as thoroughly as Germany. Seriously. Look at Japan, they still act like the shit they did in mainland Asia never happened. Read the Wikipedia article on the Yasukini Shrine and the museum close by. It's a joke.
Germans being touchy about swastikas has nothing to do with wanting to forget anything ever happened, it's trivializing it that authorities get upset over when it comes to depictions of it in many media. It can only be shown for scholarly reasons. It is supposed to be taken seriously in perpetuity.
There's a very illuminating article on Wikipedia about the German law on this subject: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Strafgesetzbuch_§_86a


I had cause this year to exchange a few emails with the BPjM, specifically the vice chairwoman. Through our conversaion she gave me the impression that their judgements are very much about unmitigated bad influence needing to be indexed, rather than all dark/violent/etc. media, i.e. a game with bad stuff that is counteracted (by the player succeeding in the game world by making a judgement call against those bad things) will be more tolerable than one where there is no redemption or judgement call against the bad stuff. Media gets through often because there is a social judgement made in the media, as well as the negative activity.


Trucker Sexologist
Rufus said:
I can't think of another country that has dealt with it's past as thoroughly as Germany. Seriously. Look at Japan, they still act like the shit they did in mainland Asia never happened. Read the Wikipedia article on the Yasukini Shrine and the museum close by. It's a joke.
Germans being touchy about swastikas has nothing to do with wanting to forget anything ever happened, it's trivializing it that authorities get upset over when it comes to depictions of it in many media. It can only be shown for scholarly reasons. It is supposed to be taken seriously in perpetuity.
There's a very illuminating article on Wikipedia about the German law on this subject: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Strafgesetzbuch_§_86a
They're trying to prevent a return of fascism by banning books, games and movies. Does anyone else see the irony of that?


extra source of jiggaflops
In Germany it's also illegal to publicly deny the holocaust.

A great example of how valued free speech is in this democracy. ;-)


SapientWolf said:
They're trying to prevent a return of fascism by banning books, games and movies. Does anyone else see the irony of that?
Actually never a book as far as I know was banned except for those who glorified the events neither a movie was banned because of that.
The only media on this list that got banned because of swastikas are games.
And except for Wolfenstein and Commandos no game got banned because of swastikas,most of the games that contained swastikas are indexed.

It's somewhat sad if you compare that fact that even satiricial comedy shows can show those swastikas without a problem.
For example just look for Obersalzberg on youtube (satirical version from the office)

I agree that is awful in the way it sabotages the freedom of speech , but on the other hand is there a reason to deny it ?
Just give it some time , I guess sooner or later even that fact will be changed.


bandresen said:
In Germany it's also illegal to publicly deny the holocaust.

only shitheads want to deny the holocaust.


its also sometimes strange with all the rating and / or publisher actions.

for example:

wet and god of war got the USK18 label, but where god of war 3 it totally uncut (with the head ripping and stuff), bethesda choose to cut wet to useless. for example, you cant shoot hands off, cutscenes are edited and som dialogue too. so, in many games, publisher choose to cut their games on their own, just to save costs for more than one rating session.


bandresen said:
In Germany it's also illegal to publicly deny the holocaust.

A great example of how valued free speech is in this democracy. ;-)

I really don't know how I feel about that.


bandresen said:
In Germany it's also illegal to publicly deny the holocaust.

A great example of how valued free speech is in this democracy. ;-)
In France too,and frankly I don't see the problem.
Kurtofan said:
And we should be able to punish them for being fuckwits,especially when they're politicians.

If it's incitement, sure. But punishing someone for holding and expressing a belief that you find abhorrent is some 1984 shit.


jim-jam bongs said:
If it's incitement, sure. But punishing someone for holding and expressing a belief that you find abhorrent is some 1984 shit.
Eh if racism is outlawed I don't see why negationnism(which is thinly veiled antisemitism) shouldn't.


extra source of jiggaflops
Pennywise said:
I agree that is awful in the way it sabotages the freedom of speech , but on the other hand is there a reason to deny it ?
Sabotaging freedom of speech is enough of a reason for me.

For example stupidity in biology or geology is not outlawed, so why should stupidity in history be?
Same thing with the blasphemy law in different countries. That's not compatible with freedom of speech either.
BocoDragon said:
You gotta love how Germany is still paying for World War II (and by extension WWI). I know they're doing this censorship to themselves, but it's still in the spirit of post-war controls on society to prevent more bad Nazi-like things from happening...
And ironically, this seems like a thing Nazi Germany would do. :lol


Trucker Sexologist
Kurtofan said:
Eh if racism is outlawed I don't see why negationnism(which is thinly veiled antisemitism) shouldn't.
Beliefs aren't outlawed, unless they've already progressed to punishing thoughtcrime.
God of War 1 or 2 was also banned for a short time, but then unbanned for whatever reason. I remember not seeing it in any store for like 3 or 4 months, and then it was back in all its glory :D (btw. God of War 1 is the only God of War title that is CUT in Germany. The scene where you have to sacrifice the human in the flames - the human was changed for a monster)


Yeha germany in some parts is the same as china etc. They even talked about a internet censoring thing here, where providers would have been forced to block websites. They said officially "only against cp" but everyone knows as soon as they have this filter in place they would go ahead and block other sites too. (happened in norway, cp filter, guy hacked it, turned out many "anti government" websites where on this cp filter too)

it gets more and more ridiculous. Amazon.uk wont ship cod bo to germany anymore. They are in the eu, there is no law in england forbidding them tho ship it but the simply don´t. So basically supporting a censoring state out of free will …

Also running a gaming website in germany is funny too. We once got a letter from a government authority threading to close ouer website because we showed videos of some shity 18+ games. They wanted us to make some big age check thingy (normal age-gates aren´t enough!). But we said "fuck off" instead and moved our website to switzerland <3
Flek said:
Yeha germany in some parts is the same as china etc. They even talked about a internet censoring thing here, where providers would have been forced to block websites. They said officially "only against cp"

That's actually in effect since a year or so ;)
But many countries do this, e.g. Norway, Sweden, Netherlands, Italy, UK, USA, Swiss, South Korea, Canada.

(of course it's completely useless)


extra source of jiggaflops


This is the perfect example of why that SCOTUS case needs to be defeated in the states. While it definitely wouldn't be this extreme banning things/censorship has to start somewhere.

Having Resident Evil 4 on that list the worst! Such a great game.
bandresen said:
It's not in effect yet. This is the latest information on it that I know of:

Did that change? Glancing at the wikipedia article about this issue doesn't say so.

It thought the big providers simply agreed to do it and that doesn't require a law. Well I guess if they don't get new lists from the BKA (mentioned in your article) they don't block new websites anymore.

e.g. google does something similar and filters several websites if you search via google.de
(no law forces them to. Last time I ckecked this affects e.g. an Austrian internet shop for movies, probably because they offered movies of the posted ban-list)
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