Ugh, couldn't get the last chest from the 20AP daily today, even with Yaari's lv60 Nimpha as a friend.
It wasn't a total loss though, I netted about 7 warrior enhancers for running it 4 times, so I'm gonna do another 10-enhancer bomb tomorrow
I honestly would say don't bother with the dailies unless you plan to run them the whole day, the drop rates seem pretty scarce.
Also, up to 6-2 in the story!
There's really no fast way, dailies are barely worth it. I would say run Spark of Battle in the Flame Sprite Colony for a guaranteed 1* Warrior enhancer and good exp/ap ratio whenever you start to run into a wall in the story. I rely on high level friends a lot to help me with the story as well.
Feel free to add me, I just cleaned up my friend list a little : 136,636,939 - and if you do, let me know your in game name so I don't miss you! I'm not terribly high leveled but I'm sure I could help you out.