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Champions Online Open Beta starts Monday


Unlimited Capacity

He has emotional anger issue problems


I'm going to tweak it a little but I can make the Spy and Pyro from TF2 pretty easily. Also with some work I could make X from the Mega Man X games, or Zero (he might make more sense with power armor anyway, with the laser sword ability and stuff).


JoeBoy101 said:
A little more explanation is need in the game right now. It feeds into one of the good things about the game, but with so many submechanics in the gameplay and the depth of the power frameworks, a bit more documentation/hand-holding is needed to get a grip on exactly what is being provided.
I totally agree with this complaint and it's the only thing really bothering me about the game so far.

There are a lot of power frameworks I don't like, but I haven't tried all of them yet. I really like power armor, and might is pretty good.


relies on auto-aim
This game is a blast so far. Quests provide just about all the XP and I just hit level 10 and got into Millennium City.

It's so awesome seeing all these people flying around looking cool and using superpowers :lol

I've gone for Ice / Superspeed currently.


I posted this elsewhere, might as well put it in here:

So, I'm still in "I just started playing this mode" and I'm feeling very enthusiastic. My opinion could change as I play more of it, for better or worse. So far, this game is pretty amazing; essentially the sequel to City of Heroes. Overall impression is: this is great.

First up, the character creator is the best character creator in any computer game. The amount of options just for the aesthetic portions of your character is crazy. When City of Heroes came out everyone oohed and aahed over how much better its character creator was than other games, and Champions makes the same leap in quality again. You can play as a god-damn gorilla with a jetpack if you want. There are so many different things you can customise; sometimes you could feel limited in City of Heroes but here you can make pretty much any hero you can think of. You can even change the look of your powers and weapons; for example, I chose a very specific rocket launcher (+ colour scheme).

This continues in the actual customisation of how your character plays. There are no classes or anything like that. There's 200+ powers, and you just pick whatever the hell you like, it doesn't even have to make sense. Many of these powers can be upgraded with 'advantages.' For example, the Orbital Cannon power can be upgraded so that instead of being a single shot from space, it follows your opponents around with a laser column. There's also an attribute system; you can pretty radically change the stats of your character. I had about double the health of someone a level above me because I'd gone for Constitution whereas they'd picked more Ego and Endurance. A lot of the powers have effects that scale with one stat or another.

The game is very generous for letting you change your powers/look if you aren't happy. You can test out different powers before picking a new one, and for some in game cash you can change anything but your character's name. Testing out the powers is actually a lot of fun in itself, most of them are really cool. A lot of the time I'll see someone speeding past me and think "Woah, whatever they've got looks awesome."

There's a bunch of travel powers that City of Heroes didn't have. Rope swinging, tunneling, Jet Boots, Fire Flight, Acrobatics, etc.

There's also a system for crafting/looting/equipping items. Some can change your appearance, but only if you choose to let them. The crafting is not onerous.

To help teams make sense with this system, there are different 'roles'. You can on the fly switch between Offensive, Defensive, Support and Balanced, with different powers hot keyed and different items equipped if you want. Your stats are changed by these roles, so you can set up a good team with anyone.

In fact, this is pretty much the only MMO I've seen where you can team with anybody at all who plays it. Three reasons:
1) Roles, as above.
2) Sidekicking. Basically, you can make everyone in your team your level temporarily. It's much less restrictive than City of Heroes.
3) There are no servers. When an area gets too full (around about 150 out of a max 200), the game simply spawns another copy of the map. When entering an area, you'll get a list of 20 different versions of that zone that you can join. The system is clever so that basically no one map ever fills up. It tells you which map you were last in, and which maps your friends/team mates/guild mates are in. It's very straightforward. You can also change between versions from the map screen.

The missions are pretty fun and varied; it's still an MMO but it does what it can. Public missions have been aped from Warhammer, which is great news. There's not an over reliance on boring random instances like City of Heroes; the instances are all very well put together. There's a lot more outdoor missions (and not all in a City either, lots of varied zones).

Good use is made of cutscenes and grand environmental happenings. Giant robots, alien motherships being shot out of the sky, etc.

The combat is pretty good for an MMO. You can actually dodge out of the way of enemy attacks, manually block them, etc. It's not Ninja Gaiden but it was novel to realise "Oh, I actually can/need to get out of the way of that incoming energy blast."

