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Child allegedly told Paterno of sex abuse in 1976, decades before official action

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The line in question states that one of Penn State's insurers has claimed "in 1976, a child allegedly reported to PSU's Head Coach Joseph Paterno that he (the child) was sexually molested by Sandusky."

The order also cites separate references in 1987 and 1988 in which unnamed assistant coaches witnessed inappropriate contact between Sandusky and unidentified children, and a 1988 case that was supposedly referred to Penn State's athletic director at the time.

All, the opinion states, are described in victims' depositions taken as part of the still-pending insurance case, but that, according a PennLive review of the case file, are apparently under seal.

The insurance case involves big money for Penn State, which hopes to be reimbursed for most of the $60 million-plus it has paid in recent years to settle nearly 30 civil claims pertaining to abuse by Sandusky.

Others, including Penn State's independent Sandusky investigator Louis Freeh, have alleged that, at least from 1998 on, Paterno, then-Penn State President Graham Spanier and two of Spanier's top managers were aware of complaints against and about Sandusky.

But Freeh's report also cited emails from that time frame that raised the suggestion Paterno may have been part of a later decision not to take the McQueary report to police or child welfare authorities.

Typo'd the heading a bit if a mod can fix, please.
They should shut the goddamn football program down already

Can't believe the cultists at Penn State want to put Paterno's statue back up, too


Now what's the next step in your master plan?
They should shut the goddamn football program down already

Can't believe the cultists at Penn State want to put Paterno's statue back up, too

But he won a lot of titles! That has to be worth destroying some young lives.


All these years later I still chuckle at what a fucking moron that guy is.
They should shut the goddamn football program down already

Can't believe the cultists at Penn State want to put Paterno's statue back up, too
Why shouldn't they be allowed to play football?


The insurance case involves big money for Penn State, which hopes to be reimbursed for most of the $60 million-plus it has paid in recent years to settle nearly 30 civil claims pertaining to abuse by Sandusky.



They should shut the goddamn football program down already

Can't believe the cultists at Penn State want to put Paterno's statue back up, too

When Joe Paterno died, they painted a halo over him on a giant mural on campus. When the whole trial stuff happened, they removed the mural.

This last december, they put the halo back up:


This is a 90 foot mural. They didn't learn a fucking thing.

But he won a lot of titles!

*two titles


Because they created a football program so corrupt that it continually sacrificed children to a monster until they were caught.


Burn that stadium to the ground and bury the ashes..

I'm only joking about the method of demolition, as clearly burning it is unsafe. Controlled implosion overseen by professionals, of course.
When Joe Paterno died, they painted a halo over him on a giant mural on campus. When the whole trial stuff happened, they removed the mural.

This last december, they put the halo back up:


This is a 90 foot mural. They didn't learn a fucking thing.

*two titles

The school needs to do more to separate themselves from the rabid support group that is JoePa


Gold Member
the fact that anyone still holds Paterno in any kind of high regards is stomach churning at best.


Why shouldn't they be allowed to play football?

Because their football program literally overtook the school? Because their football program became so corrupt that its patriarch swept child molestation under the rug for decades to avoid harm to the program? They literally put football over education and child welfare.

Maybe you don't follow college football so you don't get it, but to become a major player in college football takes decades of work, you don't get to be one of the power 5 conference players in just a few years. All of Penn State's history is built upon the actions of a man who put the football program over literally everything else.


The program should be shut down.

I went to a game once and the cult like atmosphere and the money surrounding the games is disgusting.

And don't give me that shit about these kids didn't do shit and they shouldn't be punished. Most of them take separate classes and are practically only in the school for technical reasons.

Most of them can't make a career in football anyway.


Now what's the next step in your master plan?
Then punish the coaches and AD and not the players who weren't involved in any way.

I think it is also the fact the school abs students try and down pay the whole thing even today and make it sound like it's not a big deal and one news. If that is the schools attitude on the situation as horrid as this then fuck them.


Super Sleuth
Does NCAA have the legal ability to do anything about this? Weren't they sued by Penn State and that is why sanctions were reduced?


Then punish the coaches and AD and not the players who weren't involved in any way.

the coach is dead

the AD is in prison

what you're doing by continuing to let that football program run is to funnel hundreds of millions of dollars into a program built on top of child molestation.

You're real worried about the players? The NCAA has handled situations like this before - grant them all a unconditional transfer, let them go to other schools. This is big money. Penn State should not be able to continue making hundreds of millions of dollars every year off of such a disgustingly corrupt football program.


Does NCAA have the legal ability to do anything about this? Weren't they sued by Penn State and that is why sanctions were reduced?

this is about the the people paying the NCAA and the schools not wanting to change things.

ESPN and CBS are the problem here and in the future its going to be worse because the schools themselves will have control over the broadcasting like Texas University.
the coach is dead

the AD is in prison

what you're doing by continuing to let that football program run is to funnel hundreds of millions of dollars into a program built on top of child molestation.

You're real worried about the players? The NCAA has handled situations like this before - grant them all a unconditional transfer, let them go to other schools. This is big money. Penn State should not be able to continue making hundreds of millions of dollars every year off of such a disgustingly corrupt football program.

SMU existed, the kids will have to move, sure, but it's surely better than allowing a program that allowed institutional sexual child abuse to go on for decades.

If Texas did anything like this I'd demand we close the doors and put Bevo out to pasture.

No excuses. People saying that the kids didn't do anything wrong, sure, they didn't, but the program did and so the program needs to be terminated.


SMU existed, the kids will have to move, sure, but it's surely better than allowing a program that allowed institutional sexual child abuse to go on for decades.

If Texas did anything like this I'd demand we close the doors and put Bevo out to pasture.

