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Chess wunderkind Trump threatens Comey on Twitter


like okay just to start, threatening a guy that might be testifying against you, strike 1

wanting said guy to be quiet, and saying it publically, strike 2

implicating that he's gathered intel on a member of the fucking intelligence community of the United States, y'all double deluxe fucked up


This is like a retelling of the latest Better Call Saul episode.

my post from the "Trump Fires Comey" thread:

Actual footage from when the tape was made.
At this point Trump is fucked no matter what he says or does. Attacking the FBI is like hitting a hornet's nest with a baseball bat. Sooner or later you will get stung, not just once but multiple times.
like okay just to start, threatening a guy that might be testifying against you, strike 1

wanting said guy to be quiet, and saying it publically, strike 2

implicating that he's gathered intel on a member of the fucking intelligence community of the United States, y'all double deluxe fucked up

Yeah, just as soon as Congressional Republicans get their heads out of the sand.


Fucking bonkers. Like he's the only busy president? This is such a fucking shit show, I'm having a harder and harder time having respect for anyone who still supports this man. People who do so are actually dangerous either through malice or stupidity.

the best bit is he's not even a busy president by all accounts given the amount of golf time he apparently has


Later today from the WH:
- The President is not threatening James Comey. Don't be ridiculous. They enjoy a direct relationship where they frequently engage in public banter. That's all this is. Bantering. The President is an active banterer.


Unconfirmed Member
Later today from the WH:
- The President is not threatening James Comey. Don't be ridiculous. They enjoy a direct relationship where they frequently engage in public banter. That's all this is. Bantering. The President is an active banterer.

He grabs the banter by the pussy.


So is this essentially something that started under the previous president?

Basically, yeah. But a lot of what was negotiated under the Obama administration was altered once Trump took over.

BEIJING — The United States has reached a set of trade deals with China covering areas like electronic payment services, beef and poultry, compromising on some Obama administration stances but leaving untouched bigger issues that could still complicate relations between the two major trading partners.



It sounds almost as if he admits Comey has tapes him but puts "tapes" it into quotes so he can later say that it was just metaphorical if people ask him about the tweets implications.


Looking for meaning in GAF
This is like responding to losing at chess by falling off your chair and rolling on the floor while simultaneously crying and shitting yourself.


the best bit is he's not even a busy president by all accounts given the amount of golf time he apparently has

While true, the sad part is that his moronic supporters truly believe that Trump has been the hardest working President to date.


shut uuuuuuuuuuuuuuup

I can't believe this. He's melting down before our very eyes. I don't think he wants to do this anymore.
Under "normal" impeachment circumstances you go down the line of succession. I get that.

But if Donald Trump is proven to have colluded with Russia to win the election, surely that justifies a new precedent of a special election. A hostile nation helping elect a willing pawn who happens to put in place the people in succession and by proxy of being voted in the people he doesn't choose.

I know we aren't close to it yet, but I abhor the idea that we just go down the normal line of succession when's Trump is impeached.


helped a brotha out on multiple separate occasions!
Really disgusting how the GOP is just standing idly by in order to pass their agenda.

What did Clapper specifically say and when was this said? Is this something he said during the Yates hearing?
On March 5, Clapper was interviewed by NBC News' Chuck Todd on Meet the Press and asked if there was any evidence of collusion between members of the Trump campaign and the Russians. "Not to my knowledge," Clapper replied. Since then, Trump and his champions have cited Clapper to say there is no there there with the Russia story. Trump on March 20 tweeted, "James Clapper and others stated that there is no evidence Potus colluded with Russia. The story is FAKE NEWS and everyone knows it!" White House press secretary Sean Spicer has repeatedly deployed this Clapper statement to insist there was no collusion.

At Monday's hearing, Clapper pulled this rug out from under the White House and its comrades. He noted that it was standard policy for the FBI not to share with him details about ongoing counterintelligence investigations. And he said he had not been aware of the FBI's investigation of contacts between Trump associates and Russia that FBI Director James Comey revealed weeks ago at a House Intelligence Committee hearing. Consequently, when Clapper told Todd that he was not familiar with any evidence of Trump-Russia collusion, he was speaking accurately. But he essentially told the Senate subcommittee that he was not in a position to know for certain. This piece of spin should now be buried. Trump can no longer hide behind this one Clapper statement.


Iirc, after Clapper said that even if there was evidence he wouldn't be aware of it at the hearing they asked Yates the same question and she answered that she couldn't confirm or deny details of an active investigation in the open setting of the hearing.
Those who are saying Trump will get impeached, as much as I would LOVE for that to happen, how?

Republicans aren't going to impeach him, he still has 96% of the support of his voters


May I have a cookie?
Those who are saying Trump will get impeached, as much as I would LOVE for that to happen, how?

Republicans aren't going to impeach him, he still has 96% of the support of his voters

Is there no other protocol in place that can be used to hold the president accountable for blatantly illegal abuse of power?
Could the president shoot somebody in broad daylight and walk if congress didn't call for impeachment?


I keep wondering why people are always so sure whatever he did is going to be the end of him. He seems to be able to do whatever the fuck he wants, to be honest.
The GOP gained almost all of the power, chose to do party over country, and their mindless sheep followers are told that everything is fine.

GOP has been party over country since the 80's

Is there no other protocol in place that can be used to the president accountable for blatantly illegal abuse of power?
Could the president shoot somebody in broad daylight and walk if congress didn't call for impeachment?

I don't think there is, the ONLY way Trump is impeached is if actual evidence of Trump committing a crime is leaked to the press and they have no choice, otherwise enjoy Trump for the next 8 years
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