Why would he vote to authorize force if it was the wrong war, wrong place at the wrong time?
Because without the threat of force, negotiating with the regime was getting nowhere. Did you even watch the debate when Kerry spoke? He said it very clear-I authorized the use of force, and the president said he would exhaust all diplomatic options before going to war (which Bush did). Then Bush rushed to war.
It was a war without UN support or a real coalition of allies, without a plan for reconstruction and occupation (or more to the point, an *extremely* poor and incomplete plan.
The Iraq war would have been right if we had exhasuted all other options, had a real plan for reconstruction, and had firm, corroborated evidence that Saddam had the WMDs and was working with terrorists. Instead, we rushed to war quickly without a plan (wrong time) and with intelligence that desparately needed more detail and fact-checking (wrong place).
Wrong war, wrong place, wrong time.
Authorization for war was essential. But it was done with the assurance that the President would exhaust his diplomatic options first and that if we used force, we'd use it wisely. We didn't.
There's no flip-flopping or anything going on here. There's no flip-flopping for the 87 billion approproiation, either. It's something that was created as a campaign platform because it's a catchy, disingenous talking point, and there was pretty much nothing positive that the Bush administration can claim for themselves after four years of failing the American people.
As for Bush being like Hitler, he's not like Hitler. Evil doesn't mean your Hitler. Why did you bring Hitler into the conversation anyway?
When you vote fore the authority you vote for war at any time.
Not in this case, chump. He told Congress he'd exhaust all options, that he'd work with the UN. I don't think he did do that, and a lot of people agree on both sides of the aisle agree to that. He needed the authority to give him leverage in negotiations, and to go to war if it was clear that it was the last resort.
That's like saying that when you vote to fund the Selective Service agency in your appropriations bill, you vote to call for a draft at any time. No you don't, you vote to continue a program that can be used as a last resort to bolster America's armed forces.
Your kind of simpleton will be the end of us all, I swear.