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Chicago Gun Violence: 74 People Shot In Past Week.

The city of Chicago had seen a large reduction in murders and shootings for the first four months of 2018, but as temperatures have increased, so has crime.

The Chicago Police Department recorded that at least 74 people were shot in the country's third-largest city, with 28 of those shootings occurring between Friday evening and Sunday morning. Two men in their 20s were shot outside an East Garfield Park building just hours after two other people were shot on the exact same block Sunday, the Chicago Sun-Times reported. Police had previously been hopeful that gun violence was on a downward trend after seeing more than 1,400 total homicides between 2016 and 2017. The city's shooting victims are predominately on the city's south and west sides.


This is insane yet we keep hearing about a washed up pornstar...take care of our damn citizens. This is so disgusting this gun violence and not a peep from the media.


Chicago gun violence isn’t something new and not going be reported because it’s not going to surprise anyone which equals no ratings. Sensationalism is the media driving force.
well, one would consider being local news since it only affects Chicago. And the other would be national news since it involves the President. Though I guess it would matter how important the local news be for either msnb,cnn, fox news, etc to be picked up to cover.
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What people don't know and I can relate as a Chicagoan, is just how safe most of the city is. The violence you read about is almost all confined to certain sections of the south and west side...sections that a visitor is unlikely to blunder into.

Now as far as stopping the violence in those communities, that is going to take some doing....and probably trample some civil rights in the process. Drug legalization would probably help, along with a ton of new police and a stop and frisk policy. An absolute 10pm-4am curfew and a few thousand national guardsmen might help too.


What people don't know and I can relate as a Chicagoan, is just how safe most of the city is. The violence you read about is almost all confined to certain sections of the south and west side...sections that a visitor is unlikely to blunder into.

Now as far as stopping the violence in those communities, that is going to take some doing....and probably trample some civil rights in the process. Drug legalization would probably help, along with a ton of new police and a stop and frisk policy. An absolute 10pm-4am curfew and a few thousand national guardsmen might help too.

Or you know...the other things that help. Access to family planning, early intervention in pre-schools, prenatal care and counselling.. After 100 years of studying this subject, we know that getting kids before the age of 5 has the most impact. Funnel all resources to that and in 20 years enjoy your new Brooklyn circa 2005.


As if the media were really worried about the real problems your country faces. They want RATINGS and MONEY, that's it.


I posted this before but some people told me that is has become more safe in Chcago.


You also can exactly see when this did happen. When people blamed the police for everything and they had to retreat.
What people don't know and I can relate as a Chicagoan, is just how safe most of the city is. The violence you read about is almost all confined to certain sections of the south and west side...sections that a visitor is unlikely to blunder into.

Now as far as stopping the violence in those communities, that is going to take some doing....and probably trample some civil rights in the process. Drug legalization would probably help, along with a ton of new police and a stop and frisk policy. An absolute 10pm-4am curfew and a few thousand national guardsmen might help too.

Most gun violence in the US is heavily localized. It's part of why I disagree with putting regulations on the entire country, especially when we could remove some regulations (like the drug war) and achieve similar results.


How many people live in Chicago? What is the per capita gun violence rate?

Can someone explain why the Fox News crew here is a obsessed with our nations 24th most dangerous city?
Did you try reading the article? It's from Newsweek bro. It's not Fox. You think over 20 murders in one week is something to ignore?


Or you know...the other things that help. Access to family planning, early intervention in pre-schools, prenatal care and counselling.. After 100 years of studying this subject, we know that getting kids before the age of 5 has the most impact. Funnel all resources to that and in 20 years enjoy your new Brooklyn circa 2005.

I agree, all those things are good. They are longer term benefits though, in the shorter term there has to be a large increase in law enforcement to deal with the current issues.

I think the pullback of police that has happened in so many places has disproportionately hurt African American communities. Black "activists" do not represent their people very well.


I posted this before but some people told me that is has become more safe in Chcago.


You also can exactly see when this did happen. When people blamed the police for everything and they had to retreat.

Yes....LA and NY are very safe. What about the 24 other cities worse than Chicago. It's almost like you are all obsessed with making Chicago look worse than somewhere like....Beaumont, Texas, or Anchorage, Alaska, or Indianapolis, Indiana, or Little Rock, Arkansas or Memphis, Tennessee.

