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CFB Week 8: Biased Pollsters Prevent America from Experiencing Game of the Century.

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No longer boycotting the Wolfenstein franchise
Edit: Wow.

MSU remembered there's 4 quarters?!? Whoda thunk?

It happens once in a while. It probably wasn't super important this week, Indiana also seemed to only have a couple quarters in them.

Cal didn't do enough on offense or defense today.

Fwiw, I trust Goff with that throw. Makes sense to take a shot there.


Only good thing about that was that we stopped them from getting 2.

Now, Offense needs to go out and get a few first downs, eat some clock, and also score.
Did you see how bad Rutgers was punting in the first half? They really needed to fix that (not for this game, but we're going to Nebraska which will be just as hard for them to perform in).

But it wasn't punting, it was the ace kicker practicing 40 yard fg.


But it wasn't punting, it was the ace kicker practicing 40 yard fg.

Part of the problem with our punting and fg kicking is how awful our freshman longsnapper is doing this year. They almost lost due the Michigan game due to a blocked kick because of a bad snap.

And since he's going to be playing in Lansing and Lincoln, he really needs the extra experience in loud environments (yes knock Lansing all you want, but it's a still step up from the venues where they have played in the past).


Couldn't post during the game because I was streaming the game from my phone.

Sweet Jesus. Making a bowl game will be a nice accomplishment this season. We need the extra practices.

Congrats to TCU, they're a nice team.
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