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Charlottesville alt-right white nationalist torch rally

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The government does the banning. You want Trump, or the smarter more authoritarian guy after him, deciding what gets banned?

Look at it this way; I'm all for jackboot Nazi thugs to out themselves publically so law enforcement, institutions, and their neighbors can see their evilness.

Isn't the point of bipartisanship is that both sides can agree on something?

Nazis being banned doesn't mean liberal senators disappear from Congress.
I mean, it's almost like some people believe that free speech has the power to protect people as well. Yes things like this are a tragedy. They're also illegal once they get to this level. But what if the laws you put in place to protect people are used to silence them instead? People already call groups like BLM "terrorists". Those are the people in power. Would you be ok with Nazis being silenced according to the law if it meant legitimate groups were as well? Life isn't easy, sometimes we have to risk sacrifices for the bigger picture.

This isn't about defending the rights of Nazis to speak. It's about trying to avoid a situation where in our desperation to stop bad people from speaking, we give them an opportunity to silence us

You can spin this however you want mate, we both know your argument is pathetic. If you don't see the fundamental difference between BLM and calls for genocide I honestly don't know what to tell you.
Show me in the history books where Black Lives Matter tried to eradicate an entire race of people and we can have this coversation.

They didn't. That's MY ENTIRE FUCKING POINT. How do you make a law that can effectively and without question separate groups like the Nazis from legitimate causes? Sure you could put a ban on the term "Nazi" and Nazi imagery. But that wouldn't really solve anything since they'd just adopt a different name.

Hate speech laws ultimately depend on a just and fair person being in control of the final decision on what hate speech is and who is protected. And that's not something I feel you can count on forever
Notice no condolescences towards those affected by the Nazi driver by Turd-in-Chief?


This has pissed me off more than anything he's done or said today. This is THE most pointed and direct fuck you to the people that died from that terrorist attack he could possibly give. Unbelievable that he would sink this low. This is the first terrible behavior of his lately that's truly shocked me.


Junior Member
That some principles are to important to toss out on a whim maybe. Free speech didn't cause this violence the people who misbehaved did. Freedom of speech means nothing if its only for things you agree with. Nazi's and klans people have the right to assemble and spew hate all they want. The minute they become violent shut them down.

They are violent. So shut them down. I'd argue the city of Charlottesville should have never even allowed this to happen, and you deal with the civil suits later. Free speech does have limits, in the courts. This shit would never be allowed to happen in a northern progressive city. They would eat the lawsuits for the sake of morality.
Watching CNN Live for the first time and it's awful, ads every 5 min of coverage... so annoying, I hope not every channels are like that...

First time watching American TV? That's very much how it is. TV shows that are listed as 30 minutes end up lasting around 18 minutes due to the commercial breaks.
In every reasonable democratic society hate speech is not protected speech. Nazis do not assemble peacefully. Nazism isn't defeated in debate. It cannot be given oxygen. This is so fucking basic I'm shocked many Americans, including the ACLU, do not understand this very basic principle

I feel the same but the ideals of free speech being universal are so closely associated with American Democracy it's very difficult to make Americans believe that it's possible to ban hate speech and still maintain a semblance of freedom. The two are simply one and the same to them and the banning of any form of speech is just a slippery slope into totalitarianism.

AYF 001

The government does the banning. You want Trump, or the smarter more authoritarian guy after him, deciding what gets banned?

Look at it this way; I'm all for jackboot Nazi thugs to out themselves publically so law enforcement, institutions, and their neighbors can see their evilness.
I think the issue is more how they should've struck while the iron was hot when those wars happened, so that we wouldn't be dealing with all this right now. Instead it was mostly swept under the rug in the US, because if it ain't broke, don't fix it is the prevailing mentality even when the cracks are showing.


Junior Member
But there have been numerous peaceful Nazi and KKK rallies in the past and they should be allowed.

How about no?

Bigotry, hate and oppression is not a form of speech and should not be protected under the 1st amendment.

