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Charlottesville alt-right white nationalist torch rally

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Stoop Man

So what's the alternative here? When is violence justified against nazis? This all sounds nice, but how would you implement that with the current laws?

I agree. You protest them at every turn. You make the public at large know that their views are unacceptable in American political discourse, that they're anathema to our core values as a nation. And when they overstep their bounds you punish them to the fullest extent of the law. What we do is not keep quiet and hold our politicians and law enforcement accountable. You don't compromise.



That this question has to be asked literally means the internet is fucking rubbish and a tire fire


I wish it was that easy. "let's just beat anyone up who we know for sure is a nazi". Sounds easy enough right? who's going to start doing that? Everyone? What if you don't want to take part in the violence? Are you nazi sympathiser?
We don't live in world wtih vigilanties Super Heroes like Batman or Captain America. Yes it's nice to think that there's someone who could get past the ineffective and useless gouvernament to beat up the bad guys.


I am pretty sure he knew you were joking, your joke itself was pretty stupid.

Perhaps it was. Not really a good time to joke about these things but it's a play on the mental gymnastics that people go through to try and defend these kinds of radicalists.
Man, at least Obama had a backstory for why he wouldn't say the term radical Islamic terrorism that was supported by certain national security/foreign policy circles as rhetoric that damages your cause of fighting radicalization.

The only reason Trump won't say KKK or white nationalism it is because he doesn't want to lose a single supporter who identifies with these groups. There's no other justification.


The solution is to punch them all in the face. It's really easy. You just go outside and do it. That will solve all of our problems, and liberty and happiness will reign supreme. No unintended side effects, no massive injuries or losses of life, no inflaming of deep conflicts already existent underneath the country's bed left over from the 1800s.

It'll just work, trust me. We gotta start shooting them whenever we think someone is a Nazi.

Once again, I need to ask...if you think there are deep conflicts from the Civil War left over that are so serious that we could inflame them into a second Civil War...what do you think would happen if we left them alone to fester instead?
What do you mean how? The fuck?

The tweet just says a death was confirmed. Was there fighting first? Was a particular weapon used? Accounts on who the *physical* aggressor was ? Telling people in the "middle" or Nazi sympathizers just "a death was confirmed " is not gonna be enough to paint these white supremacists accountable.

Already reported. Hit by a car and died.

Well, he got hit by a nazi terrorist in a speeding car. That'll do it.

Didn't see the reports about the car sorry. Just the one vague tweet earlier.


He'll get off scot-free, mark my words :(.

They weren't removed. The plates were from Ohio.



Then laws need to change if it's not enough. Like they have in Germany.

When your entire worldview is based on the wholesale extermination of groups of people based on ethnicity and religion, that's where the line is. It's not that hard.

It does need to change. Line of thinking like that has no business existing in a civilized country ( or anywhere for that matter). It's not really a question of "should it change?" but "will it?"

Ok, I see what youre doing now.

Sorry, I don't argue with the nazi defense force. You're with my enemy as far as I'm concerned. Bye.

I guess if I am not advocating for violence, then I am your enemy?
Fair enough.

Oh they can have their fucked up Nazi-fest talks/demonstrations. But freedom of speech =/= protection from being called out for being a Nazi or bigot and dealing with the social ramifications that come with it. It also doesn't guarantee you a stage or an audience, so shame on academic institutions that provided shit stains like Milo a platform.

I completly agree with you.

I agree. You protest them at every turn. You make the public at large know that their views are unacceptable in American political discourse, that they're anathema to our core values as a nation. And when they overstep their bounds you punish them to the fullest extent of the law. What we do is not keep quiet and hold our politicians and law enforcement accountable. You don't compromise.

Unfortunatly, resorting to violence usually sounds more appealing because it seems like the easy way out of a complicated situation


maybe tomorrow it rains
They weren't removed. The plates were from Ohio.

Yeah, but early reports are that the police believe he was trying to get away because he was scared for his life. I don't buy it for a second, but that's going to be the excuse. It might work.
So you go from #notallnazis to saying we "think" these people are nazis? You're genuinely not listening to the oppressed at all, you're constantly trying to police the feelings of minorities while offering no solutions as to what's a valid reaction to these events even when people are straight up being killed for counter protesting white nationalism.

Please quote where I wrote anything that even remotely resembled a #notallnazis sentiment.

To be clear, I'm a minority, a first generation immigrant whose skin color isn't even remotely white. I'm one of the people these protesters hate and want to see dead or out of the country. I wouldn't use physical violence unless:

- Someone or something's attacking me or someone I care for
- Someone or something is threatening my livelihood

(Among other cases that are probably not coming to mind right now.)

Which means, yes, if I felt the government was coming for my ass and those who I loved unjustly, then I'd fight.

If a fringe group of white nationalists are trying to hurt minorities, then I want to see them jailed. I don't want to see a few liberals go out and take justice into their own hands, because that will provoke and mobilize rightist physical retaliation.

And yeah, our justice system has a lot of problems... but for this particular case, I think it will handle the case as it should be handled. The terrorist will go to jail. The white supremacist aggressors who committed crimes will be tried. Call me an idiot when these don't happen, but I'd be willing to bet money that they'll face fair justice.

Once again, I need to ask...if you think there are deep conflicts from the Civil War left over that are so serious that we could inflame them into a second Civil War...what do you think would happen if we left them alone to fester instead?

I don't know, man. That's a hard question to answer. I don't think the answer is to wipe out (e.g., hurt or kill) everyone who wants to see the South rise again.


“We must cherish our history.”

Dog whistle in support of the Nazis who were protesting the Robert E. Lee statue removal.

Fucking despicable. Someone is dead, people are hurt, but that slave-owning history though.

It can't be said enough, fuck all those Nazi wastes of life, and FUCK Trump.

Can't video now, need a transcript to throw up to.


There's supposed to be another rally for Sunday but who knows about that,

But the Nazi's will have another rally at Berkely on the 27th of August


Yeah, but early reports are that the police believe he was trying to get away because he was scared for his life. I don't buy it for a second, but that's going to be the excuse. It might work.

The video evidence shows him going out of his way to drive into the crowd, but video evidence hasn't always been enough, sadly.


can we have a concrete number on how many innocent people self-identifying nazis have to intentionally kill and injure before we're allowed to Fear For Our Lives and Stand Our Ground?

like, even nazi murderers get to use the line
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