Some screenshots:

Tutorial area and my character


After arduously climbing to the top of the tallest building in the city here I am (arduous because I have Swing rather than something like Fly).


And while I was standing around posing some bastard teleported up next to me and said this:



I'm barely into this game because I don't want to spoil too much, but I do have a lot of fun with it. Never played City of Heroes because I was in WoW beta when it came out, but the game is really fun so far. I haven't gotten past level 7, I think... maybe I got to level 8.

I will say that just going through the tutorial with a bunch of different power sets, I think I might get more enjoyment, personally, out of creating my own. The only real problem with this is a lot of the power sets might as well be used by default because their toggle attack will cause a debuff that only the same set's charged/heavy shot can use, from what I see.

However it's very very fun to play a high strength character and just run around seeing what objects you can lift and throw at enemies to kill them. Personally, I also enjoy the Silver Age cheese in the game, too.

I do have a few complaints but they are pretty minor so far: 1) I really, really wish the game held your hand a little bit more about what stats and power sets work best together, due to how freely you can customize your character (i.e. it would be nice to have a recommendation like "Endurance is good for energy blasting characters" when you mouse over the stat, especially if you decide to totally redesign your character) and gave more useful information in the spell tooltips. 2) I wish they had more fun travel powers. Flight in all of its forms is the most practical one, teleport is pretty cool but borderline broken (and frustrating if you aggro something somehow without it being too obvious), and the non-flight powers all have big disadvantages with some combat advantages if you spend your points to buy those passive enhancements. 3) I wish the respec option on the trainer was less cumbersome. As it stands you have to undo stuff step by step. It would make more sense to be able to pick a power from the list and click undo. 4) I have to say honestly I haven't liked most of the energy blasting powers. I tried Darkness and was bored by it (reminds me too much of the WoW warlock, but less fun), didn't really like Electricity or Force either, but I'm going to give Fire a shot, and I might try Electricity from the beginning instead of just respeccing someone into it from another power. However, Power Armor is like the coolest power set I've tried so far in the game and I freaking love it, and its upgrades are all pretty nice, too.

These are basically all polish things they can iron out, and I really like the game's content so far. I'm really hoping there are more instances like the one at the end of the tutorial, because that was a really fun place even if it was pretty straightforward. And I love the action-oriented gameplay. It's a good enough game that I feel I should get it sooner rather than later, and juggle it along with WoW and pretty much forget any other games for a few months.

Raging Spaniard

If they are Dutch, upright and breathing they are more racist than your favorite player
Anybody know if theres any more access keys? Otherwise Ill just put a preorder down, but I wanted to ask first


Junior Member
A bug is being fixed in the next build.

But once its released I'll see if I can post some epic pics of it.
I started my beta adventures today. It runs pretty bad on my computer, but it does run. I'd much prefer to be playing the game with a 360 controller in all honesty. If I get the final game, I'll be getting the 360 version. What is the release date on this beast anyway?
Is the beta that's available now, available to the public by preordering this game, or is that version of the beta coming up later? The screenshots make it look quite interesting.


man, I made a Fire guy a few hours ago and he rocks, trying an electricity guy now that I know how you are supposed to enhance their stats and he rocks, too. I guess it's just Darkness that I really didn't like... well, and Force, too. I think Electricity/Fire both have dethroned Power Armor as my favorite set, but I don't know. Power Armor is pretty cool too.
OJdaKiller said:
Is the beta that's available now, available to the public by preordering this game, or is that version of the beta coming up later? The screenshots make it look quite interesting.

Availible if you preorder.

And wow, playing a munitions character is so exciting. Its not just like "Target > Press 1 > Press 2 > Press 3 > press 1"

I can run around, jump, etc. While shooting the asses off of 4-6 enemies. The AI is awesome to, and hte block feature doesn't feel tacked on. Its all very smooth.

I almost feel like I'm playing a 3rd person shooter as munitions. I hope the game's other styles of powers really change up the gameplay.

Oh yeah, and did I mention backflips?


Anyone have a spare key or know where I can find one? Would really like to try this one ... looks interesting.

My friend says it runs like crap on his computer .... 2x 8800gt with a Q6600 ... and it runs like crap? That worries me.