I wonder why you pass by all those other cities and choose Chicago? I wonder why we keep hearing about Chicago constantly for the past 9 years?.
I agree, all those things are good. They are longer term benefits though, in the shorter term there has to be a large increase in law enforcement to deal with the current issues.

I think the pullback of police that has happened in so many places has disproportionately hurt African American communities. Black "activists" do not represent their people very well.

Chicago is on a police hiring surge, there's just a spike after a decline. You apparently don't know anything about Chicago grassroots either with your pitiful "black activists" comment.

The police can't be on every corner, and community organizers can't stop every bullet. The city quite frankly hasn't come up with a comprehensive plan despite knowing that this needs to be done. You gotta mitigate poverty so people don't get in the fast life. It takes resources, and the little injections help (like for afterschool programs) but don't solve the issue.

In the words of a rapper when you have incredible access to piss and shit "When you are nothing, you have nothing to lose. The only way to become something is to pick up a gun."
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How many people live in Chicago? What is the per capita gun violence rate?

Can someone explain why the Fox News crew here is a obsessed with our nations 24th most dangerous city?

Easy subject to drum up support for their base. You know "the blacks are violent, black on black crime, they destroy their cities." It's so blatant, but it works. Really helps with the whole "us vs them" narrative and the "othering" of citizens.

I mean look at a couple of the posts in this thread. Again, it's very effective.
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Chicago is on a police hiring surge, there's just a spike after a decline. You apparently don't know anything about Chicago grassroots either with your pitiful "black activists" comment.

The police can't be on every corner, and community organizers can't stop every bullet. The city quite frankly hasn't come up with a comprehensive plan despite knowing that this needs to be done. You gotta mitigate poverty so people don't get in the fast life. It takes resources, and the little injections help (like for afterschool programs) but don't solve the issue.

In the words of a rapper when you have incredible access to piss and shit "When you are nothing, you have nothing to lose. The only way to become something is to pick up a gun."

Bullshit comment. I grew up on the west side of Chicago, in a neighborhood dominated by the Latin Kings. I've been looked over for laces in the alley at 2am, by a guy who that night murdered someone who failed the test that I passed (I knew the names of some local gang leaders). The activists who cause a police pullback are hurting black people with their stupidity. The victims of the crime in those neighborhoods are black people (and other minorities), not suburban whites. So every time the police hesitate to act because they are burdened with ACLU paperwork, every time a law abiding citizen (like Otis McDonald) is denied the right to defend himself and his home, it is African Americans who are the victims.

I still agree with you about the great help that can work on the root causes. But that seed will take a while to grow fruit.

Deleted member 713885

Unconfirmed Member
Police need to be tougher and at those levels of murder/gun violence maybe it's best to use a military presence.

74 murders in a weekend is on par with a place like Afghanistan over a whole week.
Shit, I think on 14 died via bombing this week at an election spot.

Oddly enough, 1 white kid kills 15+ people every 3 months and we have a "White young male problem"
Multiple black dudes kill 70+ people over a weekend and we cant discuss race or the problems in the community and how to fix it.


The MSM is complicit in every one of these shootings. If they broadcast these stories with half the frequency they deserve there would be massive outrage and efforts to stop this madness, which would in all likelihood result in changes in voting patterns. But that would risk their party overlords' wrath. So instead they distract with nonsense that does not affect a single person's life, and claim coverage of these stories is dog whistling, etc. All the while young men and women are murdered over essentially nothing en mass, while being taught to only believe the words of the same people whose policies created these situations.


Yes....LA and NY are very safe. What about the 24 other cities worse than Chicago. It's almost like you are all obsessed with making Chicago look worse than somewhere like....Beaumont, Texas, or Anchorage, Alaska, or Indianapolis, Indiana, or Little Rock, Arkansas or Memphis, Tennessee.

I wonder why you pass by all those other cities and choose Chicago? I wonder why we keep hearing about Chicago constantly for the past 9 years?.
Do you have these statistics? I do not but I would love to see other comparisions.


Do you have these statistics? I do not but I would love to see other comparisions.
Dunki please stop trying to convince the forum that a world renowned US city's 74 shootings in a weekend is worthy of attention and calls for action. You are clearly arguing in bad faith and throwing red meat to your racist friends. It does not matter how many kids die every weekend in Chicago. What matters is keeping the weekend shooting of 74 people in a single city in proper perspective, which is that there is nothing to see here and everyone needs to keep voting for the same people that haven't done anything to stop the problem since the only way to stop it would apparently be a constitutional repeal of the second amendment.