No excuses.

Even more recent than the SMU death penalty - Penn State themselves went through this in 2012 when the Sandusky thing first broke.

There is already protocol.

Plus, what does it say when paying players several times is worthy of the death penalty, but covering up child rape for 3 fucking decades is not?

How can anyone say there wasn't a lack of institutional control at PSU? How can anyone say they didn't cover this shit up for a competitive advantage?

Velcro Fly

the worst part are the students and fans that think they did nothing wrong

too bad USC got punished harder for Reggie Bush taking money than Penn St. did for harboring a child molester. gg NCAA


And people asking "Why shut down the football program"?

This is the current atmosphere at Penn State:

Trustee Anthony Lubrano, a Paterno loyalist who has worked tirelessly with alumni allies to try to "correct the record" in the Sandusky case, said he was "not even peripherally aware" of the 1976 claim about Paterno.

But, he added, "I am highly doubtful about the veracity of the allegation."

This is AFTER the trial. Their board of trustees are literally saying "that evidence I've never seen or heard of? It's probably not true."
Even more recent than the SMU death penalty - Penn State themselves went through this in 2012 when the Sandusky thing first broke.

There is already protocol.

Plus, what does it say when paying players several times is worthy of the death penalty, but covering up child rape for 3 fucking decades is not?

How can anyone say there wasn't a lack of institutional control at PSU? How can anyone say they didn't cover this shit up for a competitive advantage?

I mean look at how their fans talk about this shit. Go on to the Rivals BWI board and read the responses, it's DISGUSTING. It legitimately makes me ill.

They spent decades covering this shit up and letting this man run free because he was a good recruiter and coach. The program should have burned in 2012 when this all came out.
NCAA should use this as an opportunity to vacate all their wins after 1976 including the two national championships. Its bullshit that they even gave back the 111 that they originally took away.


Because they created a football program so corrupt that it continually sacrificed children to a monster until they were caught.

Exactly. It was more important to win despite the fact that a monster was using their facility and the access to poor, vulnerable children his notoriety provided to prey on his victims.

Penn State did this to protect their program and school's legacy and financial well-being.

They facilitated the rape and abuse of children. They are accomplices in Sandusky's heinous crimes.
They should seriously rescind the school's accreditation. This is so far past an NCAA thing.

Fucking disgusting.

The program should be shut down.

I went to a game once and the cult like atmosphere and the money surrounding the games is disgusting.

And don't give me that shit about these kids didn't do shit and they shouldn't be punished. Most of them take separate classes and are practically only in the school for technical reasons.

Most of them can't make a career in football anyway.

Play Intra-mural flag football if you love football so much. Or transfer.
And yet Penn St. got off with an easier punishment than USC got over an agent buying Reggie Bush's parents a house. Paterno and the NCAA can both burn in hell.
The sad thing is, this strategy really works. It even works on people who have actually done some honest research. Throw out numbers, lots of "victims" from all different eras. They can't all be lying? The large majority were subject to very little if any vetting. The only vetting came in the joke of a trial JS had, what 7 months from his arrest? Good point, this is clearly a desperate attempt by the pirates clinging to control over our university. There must be something brewing with the elected trustees reviewing the Freeh fairy tale.

Ran into a psu alum coworker today who is retiring. She was so looking forward to spending more time around PSU. She hasn't followed any of this stuff. She has no idea how PSU is currently being held hostage by very evil people. I smiled and let her ignorance go unabated. Sometimes I wish I hadn't learned what I have.

This is an ACTUAL post. On an ACTUAL message board. From ACTUAL PSU fans.

Delusion doesn't even begin to describe it.
the worst part are the students and fans that think they did nothing wrong

too bad USC got punished harder for Reggie Bush taking money than Penn St. did for harboring a child molester. gg NCAA

As fucking awful as it is to type this out....that's because Bush' and USC actions had direct impact on the game. I feel so dirty have to even come up with a rationale as to why one was a worse penalty than the other. However, I would presume this would be the only way it could be spun.

Unfortunately the NCAA and Big Ten (especially the Big Ten) only care about the actual game and product on the field when it comes to penalties. Fuck Jim Delaney.

No excuses. People saying that the kids didn't do anything wrong, sure, they didn't, but the program did and so the program needs to be terminated.

My only argument against this is the coaches and players who have worked to build things back up post Sandusky.
This is an ACTUAL post. On an ACTUAL message board. From ACTUAL PSU fans.

Delusion doesn't even begin to describe it.

Totally not surprised. I lived in Central PA for four years and that school has the strangest cult like followers I've ever seen. That's saying a lot as I grew up and once again live deep in SEC country.

Goro Majima

Kitty Genovese Member
Did any of the Penn State sanctions even stick past a few years? Feels like literally everything has been given back to them.

The NCAA is a joke and I'm glad Paterno knew the whole thing was crumbling down before he died.
As fucking awful as it is to type this out....that's because Bush' and USC actions had direct impact on the game. I feel so dirty have to even come up with a rationale as to why one was a worse penalty than the other. However, I would presume this would be the only way it could be spun.

Unfortunately the NCAA and Big Ten (especially the Big Ten) only care about the actual game and product on the field when it comes to penalties. Fuck Jim Delaney.

My only argument against this is the coaches and players who have worked to build things back up post Sandusky.

Bush's misdeeds had no impact on the game. It's not USC is the one that gave him the house to get him to enroll or stay an extra year. He was already playing for them. If anything, you could argue that every year that PSU covered up for Sandusky allowed them to maintain their image and continue to recruit top high school players. It absolutely helped them on the field. The NCAA doesn't care about the game, they care about exploiting players and lining their own pockets.
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