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Embattled Texas coach Mack Brown met Friday with university president Bill Powers and athletic director Steve Patterson, a source told ESPN's Brett McMurphy.

Details of the meeting were not immediately available, but a source said Brown is now fighting to keep his job.

Brown had previously confided in those close to him that he was resigning, the source said. However, Brown was "enraged" when the news leaked to the media, and he decided to change course, according to the source.




Alabama Football ‏@AlabamaFTBL
Nick Saban and The University of Alabama have concluded a long-term agreement to keep him as head coach of the Tide. More details to follow.

Official now


I joined for Erin Brockovich discussion

The LSU/Troll story has now turned to "Saban found out Mack was staying, so he signed the extension because he couldn't go to Texas"

Flash Fact.
Texas just shot themselves in the foot.

I don't know how much the rest of you know about Longhorn culture (I'm an expert), but wins and championships are huge parts of it. It's not like it is in the ACC where you can become successful by being mediocre. If you don't bring championships at UT, you bring shame to yourself and the program, and the only way to get rid of that shame is to win.

What this means is the Longhorn fanbase, after hearing about this, is not going to want to support the football team, nor will they support any other UT athletics programs. This is HUGE. You can laugh all you want, but Texas has alienated their entire fanbase with this move.

Texas, publicly apologize and fire Mack Brown or you can kiss your program's relevance goodbye.

I had to


Texas just shot themselves in the foot.

I don't know how much the rest of you know about Longhorn culture (I'm an expert), but wins and championships are huge parts of it. It's not like it is in the ACC where you can become successful by being mediocre. If you don't bring championships at UT, you bring shame to yourself and the program, and the only way to get rid of that shame is to win.

What this means is the Longhorn fanbase, after hearing about this, is not going to want to support the football team, nor will they support any other UT athletics programs. This is HUGE. You can laugh all you want, but Texas has alienated their entire fanbase with this move.

Texas, publicly apologize and fire Mack Brown or you can kiss your program's relevance goodbye.

I had to

God dammit.


I joined for Erin Brockovich discussion
Time to go burn down some of the various "news" stations in Texas that called it a done deal. Start with the TCU beatwriter in Fort Worth :lol
I'm starting to think chip brown was right, but Mack hated him breaking his big news so much, he's staying at Texas so people will divert their anger at chip. I don't know, there are a billion scenarios of what happened, but all of them paint Mack brown as an asshole.

What do the fans do if Mack is announced as staying and Oregon scores 60 on them?

I don't know, but I hope it happens. 10 win season and big 12 championship are off the table. I have no reason to root for Mack brown Texas football in the bowl game


I joined for Erin Brockovich discussion
I'm starting to think chip brown was right, but Mack hated him breaking his big news so much, he's staying at Texas so people will divert their anger at chip. I don't know, there are a billion scenarios of what happened, but all of them paint Mack brown as an asshole.

He's definitely an asshole for hiding ShaggyBevo behind a registration screen.


I don't know, but I hope it happens. 10 win season and big 12 championship are off the table. I have no reason to root for Mack brown Texas football in the bowl game

I've mentioned this before, but in the days after Sherman lost that last game, and the old guard thought it was okay to keep him, everyone went nuts. There were like splinter groups of alums trying to hire Fedora and Sumlin. Fans were jamming up the phone lines at the athletic department and talk radio was bananas.

I just think the rank and file alumni aren't going to take it, and it will just be untenable for a few old rich dudes to keep on their buddy


I joined for Erin Brockovich discussion
Repost of a repost off of ShaggyBevo, which is basically a puddle of melted silicon.
Finished with UT

I was thinking about just plugging NCAA 13 into my PS3 and selecting random team and support them until Mack is gone... This was the biggest $#@! u to the fans ever.

Mack is going to make us turn into aggy. I can't root for another college team, will never, but the fun on Saturdays will probably be spent more towards rooting against other teams than for our own $#@!ty team.

How did the Tide outbid us for someone? Who wouldn't want to live in Austin over Tuscaloosa?

But Texas is the best job in the entire country. He'd have so much more at his disposal here. It would be the perfect storm. THE Texas Longhorns and Nick Saban could dominate college football even more than he can at Bama.

I'm beside myself right now. There will be no sleep tonight for this Longhorn faithful.

That's what makes this even more painful. It seems like Aggie just continues to climb the ladder while we drown in a fucking baby pool.

fuck all the fucking trolls. those trailer park meth smoking finebaun pole smoking mother fuckers were scared shitless that UT could take their coach. For fucks sake, the fucking aggys took their coach. let that sink in.

I was already thinking I might become a Baylor fan. I was born close to Waco, and I went to Baylor games a long time before I made my first UT game. I like the product Art Briles puts out on the field, and Briles, his staff, and his players obviously care enough about their fans to help get that new stadium built. If I want to support a UT team, it will be the one in San Antonio. They've over-achieved under Larry Coker and play with spirit and skill. I am done with UT-Austin until at least Mack Brown and Bill Powers are gone, and probably a lot longer than that. Oh, and in reference to the Alamo Bowl...add me to the former UT fans that hopes the Ducks hang at least a half a hundred on the Mack Brown-coached Longhorns.

