What problem is there in using the word "black" to describe a person? Especially if that is a characteristic that help that distinguishes that person from the remaining others?
When the word is used, there is no ill intent, a normal person using it is not thinking of a negative racial connotation, they are just using it as a descriptive tool. The irony here is the sjw who insinuate that it's racist to use such a word in an identification context, but once again, through projection, it says more about the racism of sjw than of other people. It is sjw who are constantly thinking in terms of race and attributing all importance to it.
The word black or negro or niger only holds a negative connotation to those that think in terms of race, as long as you obsessively worry about such words, they will hold power over you.
The word black in many european languages is said as a variation of the word "negro", and the irony here is that this is the politically correct version of the word on europe. To use the literal word "black" or "preto" such as in portuguese or spanish, would be interpreted as a derogatory term and a racial slur.
So no, the world isn't just the small bubble the sjws live in.