Maybe Al-Queda should be allowed to create rallies and fund raisers in public.. Maybe while we are at it let ISIS do those too.
You can spin this however you want mate, we both know your argument is pathetic. If you don't see the fundamental difference between BLM and calls for genocide I honestly don't know what to tell you.

My point is that there is a fundemental difference between those groups, but that might not matter to the people making the final call because you can't always guarantee you'd have a decent or humane person in charge
So you want that current president refusing to condemn those acts to be able to define what entails hate speech?

I'm sure that would go grand.

The President isn't going to be setting the regulations for when and what speech is regulated in the way this conversation is framed.

There's already plenty of Supreme Court precedent that deals with speech and when it isn't allowed.
They didn't. That's MY ENTIRE FUCKING POINT. How do you make a law that can effectively and without question separate groups like the Nazis from legitimate causes? Sure you could put a ban on the term "Nazi" and Nazi imagery. But that wouldn't really solve anything since they'd just adopt a different name.

Hate speech laws ultimately depend on a just and fair person being in control of the final decision on what hate speech is and who is protected. And that's not something I feel you can count on forever


This is way more simple than you make it out to be. Hate speech vs minorities = bye bye, see you in jail. No need to be a "just and fair person". There's nothing subjective about this.
People of color for 150 years: "America is an intensely racist and fucked up country, y'all need to reign that shit in"

Everybody else: "Lol nah it's not that bad, you're exaggerating, besides you'll deal with it right?"

And now the powder keg has been built to the point where shit is going to explode and a lot more people are gonna die.
Brian Stelter‏Verified account @brianstelter 8h8 hours ago
Fox's @dougmckelway interviewing a white nationalist in Cville. "The fucking Jew lovers are gassing us, man." McKelway: "Pardon his French."
If folks like you had their way and we picked and chose which speech was defensible and which wasn't then we'd currently be seeing our president censoring liberal media and jailing people like us. The pendulum always swings back.
This is the truth of it, and why the ACLU will keep fighting, even for the reprehensible.

The Kree

So you want that current president refusing to condemn those acts to be able to define what entails hate speech?

I'm sure that would go grand.

Why the fuck are you pretending like you don't know the difference between good and bad? Like saying Black Lives Matter is as incendiary as saying White Power?

I swear, some of you love to pretend a middle ground exists where there is none just for the sake of fucking arguing.

I done with you too. Bye.


Look at it this way; I'm all for jackboot Nazi thugs to out themselves publically so law enforcement, institutions, and their neighbors can see their evilness.

Dude if you don't think there's a significant portion of the law enforcement community who are cheering these nazis on you've got your head buried in the sand.


Maybe its just me, but I feel like Nazis aren't covered under the umbrella blanket of free speech. They were a fucking plague that the world wanted to wipe out.

No quarter for Nazis.


Also, if you still support Nazi speech.

Would you want Nazis posting on Neogaf? Would you want a Nazi in your house preaching about supremacy everyday?
That's a great point.

Steve Bannon and Richard Spencer are butt buddies.

That's probably the biggest reason to not label this terrorism, doesn't wanna lose his boy Steve the racist.


Am I gonna have to repost what I wrote earlier? I think I do.

Let me remind a lot of you that this is what they want:







Look at it, let it burn into your heads. This is what they are advocating for, this is their ideological beliefs. This! Stop defending their rights, they are psychopathic monsters who desire genocide of anyone who doesn't look like them or submit to their views. Anyone waving their "Free Speech, First Amendment" flag are bloody idiots for allowing this "political belief" to flourish. We don't allow bloody ISIS to march in the streets spreading their genocidal ideology, so we shouldn't allow fucking Nazis and White Supremacists do the same.

Stop defending their freeze peach.
I feel the same but the ideals of free speech being universal are so closely associated with American Democracy it's very difficult to make Americans believe that it's possible to ban hate speech and still maintain a semblance of freedom. The two are simply one and the same to them and the banning of any form of speech is just a slippery slope into totalitarianism.

It's very much possible to ban hate speech and retain freedom, but only so long as the people in charge are decent and don't want to abuse or corrupt those laws. It can be done, but there's always the risk because ultimately a human will always be the one making the call and if that human is evil...