/s just in case.
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Yes....LA and NY are very safe. What about the 24 other cities worse than Chicago. It's almost like you are all obsessed with making Chicago look worse than somewhere like....Beaumont, Texas, or Anchorage, Alaska, or Indianapolis, Indiana, or Little Rock, Arkansas or Memphis, Tennessee.

I wonder why you pass by all those other cities and choose Chicago? I wonder why we keep hearing about Chicago constantly for the past 9 years?.
High gun deaths is NOT the same as high gun MURDER rates. Thought that would be obvious but it has to be pointed out every time in threads like this. Yes Alaska has the most gun deaths if you average the population, but over 60% of those gun deaths are suicide. NOT like Chicago where they are mostly MURDERS.
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High gun deaths is NOT the same as high gun MURDER rates. Thought that would be obvious but it has to be pointed out every time in threads like this. Yes Alaska has the most gun deaths if you average the population, but over 60% of those gun deaths are suicide. NOT like Chicago where they are mostly MURDERS.

Nope. I know how much you love to sight that random Medium article as gospel, but this is violent crime rate, not gun deaths. Alaska has a higher violent crime rate than Chicago.


Police need to be tougher and at those levels of murder/gun violence maybe it's best to use a military presence.

74 murders in a weekend is on par with a place like Afghanistan over a whole week.
Shit, I think on 14 died via bombing this week at an election spot.

Oddly enough, 1 white kid kills 15+ people every 3 months and we have a "White young male problem"
Multiple black dudes kill 70+ people over a weekend and we cant discuss race or the problems in the community and how to fix it.

Isn't this like not allowed in your country? Definitely sounds like one of those "government overstepping their boundaries" moments gun fanatics are always going on about.


Thinks mods influence posters politics. Promoted to QAnon Editor.
The media reports what gives the best ratings. Trump is a trainwreck everyone likes to watch. There is news all over the globe that American's ignore daily. Stop watching cable news maybe?

Texas Pride

Police need to be tougher and at those levels of murder/gun violence maybe it's best to use a military presence.

74 murders in a weekend is on par with a place like Afghanistan over a whole week.
Shit, I think on 14 died via bombing this week at an election spot.

Oddly enough, 1 white kid kills 15+ people every 3 months and we have a "White young male problem"
Multiple black dudes kill 70+ people over a weekend and we cant discuss race or the problems in the community and how to fix it.

Sums it up nicely. Ignoring issues unless it's White folks doing it is precisely the kind of shit that got Trump elected. And no bringing up Black on Black crime isn't racist. It's a real issue that gets ignored bcs it doesn't fit the agenda of MSM. Where's BLM? NAACP? Where's the protests? Real change is hard. Tackling these issues isn't easy and that's why the cycle continues.
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Isn't this like not allowed in your country? Definitely sounds like one of those "government overstepping their boundaries" moments gun fanatics are always going on about.

Apparently it's okay when it is against black people, even though they already get enough shit from the police just by mere effort of existing, and not even engaging in illegal behavior.

Police reform and gang violence have some overlap, but they're also fairly separate issues.
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For as much as the south and westsides are ignored by the last two mayors, its amazing they do as well as they do. Astonishing lack of development. Thats the problem. its not even all what you think. The gentrification is slowly taking hold, as planned, many in these neighborhoods know it. Wont be having this conversations in 5 years from now is my guess. Rahm should have been gone.


Yes....LA and NY are very safe. What about the 24 other cities worse than Chicago. It's almost like you are all obsessed with making Chicago look worse than somewhere like....Beaumont, Texas, or Anchorage, Alaska, or Indianapolis, Indiana, or Little Rock, Arkansas or Memphis, Tennessee.

I wonder why you pass by all those other cities and choose Chicago? I wonder why we keep hearing about Chicago constantly for the past 9 years?.

Which cities out of those you mentioned have the strictest gun laws?


Americans codified our God-given right to own firearms into the Constitution long before the NRA existed.
So? What do you want to tell me with this statement? Compare weapon per capital now and 150 years ago and look up when it’s started to grow massively. The right to own a weapon has nothing to do with the current glorification of weapons in the USA.
I don’t want to change your mind on anything. But it’s sad to see that so many Americans can’t change the point of view to understand the other “side”(some billion people) in this discussion.
The irony here is that the purpose of this thread is to complain about how no one talks about the violence in Chicago, when I doubt a single person here really gives a flying fuck about Chicago. Here are the things that people care about here:

1. Stiffing it to those hypocritical left that want to increase gun reform when the strictest gun reform in the country has a high violence rate and blahblahblah
2. Blaming the increase in violence on a decreased police presence cause by BLM (truly amazing)
3. Black on black crime statistics.