I hope Mack gets curb stomped in every game he coaches in. He doesn't deserve DKR's record. If he does end up coming back next season then it will be one of the biggest acts of selfish $#@!jobs ever done by a coach to his team's fanbase. I'm just glad I am in New Hampshire during this $#@!storm because having to hear $#@!aggy and $#@!ou talk $#@! would be more than i can stand. A foot of snow and a lot of whiskey in my weekend plans.

I don't understand how anyone could have believed that Saban leaving Alabama was fait accompli.

I never understood why it was even being discussed. You win 3 national titles at a school, that's a lot of legacy to just toss aside for another coaching job. The money might have been better (but maybe it wouldn't have been), but I wouldn't say the job itself would be better, or even a lateral move. He's at Alabama! That's history! What has Texas done on the field to compete with that?


I hope BRown after his speech walked out with two middle fingers in the air like the OSU Player. He should go but burn bridges on the way out


I joined for Erin Brockovich discussion
I've had this feeling twice before in my sports fan life. 1) When Colt went down in the MNC and 2) last year at the end of game 6, Spurs / Heat. If reports are true and FYPM is coming back, I'm done as well. I'll cash in my 30+ years of Longhorn fandom at the gate... and I'll never look back. Sick to my $#@!ing stomach right now.

Saban is so locked in on football only, and strives to be the best, against the best competition, both on the football field and on the recruiting trail. Both of those things, there are no difference between Alabama and Texas (or any of the top 25 "power colleges"). Saban is not the kind of person to care about how nice a city is, what kind of music scene there is, how much endowment the academic system has. He's already selling the university to better (ranked) athletes, than Texas is.

If it was a normal human being, sure, those outside factors might come in, but Saban? He's not a normal human being.

Did kind of suck, to have a "Legend" type coach and have teams out there that can think they could poach them.

Did this ever happen to Bear, DKR, Bowden, Woody, Bo, That dead Notre Dame guy who didn't kill an GA with a scissor lift, or an In-Control Mark Richt???

I feel so dirty. I bought $75 in Texas merchandise today because I knew today was the big day.



Alabama Athletics ‏@UA_Athletics
"We are excited about the future and the University of Alabama is where I plan to end my coaching career." - Head Coach Nick Saban #RollTide

Love those UT meltdowns. So obsessed with Texas A&M. Why won't they just move on?


Super Sleuth
Saban is so locked in on football only, and strives to be the best, against the best competition, both on the football field and on the recruiting trail. Both of those things, there are no difference between Alabama and Texas (or any of the top 25 "power colleges"). Saban is not the kind of person to care about how nice a city is, what kind of music scene there is, how much endowment the academic system has. He's already selling the university to better (ranked) athletes, than Texas is.

If it was a normal human being, sure, those outside factors might come in, but Saban? He's not a normal human being.

Did kind of suck, to have a "Legend" type coach and have teams out there that can think they could poach them.

Did this ever happen to Bear, DKR, Bowden, Woody, Bo, That dead Notre Dame guy who didn't kill an GA with a scissor lift, or an In-Control Mark Richt???


To be fair, if Bama came a knocking in the 80s, Bowden probably would have bitten.


I joined for Erin Brockovich discussion
To be fair, if Bama came a knocking in the 80s, Bowden probably would have bitten.

I have always heard this. I haven't looked up the shape of FSU back in the mid 80's (think we went Curry instead of Bowden), to see if it'd match a much dumber move if he came over in the mid 90's after Stallings (or the early 90's, after Curry).

Sweet list of players on an official visit on the same weekend as this hyped up Contract Extension

Fournette and J. Tabor are the big hopefuls catches, but also starring probably our 3 or 4 biggest current commits (The Cam's, Cornwell, and Hootie Jones) A Big contingent of Louisiana prospects.


There was never any good reason for Saban to leave Alabama. Alabama is one of the top football programs historically and Saban has built himself quite a legacy there. Why would he jump ship to another program where he would immediately be subjected to extreme pressure and unrealistic fan expectations (if the pay is similar)?

It reminds me of how Kentucky thought Billy Donovan would love to drop everything he had at Florida and come to Kentucky.

After coaching Howard, Bowden went on to West Virginia, and then to FSU where he put up some great numbers that led up to the fateful events of December '86. After Ray Perkins had resigned from Alabama, Bobby Bowden and his football team arrived in Birmingham and a time was set-up for Bowden to interview for the Bama job. Bobby Bowden arrived at the interview expecting a meeting with the Alabama president and AD, but found a committee that had been appointed by the president to interview prospective candidates. After the interview Bowden thought that maybe he was not going to get the Alabama job, and sure enough after the All-American Bowl, Alabama hired Bill Curry of Georgia Tech to replace Ray Perkins. As has been reported in the media since Bill Curry's hiring, the reasoning for hiring Curry over Bowden was that "Bowden's best days were behind him." Bobby Bowden was 57 in 1986, and no doubt he got wind of that opinion of the decision makers at Alabama on him, and we believe that Bowden channeled his anger of that bogus opinion into his FSU football team over the next 20 years.