Junior Member
Great King Bowser said:
This is my first ever MMO and I have to say I'm somewhat overwhelmed. :lol

btw, I can play with a 360 controller?
Yup, they're working/dealing with MS to get the game on the live network.

Just plug it in and it auto configures.
Where do you recommend I preorder this so i can get into this beta? Any download services or do I have to go to a Gamestop/brick and mortar store? Thanks for the help in advance.


Junior Member
OJdaKiller said:
Where do you recommend I preorder this so i can get into this beta? Any download services or do I have to go to a Gamestop/brick and mortar store? Thanks for the help in advance.
D2D, and Steam have it.


just when I think I've got this game figured out, I haven't... I am still really confused on what abilities are good/how to build characters. guess I need to check their forums. Power Armor seems pretty fun but I actually don't really like a lot of its advantages/synergies, although the highest I've leveled any character to is level 11.

I'm sure it sounds overpowered but I just want to build some kind of burst damage dealer that can take a couple hits, OR some kind of hybrid ranged damage/healer. since the game is down for maintenance I can't check power sets, but if there's one that's built around constitution/recovery or constitution/endurance, I might try that.


firex said:
just when I think I've got this game figured out, I haven't... I am still really confused on what abilities are good/how to build characters. guess I need to check their forums. Power Armor seems pretty fun but I actually don't really like a lot of its advantages/synergies, although the highest I've leveled any character to is level 11.

I'm sure it sounds overpowered but I just want to build some kind of burst damage dealer that can take a couple hits, OR some kind of hybrid ranged damage/healer. since the game is down for maintenance I can't check power sets, but if there's one that's built around constitution/recovery or constitution/endurance, I might try that.

My character (mostly munitions) kinda sucked, but I looked through them and figured out "When am I going to use this power?" Okay, this power is good for opening, because it buffs me. This one is also good for opening, so I won't take it. This power is a good main single target damage power. This power buffs this power, so I'll take both. This is a good escape power. This is a good power to use on low energy. I tried to not to double up and have two powers that were more or less interchangeable. It's worked out pretty well.


Im having a really hard time adjusting to PVP in this game. Fought a group who assisted and healed and I could not find who/what was keeping them up. Was really tough, really hard to get used to how fast the combat is in such an enclosed arena. Is there any outdoor pvp or is it just the Hero Games?
Jube3 said:
Im having a really hard time adjusting to PVP in this game. Fought a group who assisted and healed and I could not find who/what was keeping them up. Was really tough, really hard to get used to how fast the combat is in such an enclosed arena. Is there any outdoor pvp or is it just the Hero Games?

As you go higher in lvl bigger maps become available.

For those of you who are struggling, make sure you get a defensive passive ability asap. It improves your survivability dramatically. You can only have 1 defenisve passive active at a time. Also try to get a self heal asap.

Also, be carefull which super stat you pick. Thats the stat that your damage will be based off of. When you buff that stat, you buff your damage. Also, your stats determine the effectiveness of your powers. So you're going to want to prioritize your traits and gear around buffing what is most important. Here are what stats affect:

Strength: Knockback, Knockback Resistance, Picking stuff up, Throwing stuff, ability to free yourself from tangible holds
Dexterity: Chance to crit, amount of damage avoided when you successfully dodge (currently with Lightning reflexes only).
Constitution: Hit points, hit point recovery.
Intellect: Reduces the cost of all powers, Stealth detection, Pet DPS, recharge reduction
Ego: Crit Severity, Strength of hold effects, ability to free yourself from intangible holds.
Presence: Threat Scaling more in Offensive role, less in Defensive Role Also, some stuff for buff powers (healing) and pet HP.
Recovery: Equilibrium, energy generated by your fighting attacks.
Endurance: Energy max, energy generated by your fighting attacks.

So the constrictive element of building a character is in the stats. You can pick a wide variety of powers for a lot of versatility, but their effectiveness is going to be mediocre if you spread your stats too even.


Bear in mind also that not only more powers open when you get to higher levels, but without a defensive passive, you're going to be taking damage. Alot.

For Firex, one big bonus of the Power Armor set is you get one of those defensive passives, Invulnerability.