Chicago is like a perfect gift wrapped package to the right. It's easy to see why they complain about no one talking about it, because they wished it was on the news 24/7. Just don't pretend you give a shit about the actual violence.


The irony here is that the purpose of this thread is to complain about how no one talks about the violence in Chicago, when I doubt a single person here really gives a flying fuck about Chicago. Here are the things that people care about here:

1. Stiffing it to those hypocritical left that want to increase gun reform when the strictest gun reform in the country has a high violence rate and blahblahblah
2. Blaming the increase in violence on a decreased police presence cause by BLM (truly amazing)
3. Black on black crime statistics.

Chicago is like a perfect gift wrapped package to the right. It's easy to see why they complain about no one talking about it, because they wished it was on the news 24/7. Just don't pretend you give a shit about the actual violence.

Pretty much


You can blame the NRA for making an object, that is solely made for killing, a mass product for everyone.

You've made it clear that you jumped into a debate about the NRA, but really have absolutely no clue what it is. They don't make guns, they don't sell guns. And guns aren't made for the sole purpose of killing people. Kudos on getting so many things wrong in such a short sentence. I'd advise to learn about a subject before jumping in.


So? What do you want to tell me with this statement? Compare weapon per capital now and 150 years ago and look up when it’s started to grow massively. The right to own a weapon has nothing to do with the current glorification of weapons in the USA.
I don’t want to change your mind on anything. But it’s sad to see that so many Americans can’t change the point of view to understand the other “side”(some billion people) in this discussion.

I try to understand why the rest of the world feels the way they do about our liberties. I think most nation-states grew from some form of despotic rule, and adopted more individual liberties over time. Every increase in liberty was seen as some sort of concession or "gift" from the benevolent state. We had to take our liberty by force from a motherland that saw us as a pure cash cow and nothing but. So of course we are more jealous of our liberties than others. It is not just about guns either...we hear about Germans going to prison for having an illegal opinion and we are really shocked that any "free" people would be willing to put up with that.

The irony here is that the purpose of this thread is to complain about how no one talks about the violence in Chicago, when I doubt a single person here really gives a flying fuck about Chicago. Here are the things that people care about here:

1. Stiffing it to those hypocritical left that want to increase gun reform when the strictest gun reform in the country has a high violence rate and blahblahblah
2. Blaming the increase in violence on a decreased police presence cause by BLM (truly amazing)
3. Black on black crime statistics.

Chicago is like a perfect gift wrapped package to the right. It's easy to see why they complain about no one talking about it, because they wished it was on the news 24/7. Just don't pretend you give a shit about the actual violence.

I love Chicago and take immense pride in it. Our food, culture, scenery, greatest Punk Rock, our weird 16 inch softball game, and even our sucky sports teams. Even though I am an expat now living in Kentucky, almost all of my family and friends are still back home in my "sweet home."

You seem to be concerned with the political ramifications. I would like to see people stop dying. You list 3 things that you seem to think people should not care about, but you don't debunk any of them...you just "wow, just wow" at the terrible people who notice these hatefacts.

1. Chicago does demonstrate that gun control policies do not correlate with low violence levels. So do a lot of other places, like Central and South America, and Mexico. So there are other factors we need to look at.

2. I don't think BLM directly causes police pullback. But the overall tone in society (at least in our media elite and one of our major parties) now is anti-cop, and you must admit that they are under increased scrutiny. And I have spoken to Chicago police about the new paperwork regime that came in after they worked with the ACLU, and it does matter in the real world when they have to decide how to handle a situation. There are real victims of this situation of police pullback, and most of those victims are minorities.

3. You don't think black on black crime is a problem? Don't you care about the black victims of crime? Are we supposed to think that whites are driving in from Downers Grove to shoot black people on the South Side. C'mon. We are always getting dressed down by the left for not believing in science or statistics or whatever, well I guess these are the statistics that you don't like and should be swept under the rug.

The people of these communities deserve better than what we are giving them.