Or how bout this: Remember when Bowden's Florida State team beat Indiana in the 1986 All-American Bowl here at Birmingham?

"We were with him the night after they won," says Roy Vance, one of Bowden's oldest and dearest friends. "And he says, 'I got a call from [former Alabama player and prominent booster] Dr. Gaylon McCollough. He says, 'Do you want to be the coach at Alabama?' "

And this begins one of the greatest what-if tales in college football history.

Bowden, who as a boy kept a scrapbook of Alabama football and cried when the Crimson Tide lost, was 57 then. He had just finished his 11th season at Tallahassee. His Seminoles had finished in the top five once, and the top 15 four other times.

Alabama needed a coach. This was less than five years after Bear Bryant retired, and then died. And this wasn't long after Ray Perkins resigned to become coach of the Tampa Bay Buccaneers.

So McCollough, once a star center for Bryant and then a member of the school's coaching search committee, had called Bowden, and Bowden was discussing things among friends.

"We was over at Michael's," says Bill Marsh, setting the scene at the old Birmingham steakhouse.

They'd all gone to Woodlawn High with Bowden, this group of guys, and they'd gone on to college with him, too, at Howard [now Samford]. They sat there that night and listened as Bowden told them of his opportunity. He wanted to make one thing clear, though: He wasn't soliciting the Alabama job. He felt good at FSU.

So that's what Bowden told the Alabama folks - that he'd listen and consider coming to Tuscaloosa if they truly wanted him. But if he had to formally interview, well, he wasn't interested. He agreed to meet with a small group of Alabama people: the university president and a couple others.

Instead, Vance says, "Bobby went to the meeting and it was about 30-something [people] sitting there."

It turned into the job interview Bowden wanted to avoid. To this day, Dr. Joab Thomas, the Alabama president at the time, says Bowden shouldn't have been surprised.

"Clearly," Thomas says now, "we invited him to come and interview. We told him that we would have the full committee [there]."

After it ended, Bowden asked Thomas where he stood. Thomas told him he'd be in touch.

Reporters worked the phones. There was no 24-hour news cycle back then, no Internet and no place for rumors to gather. For a good while - maybe an entire day - the public perception was that Bowden was headed home, back to 'Bama.

"Everyone assumed that this was a done deal," says Paul Finebaum, a columnist for the Mobile Press Register and a sports talk radio host, who's among the most respected voices in the southeast. Finebaum covered the story back then.

Late one night, he reached his best source - a member of the Alabama Board of Trustees and also a member of the coaching search committee.

"He wouldn't say much," Finebaum says. "But he said, 'Bowden is out of the picture.' "

From there, Finebaum remembers the conversation went something like this: "Why is Bowden out of the picture?"

"Well, we just went in a different direction."


"We just felt like he was too old. He had too much baggage."

"It was, and it remains, one of the most stunning comments I've ever heard," Finebaum says.

Instead of Bowden, Alabama hired Bill Curry from Georgia Tech, a decision Thomas still defends.

Just got back from a Christmas party. Is Saban the coach of Texas yet?

It's getting close


Saban, who has recently been rumored as a candidate to replace Mack Brown at Texas, is already the highest paid coach in college football at $5.62 million per year after signing an extension in March that kept him under contract through 2020.

Alabama didn't release terms of the new deal, which must be approved by the board of trustees. The Tuscaloosa News reported the new deal will raise Saban's salary to between $7 and $7.5 million per year and further extend the length of the deal.

"The University of Alabama is where I plan to end my coaching career," Saban said in a statement released by the university.

I'd say give it another week, right?


I joined for Erin Brockovich discussion
So he was definitely successful, by that point, but not to the point of being a full-on "Legend" coach (though, he did built FSU up, it was nothing before him)

Now, I loved Stallings tenure (wished it went on longer), but yeah, we'd have fared much better with Bowden (though who knows, the situation of him staying on too long would have resulted in no Nick Saban, as well as he wouldn't want to immediately follow a "legend").

We would never had gone through the Dubose debacle, which lead to the various out of control boosters and sanctions, and all of the patchwork coaches we limped on with afterwards.

It is amazing that at this point, Bowden was 57 years old already. That is much older than I thought (5 years younger than Saban is now, i.e. Saban's age when he came to Alabama)

for old times sake (and because this, and AJ's night last night, making up for a bad last 2 weeks):


So apparently the 30 for 30 doc "Youngstown Boys", story of Tressel/Clarrett, premiers tonight is pretty shady. Local guys got a hold of it and said theres editing issues through out the film. They make it appears Mo scored the game winning TD against michigan, and on numerous occasions it has Tressel saying things that appear to be to Mo, but are in fact to Pryor.


Anybody up for some borderlands 2 on ps3? I have an hour. Haven't played it yet. Been up almost all night making BBQ for a family thing and I'm out of it so should be a good time.


Golden Domers are chickenshit!!
Anybody up for some borderlands 2 on ps3? I have an hour. Haven't played it yet. Been up almost all night making BBQ for a family thing and I'm out of it so should be a good time.

Just started downloading it. Might be up for some tomorrow.
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