Force -> Personal Force Shield (Essentially works like an initial set of Hit Points)
Supernatural -> Regeneration (One of my guys has this and I love it. It starts slow, but as you take damage, the regen rate increases)
Might -> Defiance (This is similar to regeneration. As you take damage, your damage reduction increases. Starts lower than Invul. but can get higher than it)
Power Armor -> Invulnerability (Another one of my guys has this. You have a base damage reduction that tends to completely or near completely mitigate low-to-mid levels of damage. High burst damage does get through though, so you have to beware villains.)
Unarmed(?) -> Super Reflexes (Exact opposite of Invulnerability. You have a chance to avoid all damage which is good for high burst damage, but when you get ganged up by alot of guys, it all adds up).

I might be missing some, but these are what I remember. Bear in mind that each powerset works differently. Supernatural and Darkness also have health drains. Darkness has fear effects. Sorcery and Gadgeterring have pets. You can certainly build a glass cannon, but for more staying power, you also have to wrap your head around where your defenses are happening as well.


Just a quick review to help some people with power ideas, I got three main characters right now (and one weird fun one).

1) Supernatural/Darkness (Melee): I took the basic energy builder, Bestial Fury, from Supernatural. Then I took Essence Leech from Supernatural as the other of my first two powers. Its a single target maintained attack which returns some health. After that I took Regeneration from Supernatural. Then I took Shadow Embrace from Darkness, an awesome maintained close coned attack that hits multiple foes. Its labelled close, but I can almost hit far enough away to argue it as a ranged attack. So I have a basic energy builder, powerful single target attack, defensive passive (you can only use one at a time, I believe), and a close range area of effect.

Stats-wise, I have gone heavy on Constitution for the hitpoints (good synergy with regeneration), and Endurance for a larger energy pool.

2) Might/Power Armor (Ranged/Melee): Energy builder was the Clobber from Might and the build-up single target attack, Power Gauntlet, was from Power Armor. This was handy as it is a ranged attack as well. I then took Invulnerability from Power Armor and went back to Might for a close range area of effect power, Roomsweeper, from Might. This power is frighteningly fun, because you can hit and knockback multiple targets in front of you. And when I say knockback, I mean they wake up in another zip code. I plan to take more ranged powers in the near future and come back to the Might powers in the later levels.

Stats-wise, VERY heavy on Strength because throwing cop cruisers at escaped convicts is just poetically fun. Also on Constitution for the Hit Points.

3) Telekinesis with just Super Reflexes (Melee/little Ranged): This guy has been educational with regards to stats. The basic energy builder for TK is ranged, but the single target hard hitting damage is melee. What's interesting is its not buildup or maintained. Is just one quick strike you can chain repeatedly. I only have just gotten out of the tutorial, so the only other attack I have is a close range multiple target melee.

Stats-wise is where it gets interesting. A tutorial on Energy, Recovery, and Equilibrium:

When you use a basic attack, i.e. energy builder, in combat, it raises your energy which the rest of your attacks and powers (except passive) work off of. Well, you may have seen mention of the stat Recovery in RaginCagun's post before and it effecting Equilibrium. When not in combat, your energy will either drop or raise to a certain point marked on your energy bar. That point is your Equilibrium, determined by Recovery. So, with a high Recovery stat, you go into battle with a full energy bar. And with my single target strikes not needing buildup, I can take down enemies even faster than my higher level characters because I don't need to build up energy first.
Ventrue said:
So the first stat you pick as Super Strength or whatever is the stat that your damage is based off?

The stat you pick as your superstat in the powerhouse at lvl 5 or 6. You start out with 1 superstat but gain another one later on. This is not the same as selecting traits with the little DNA symbol. This is not a power either. This is a superstat that you pick early on. Then all your damage is based off this stat, regardless of the nature of that attack.

So if you pick strength then whenver you boost your strength by traits or gear, you boost your damage, whether its melee, ranged, magical - its all based on your strength then. Note that the damage of a power can also be increased by spending advantage points on it. Advantage points are given at some lvl ups which can be spent at the powerhouse to upgrade any power.


MrPing1000 said:
I have a lot to learn about stats then lol.

I'm dying a lot now around lvl 14

Do you have a defensive passive? You'd have to read the power descriptions, but the typically show up under Buff Self powers in a powerset.