I try to understand why the rest of the world feels the way they do about our liberties. I think most nation-states grew from some form of despotic rule, and adopted more individual liberties over time. Every increase in liberty was seen as some sort of concession or "gift" from the benevolent state. We had to take our liberty by force from a motherland that saw us as a pure cash cow and nothing but. So of course we are more jealous of our liberties than others. It is not just about guns either...we hear about Germans going to prison for having an illegal opinion and we are really shocked that any "free" people would be willing to put up with that.
Please elaborate. Because I don't know what illegal opinion you mean. If you mean denying Holocaust. Sry but that is not an opinion and

oh, come on. This is fucking 220 years ago.
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Please elaborate. Because I don't know what illegal opinion you mean. If you mean denying Holocaust. Sry but that is not an opinion and

oh, come on. This is fucking 220 years ago.

You think history does not matter? 220 years ago is not that long in historical terms. The entire formation of our government and institutions dates from that period and affects our lives every day. I know that certain things about Americans and our institutions mystifies people from other countries. Don't you think our particular history is a part of that?

Yes, I am talking about holocaust deniers. That most certainly is an opinion, and one that can land you in jail. That mystifies us as much as our (lack of) gun laws mystifies them. We are just content with the idea that some nudnicks have really stupid ideas, and while they might be annoying we can sort of just tune them out. Obviously Germany has been influenced by their particular history and has a different way of looking at this.


lol as if OP actually gives a fuck about any of the communities in Chicago. Half the people here probably couldn't even point on a map to where they think violence is happening and think it's on every block of the city.

Mr. Grumpy

Grumpy see, Grumpy do.





You think history does not matter? 220 years ago is not that long in historical terms. The entire formation of our government and institutions dates from that period and affects our lives every day. I know that certain things about Americans and our institutions mystifies people from other countries. Don't you think our particular history is a part of that?

Yes, I am talking about holocaust deniers. That most certainly is an opinion, and one that can land you in jail. That mystifies us as much as our (lack of) gun laws mystifies them. We are just content with the idea that some nudnicks have really stupid ideas, and while they might be annoying we can sort of just tune them out. Obviously Germany has been influenced by their particular history and has a different way of looking at this.

There were killed millions, MILLIONS, of people in those camps. They were killed in a machinery of death. This is not an opinion. Denying this is lying with the intention to whitewash the nazi Regime. Free sprach doesn’t It mean that you can say what you want and not expecting to life with the consequences. I mean hey, I don’t have to live in a country where the head of the government can say and do what he wants.

https://rsf.org/en/ranking FYI
Germany 15
USA 45

I wouldn’t look at the Human Freedom Index if I were you ;) If you start with this kind of argumentation you should look outside the US bubble.


I will not comment further. As this is really offtopic.

I hope that this gun violence problem in this area will soon be a thing of the past.
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There were killed millions, MILLIONS, of people in those camps. They were killed in a machinery of death. This is not an opinion. Denying this is lying with the intention to whitewash the nazi Regime. Free sprach doesn’t It mean that you can say what you want and not expecting to life with the consequences. I mean hey, I don’t have to live in a country where the head of the government can say and do what he wants.

https://rsf.org/en/ranking FYI
Germany 15
USA 45

I wouldn’t look at the Human Freedom Index if I were you ;) If you start with this kind of argumentation you should look outside the US bubble.

Yes it is an opinion. Opinions can be wrong, and they can also be incredibly stupid. But in America you have a right to express them, no matter how heinous they are. I think you would find that the vast majority of Americans, left, center, or right, would not be willing to give up the First Amendment.

I've never read anything quite so dumb as that "Reporters without Borders" thing. Germany puts people in jail for opinions, and Trump tweets "mean" stuff about the press. Guess which one concerns them more? LOL.

But we are off topic, so this will be my last post on this topic. If you are happy being objectively less free, that's cool for you.


lol as if OP actually gives a fuck about any of the communities in Chicago. Half the people here probably couldn't even point on a map to where they think violence is happening and think it's on every block of the city.

Just to bring this up, some people have a habit of listening to Chicago Police Radio Scanners for entertainment purposes. Its like watching a crime series, but live and real. Some peeps start to have sympathy to the police who deals with the crap everyday like a typical series would.

Just saying'


You people coming into this thread and making proclamations about whether or not people actually care, what exactly are you seeking to accomplish with these statements?

You're not adding anything of value to the discussion and it seems like you only want to stir up a flame war. No one can possibly know whether someone really cares about something or not, so it's pointless to even make such a statement. Why not present an actual argument in defiance of someone's statements, instead of attempting to personally attack their motivations for their interest or concern in said subject matter. Unless someone directly states why they care or don't, you have no idea how they feel, so why not talk about what they're actually saying?

