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Chess wunderkind Trump threatens Comey on Twitter




I don't kill people, well with a few exceptions


I'm so glad he still has Twitter account. He's such a dumb motherfucker, Jesus.

If/when he's eventually brought to an impeachment trial, the hearings will be hilarious.

I think this is ultimately why people thought he was eventually going to get impeached, because he's a fucking idiot and he's incapable of piecing together a narrative that is consistent throughout his own WH.

He's just dumb. Couple that with the fact that you're probably engaging in some nefarious shit, and it's just a question of 'when', not 'if'.


Clothed, sober, cooperative
It's rarely notable and I wish they'd use a different headline to grab someone's attention while reserving "breaking news" for quality stuff. This one about the lawyer saying nothing in his tax returns shows connections doesn't qualify for me.

The lawyer admits there are Russian connections in taxes he is still hiding from the public. It's a giant big deal. And more bizarre projection . Lucky for us you're not a newsroom chief.

It may also indicate concern those taxes are going to be subpoenaed.


If there are exceptions, surely there ARE are examples of types of income from Russian sources?

Am I having a stroke or am I misreading this?
Lol no they pretty just much admitted he does does have a "few" financial connections to Russia. But totally fine we swear!
Those who are saying Trump will get impeached, as much as I would LOVE for that to happen, how?

Republicans aren't going to impeach him, he still has 96% of the support of his voters

His voters are traitors to the United States and the Constitution and should be treated as such.

If a democrat even had a shred of the crap that is going on with this human filth, they would have been hung from the gallows already.

Every GOP politician is a traitor. Every republican voter is a traitor.
That's a nice not-locked-up-in-a-hole-in-guantanamo bay you got there James Comey.

Be a shame if anything were to happen to it?


I think this is ultimately why people thought he was eventually going to get impeached, because he's a fucking idiot and he's incapable of piecing together a narrative that is consistent throughout his own WH.

He's just dumb. Couple that with the fact that you're probably engaging in some nefarious shit, and it's just a question of 'when', not 'if'.
Yep. A perfect storm of being a massive dumb ass and incredibly corrupt.


Unconfirmed Member
The lawyer admits there are Russian connections in taxes he is still hiding from the public. It's a giant big deal. And more bizarre projection . Lucky for us you're not a newsroom chief.

It may also indicate concern those taxes are going to be subpoenaed.

I am not sure why you're getting worked up over me disliking "breaking news" being generally used for a lot of news stories nowadays. Allow me to dislike it in peace.

And lucky for you I'm not a newsroom chief? Because I may or may not have applied a "breaking news" tag to this news? Okay.


May I have a cookie?
If there are exceptions, surely there ARE are examples of types of income from Russian sources?

Am I having a stroke or am I misreading this?

Trump probably panicked after the reaction to his "blackmail" tweet and called up his lawyer figuring he could settle the tax return thing once and for all as the ultimate distraction but instead it royally backfired :D
i mean i think the "exceptions" in this case are him saying its from the miss universe pagent in russia.

Which, in turn, would make his tax returns "clean".

This is all hearsay if he doesnt just fucking release them though.
Absolutely no Russian income (except for $100 million dollars).

Which was generated from selling a $40 million dollar house during the housing crisis that he purchased four years earlier.

What's the point in a lawyer making a statement at this particular time? Is something about to happen?

Lindsay Graham asked Trump for his finances to review for a Russia connection, this is what Trump responded with.


MBA in pussy licensing and rights management
His voters are traitors to the United States and the Constitution and should be treated as such.

If a democrat even had a shred of the crap that is going on with this human filth, they would have been hung from the gallows already.

Every GOP politician is a traitor. Every republican voter is a traitor.

Christ man settle down. You're literally talking about civil war. Are you ready to die for the donkey?



I can't out into words just how scary and hilarious all of this really is. This goes beyond satire/caricature. How the fuck did he ever think being POTUS was akin to being some sort of uber-national mob boss.


What's the point in a lawyer making a statement at this particular time? Is something about to happen?

Trump is obsessed with appearances. Firing Comey was supposed to make the Russia stuff stop. It didn't. So now he's going to do every vaguely-official thing he can to try to bury it--certified letter! It has to be official because it's CERTIFIED!

The problem Trump faces is that if you spend 100+ days lying constantly and eventually say you're too busy to actually consistently tell the truth, the only people who are going to care about documents you generate to exonerate yourself are the people already on your side.
He wanted a letter that people would look at and give up; he created one that says he has no financial ties to Russia except for the times he did. It's not going to work.

Upside is that means he should try something else ineffectual and dumb.


What is even happening at this point? I keep thinking to myself that if I ever saw a political television series with the same events such as those in real-life American politics, I would probably believe it to be too far-fetched and unrealistic. Simply the number of absolutely improbable events happening recently is astounding:
  • A non-politician becoming president depite numerous normally career ending gaffes
  • A foreign power messing with US elections
  • The non-politician may well be a foreign agent and the previous government did basically nothing to stop him from becoming president despite potentially knowing this fact
  • New president uses twitter to set daily news agenda
  • New president alleges that millions voted illegally (offering no proof) - no repercussions
  • New president alleges that ex-president 'wiretapped' him (offering no proof) - no repercussions
  • New president fires the director of the FBI for ever-changing official reasons and is now threatening him through twitter
Trump's ridiculous comb over only adds to the surrealism of everything that surrounds him.
Does anyone really think the scandal here is that Russia was depositing money into Trump's bank account? And these transactions would be revealed in his taxes?

That is ridiculous.
Does anyone really think the scandal here is that Russia was depositing money into Trump's bank account? And these transactions would be revealed in his taxes?

That is ridiculous.

My question is how hard would it be for the sitting President to have his taxes "cleand up" before releasing them a year after everyone started demanding to see them?


Imagine traveling a long distance on a train; and every morning you wake up the train has crashed into something. And you know the day will be filled with the train wrecking into other objects. That's life right now. It's uh an interesting way to live life, but I hope we are reaching our destination (impeachment) soon.

I am literally laughing up my sleeve at 'few exceptions' though. Sometimes the train crashes into a clown car and what can you do but laugh?


Does anyone really think the scandal here is that Russia was depositing money into Trump's bank account? And these transactions would be revealed in his taxes?

That is ridiculous.


Its not going to be deposited into his personal accounts. ifs it there its going to be buried in a 'enron' style shell company scheme
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