Okay, worked my way through the tutorial last night, and I gotta say... I find it less playable than City of Heroes. It just doesn't feel right to me, though it's hard to state exactly what my issue with it is. I like the graphics though, they're fun.


relies on auto-aim
I'm level 14 and somehow I'm still having fun :lol

I got healing, but it's not helping as much as I thought. I might get a passive instead, but regeneration is a bit slow on the HP side when I have 1,600 HP or something.

I also saw a full support character (Presence) with 2 turret bots, 2 healing bots.
What happens is that since Presence determines damage, threat generated (in this case very low) so they just stand there as bots heal other bots and other players while the bots just shoot everything :lol
JoeBoy101 said:
Do you have a defensive passive? You'd have to read the power descriptions, but the typically show up under Buff Self powers in a powerset.

Yeah I do, just figuring out what those big stat boosts were so I have int and dex giving me +16% damage which I think is ok cause I wanted those 2 stats anyway.


Level 11 Munitions atm, Acrobatics works so well with it :lol They've done so many things right with this game, its a shame it runs like shit on my pc for some reason. If they can make it a bit more smooth then I will definitely consider making this 'my' MMO. At least till the next WoW expansion anyway... its nice not feeling like you're some sort of farmer on a quest to be the 'best hero ever!!!!111!' at the start.

It could do with more polish, but MMOs aren't exactly known for being solid and stable day 1..

I'll tell you what my favourite feature is so far, the mob tagging isn't so fucking retarded. If 2 people contribute to a named mob kill, even if they arent partied, both get credit. I really love that.
HixxSAFC said:
Level 11 Munitions atm, Acrobatics works so well with it :lol They've done so many things right with this game, its a shame it runs like shit on my pc for some reason. If they can make it a bit more smooth then I will definitely consider making this 'my' MMO. At least till the next WoW expansion anyway... its nice not feeling like you're some sort of farmer on a quest to be the 'best hero ever!!!!111!' at the start.

It could do with more polish, but MMOs aren't exactly known for being solid and stable day 1..

I'll tell you what my favourite feature is so far, the mob tagging isn't so fucking retarded. If 2 people contribute to a named mob kill, even if they arent partied, both get credit. I really love that.

yeah thats nice. It keeps moving along rather than having 12 people caming the same spawn site.


Vinci said:
Okay, worked my way through the tutorial last night, and I gotta say... I find it less playable than City of Heroes. It just doesn't feel right to me, though it's hard to state exactly what my issue with it is. I like the graphics though, they're fun.

I felt exactly the same way, but playing it more I've really gotten into it. I was very unsure even when playing in Canda, but doing missions in the City is a lot of fun right now.

EDIT: Okay, stats question.

I think I picked 'Super Endurance' and sure enough when I got to my character screen and mouse over Endurance it has "+XY% damage." Makes sense.

However, I also notice that in character creation, Strength says knockback, hold, etc, "Increases Meele damage." That doesn't appear on the tooltip on my character sheet. Does strength increase meele damage or not? If you picked Strength as your main, would it increase meele damage more than ranged damage?

Also note, at some point you get to pick a second "Super x", past level 10. This also increases your damage; I picked Constitution and it has a damage tooltip too.
My initial impressions were pretty poor too.

But if you give it a chance, it's so so much better than CoH. They've pinched the pickup quests from Warhammer, theres no set class structure, and the slot system from CoH has been replaced with an item based system that just feels so much better. Lot of WoW type things pinched as well.

I am curious as to what the end game is like, because CoH basically had none.

And woah at them linking your PM box on the forums to your ingame mail account. Gold farmer potential abuse aside, that is rather cool.


Junior Member
MrPing1000 said:
And woah at them linking your PM box on the forums to your ingame mail account. Gold farmer potential abuse aside, that is rather cool.
FYI: If your ingame display is the same as your account login, just go ahead and make a ticket requesting a display name change. They'll do it gladly due to older accounts being one and the same.


People getting good performance out of this game?

It's playing pretty crappy on my 8800gt's .... SLI'ed or not. I have it on Recommended settings ... but I get tons of framerate dips.
Macattk15 said:
People getting good performance out of this game?

It's playing pretty crappy on my 8800gt's .... SLI'ed or not. I have it on Recommended settings ... but I get tons of framerate dips.

I have an 8800GTS with 4 gigs of RAM, xp, and I have it mostly on high settings and average about 30-60 FPS. If you're in the tutorial area, wait until your outta there, will probably speed up.
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