As far as I know, none of you are mind readers casting a worldwide net with your powers, so maybe actually talk about something consequential here. Your suppositions about people's motivations only serve to muddy the conversation.


Yes it is an opinion. Opinions can be wrong, and they can also be incredibly stupid. But in America you have a right to express them, no matter how heinous they are. I think you would find that the vast majority of Americans, left, center, or right, would not be willing to give up the First Amendment.

I've never read anything quite so dumb as that "Reporters without Borders" thing. Germany puts people in jail for opinions, and Trump tweets "mean" stuff about the press. Guess which one concerns them more? LOL.

But we are off topic, so this will be my last post on this topic. If you are happy being objectively less free, that's cool for you.

I somehow don't think America or it's people would be too keen on letting ISIS sympathizers and recruiters be given a platform, which kinda goes against the whole freedom of speech thing a little no? I imagine they would be picked up by FBI pretty quickly, which effectively kills their freedom of speech via fear of government


After all the violent shit Chicago, America and the world in general has gone through, let's have the argument focus not on who is to blame, but how to stop it...


How to stop guns, gangs and poverty? Chicago seeks solutions after violent 2016
"When you are nothing, you have nothing to lose. The only way to become something is to pick up a gun." — William Sampson, DePaul University public policy studies department
Five ways Trump can help solve Chicago gun crime
1. Stop the flow of illegal guns
2. Overhaul Housing
3. Invest in afterschool programs
4. Federal assistance for jobs
5. More police resources
We asked how to fix the gun problem. You said we must fix our world.

From Bob Wirth, a west suburban police officer:
“My solutions are drastic, but I believe needed. Immediately ban the production and sale of ‘assault-style weapons’ and large capacity magazines for civilians. Those who currently own such firearms or magazines can keep them for a period of time — 8 or 10 years — after which they will be destroyed. Anyone possessing those items after that is subject to arrest and prosecution.
“Secondly, ban the production and sale of violent video games. They are too graphic and desensitizing. They are killing simulators.”

From Patti Pagni of Elmhurst:
“There’s a campaign called ‘Walk-Up’ in which instead of walking out of school, you encourage students to walk up to a fellow student who is sitting alone or isn’t invited to social happenings or included in fun conversations. I have been pushing that idea to my kids and their friends ever since I read about it.
“We sadly will always have mental illness and just plain evil, but many of the shooters we’ve seen have been troubled youth who were bullied or ignored. Many times they have come from broken homes.”

From Frances Lee of Ravenswood:
“We don’t need more guns. We need more love. More understanding. More trust. We need a mechanism, especially here in Chicago, to help children stay or get out of gangs. We need to find a way to let children know that if they are being abused at home, there is a place they can go where they will be safe and be helped. Yep, this is not as easy as throwing more guns into a grade school, but it is what we must do.”

From Toni Gilpin of Evanston:
“I could not watch the video [of teachers at a gun range] linked to your editorial last week unveiling your 31 bullets campaign. Why not? Because before the video played, I had to sit through an ad for a video game called ‘War Thunder’ that featured tanks destroying their targets, and airplanes engaged in dogfights and carpet-bombing buildings. Many more than 31 bullets were discharged in that 15-second spot.
“The countless rounds of ammunition fired in this game aptly reflect how we approach conflict resolution when it comes to other countries. Why shouldn’t individuals on Chicago’s streets feel the same way? One of the points you might make as your campaign continues is that our government’s long-standing bipartisan commitment to violence as our primary foreign policy helps foster our embrace of gun violence and gun use at home.”


Just by talking about the problem in Chicago (as well as many other major cities facing gun violence) we bring the issue back into the cultural consciousness, where it should be. My hope is that people can start to focus their attention and actions less on materialistic and trivial entertainment (click bait) and focus on the major problems like this, that seemingly get ignored year after year.
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The problem is Trained, that there's actually no will to do this. It takes resources and real concentrated effort. Poverty is a bitch, and the government isn't that interested.

What the government favors are small injections of resources at very specific line items, because you get some progress but don't have to over-commit. "Fix our world" is a great reference. It's a complex problem, but also one that's somewhat demanding.

So meanwhile everyone is arguing over money, the people in the cut have to keep trying to attain the american dream.
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