Well, I finished the game. The really good music, nice art, and a fun battle system that has enough depth to keep it compelling for ~10 hours made it a really enjoyable experience. I didn't care much for the writing in this game, and found the rhyming to be poorly executed and rather boring. The game would have been better off with less text. That said, it does execute a few moments well, and the ending was pretty good.
On hard the game is challenging enough to make you to play strategically and use all the options the combat offers, and so i found the combat interesting, even if it was never difficult in the sense that I was ever afraid of having my party wiped. It's so easy to heal or switch party members that you would really need to play recklessly to die. If the game had been longer, it would have needed more complexity to it, but it worked well for short length of this game. Though the last boss was kind of a joke because I was able to manipulate the battle system to prevent it from getting more than a few chances to even attack me.
Anyone know what the level cap is? I finished at 50 and it still has an experience bar, so that's not it.