That some principles are to important to toss out on a whim maybe. Free speech didn't cause this violence the people who misbehaved did. Freedom of speech means nothing if its only for things you agree with. Nazi's and klans people have the right to assemble and spew hate all they want. The minute they become violent shut them down.

...lmfao. Nazi's and Klans people should have absolutely zero rights. Launch every single one of them into the sun.

Y'all will go to the grave chanting "freedom of speech" before realizing, that's the reason your dead.

Certain groups/mindsets do not deserve the same rights. Hate speech, hate groups, neo nazi animals...nah. Hide behind that dusty ass Constitution all you want. But there's a reason people just don't give a fuck, anymore.


First time watching American TV? That's very much how it is. TV shows that are listed as 30 minutes end up lasting around 18 minutes due to the commercial breaks.

Yeah I'm not American, I used to think our TV were terrible with commercial breaks but US TV is something else...


The President isn't going to be setting the regulations for when and what speech is regulated in the way this conversation is framed.

There's already plenty of Supreme Court precedent that deals with speech and when it isn't allowed.

Do you not see the same exact problem there?

Trump could have 3-4 figures on the Supreme Court by the end of his presidency. I most certainly trust a bunch of Scalia's and Gorsuch's to define hate speech.


A generic reference on Facebook Trends, and a secondary reference on Facebook Politics Trends.

Either most of America cares more about the awful news out of India and Kenya, or the FB screeners are terrible.

Get ready, it's going to be worse before it gets any better.

The real beautiful humans in this scenario are the ones who ran back to help their injured comrades, more ounce of every positive quality than any alt-right fuck


This Ana on CNN has been doing a decent job st covering this so far. I like how she has been emphasizing Trump is at his resort while all this happens.
People of color for 150 years: "America is an intensely racist and fucked up country, y'all need to reign that shit in"

Everybody else: "Lol nah it's not that bad, you're exaggerating, besides you'll deal with it right?"

And now the powder keg has been built to the point where shit is going to explode and a lot more people are gonna die.

It def feels like this is only the tip of the iceberg when it comes to the violence.


MSNBC just said all three deaths in Charlottesville are responsible by White nationalists.

Not sure if error.

The AP has said that the police believes the helicopter crash was linked to the Nazi rally. They haven't been very clear on what that means yet.
Do you not see the same exact problem there?

Trump could have 3-4 figures on the Supreme Court by the end of his presidency. I most certainly trust a bunch of Scalia's and Gorsuch's to define hate speech.

Okay, and if that happens, us wanting Nazis not to have speech rights means jack shit.

If he gets 3-4 figures on the SC, that's happening regardless of what anyone else pushes (see: current presidency). So I'm not sure how that's a good counter argument?


The AP has said that the police believes the helicopter crash was linked to the Nazi rally. They haven't been very clear on what that means yet.

I edited it out, they didn't provide anything that would lead me to believe they actually know the cause of the crash. Probably just a mistake on their part.
Do you not see the same exact problem there?

Trump could have 3-4 figures on the Supreme Court by the end of his presidency. I most certainly trust a bunch of Scalia's and Gorsuch's to define hate speech.

Trump technically has the power to nominate as many Supreme Court members as he wants since there actually isn't a set number. All he needs is to get congress to agree to give them the ok. And with a republican congress, there really isn't a guarantee he couldn't stuff the supreme court with his appointments if he really wanted to
Richard Painter, former Bush ethics lawyer, is on MSNBC saying the Alt-Right is a terrorist movement and saying that without removing Gorka and Bannon he must be removed from office.
While I agree with him, the entire party walked hand in hand with this shit for the past eight years. Where do these people think this came from? The party itself fostered this shit and it got out of control for them, Trump is a product of the Right wing and their affair with shit bags.
Btw no one is putting us Swedes in jail for protesting racists even though we have very rigid hate speech laws. Fuck your slippery slope coward argument.

Nah, the problem isn't protecting free speech, the problem is that your country is being run by white supremacy.
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