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China calls for less 'effeminate' men in videogames and bans 'gay love'


Barack Obama Applause GIF by Obama


Minors should not be exposed to any sexuality in my opinion. I think that if a is games for mature audiences then It is all good. Kids can be easily persuaded and manipulated. I believe that if they are homosexual by birth it will develop naturally, but I also believe that some people can be influenced. I'm an afro latino and I don't mind seeing diversity of race in games as long as it is not forced. A lot of games lately are focused on forcing agendas on players and I'm not a fan.
I'm an afro latino and I don't mind seeing diversity of race

People existing isn't them forcing themselves on anybody else. It's them existing as evidenced by your afro latino existence. All it takes is for somebody to not "care for" or feeling as though your existence is "forcing" your agenda on them...



So long Genshin Impact.
No more Venti like trash sounds great...

On the other hand no more Mona like greatness sounds awful...


I wonder if Baal like designs are safe. Imagine the madness of gov comissions approving some anime tiddies lmao
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Personally, I'd like to see less effeminate men in the Chinese ruling party. What a sausage fest of easily offended, sissy like, cowardly cunts. Imagine making speaking your mind a crime because you can't tolerate criticism of your overblown narcissistic totalitarian leader ego.

I'm with you in spirit on this one but let's not conflate being effeminate with being cowardly and having the character strength of a chocolate éclair.


Gold Member

Imagine what would happen if those old Genesis and SNES games were promoted there..... those Japanese horizontal shooter games with the gay dudes flexing.
Everyday, children are exposed to sexuality of their parents. Are you confusing sexuality with actual acts of sex?
They do so and they know they do so!

Goodbye SNK games in China I guess, the NeoGeo makes men becoming gays, okey! SNK is gay and trans and non binary friendly since the late 80's, same for Capcom. And the next Metroid should be a problem there too, that relation between Mother Brain and Samus is soooo gay! No more GTA because that game makes children gays ! 😂🤡😂

The sad thing here is that people are against love, gay love is still love. They prefer hate, just like talibans, because love is not aloud, MF!
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I am Become Bilbo Baggins
Kids can be easily persuaded and manipulated. I believe that if they are homosexual by birth it will develop naturally, but I also believe that some people can be influenced.

Fucking LMAO.

Influenced to be gay? Can gay people then be "influenced" to be straight with a constant barrage of straight media?

Come on. You don't really believe that nonsense, do you?


As much as I enjoy woke companies being kicked in the balls and be denied the sweet Chinese dollar they drool for ...

This is just wrong.

I don't like gay characters or other minorities being shoved down my throat and make me feel like I'm being lectured, but I don't like gay characters getting banned from gaming altogether. Yes, I know, it's China we're talking about, not exactly the most democracy-friendly country in the world, but the point still stands.

On one hand, you have Netflix and Amazon telling you your story and staff need to have women and gay people just because, and on the other hand you have assholes in China attempting to ban wokeness altogether.

Why does it have to be an 'either / or' situation? Let writers write the stories and characters they want to write. Let them hire the people they want/need to hire. Stop pandering to either side. Why is it so hard?
I couldn't agree more, thank you OP.


So, does whatever board that made this decision know that actual "gay" people don't generally go for "effeminate" guys?

The whole Yaoi concept of girly men being in love is more geared towards girls who like this sort of thing than actual gay people. In the same way most "lesbian" stuff is geared towards guys.


Ask me about my wife's perfect butthole
As sad as it sounds, a lot of the belief that "things can turn you gay" likely stems form homosexuals in repressed societies dealing with their own sexuality. The pressure from those societies creates some real mindfuckery, so external actors are "blamed" for how they feel, or who they are attracted to.

Some even outright express this in detail, others would never admit it. And of course not every homophobic douchebag is actually secretly gay, but there's some truth to the stereotype.

Which is one of the reason normalizing gay characters is important to people in most Western cultures. Because of the compassion people have for the mental abuse that gay people go through being raised in a society that is homophobic.

You can't make men have boners for other men by exposing them to the idea that being gay is OK. And even if you could, who gives a shit?


Would you have a problem with a heterosexual couple holding hands in a children's film/game?
"Holding hands" isn't normally a form of sexuality, so no. All manners of people holds each other hands for various reasons. Something like kissing on the lips is another thing though because normally it does accentuates sexuality.
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Dr. Claus

Fucking LMAO.

Influenced to be gay? Can gay people then be "influenced" to be straight with a constant barrage of straight media?

Come on. You don't really believe that nonsense, do you?

I have seen a few folks who were peer pressured from an early age to think that they were trans/gay and struggled with just being an effeminate straight male and masculine straight female. There are plenty of similar stories of detransitioning youths as well, which may be the point the user was trying to make.

I say just let kids be kids. Don't try to suggest they are x/y - let them explore. Educate them when they become curious, but don't try to push your (royal you) singular worldview onto them.
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Fuck this…if I lived in China I guess I would read books or something. I would do my best to not ever have an online presence. I’m assuming it’s impossible to be completely off the “govt grid” there, but I would try my damnedest.


Ask me about my wife's perfect butthole
I have seen a few folks who were peer pressured from an early age to think that they were trans/gay and struggled with just being an effeminate straight male and masculine straight female. There are plenty of similar stories of detransitioning youths as well, which may be the point the user was trying to make.

I say just let kids be kids. Don't try to suggest they are x/y - let them explore. Educate them when they become curious, but don't try to push your (royal you) singular worldview onto them.
That's obviously fucked up.

There are literally millions of gay people pressured to be straight though... or sent to brainwashing camps.. or just outright murdered.

That was absolutely not the point the user was making either; as none of what you described equates to a gay character existing in a game. That does not put pressure on anyone.


It's not surprising at all that China would push a policy like this and I have no doubt westerners will do nothing but virtue signal as always. It would be nice if we could at least attempt to curb business with that country. This is obviously hyperbolic but it feels like the majority of people today would buy products made from slave-picked cotton if it was cheap and available on Amazon.

Apparently canceling people on social media is enough to feel morally superior. No further action needed.


Authorized Fister
Weak people make a weak country. Gay people are stronger than most straight men. Don't have anything against this policy. Heck, I haven't met a skinhead who wasn't gay so far.
I dunno man, maybe China should have considered promoting being gay when they decided to implement their 1 child policy.

China never fails to find new lows.


King Snowflake
Chinese men have no beards, no body hair, small dicks and they’re as tall as Dutch little girls. They’re all effeminate by default. Just give up, China.

Just pointing out how ridiculous their judgments are, by the way.
Nice to openly display your ignorant racism. There are about 700 billion Chinese men it is likely that 200 million of them have bigger dicks than you.


If the Chinese want to change their government then it's up to them. We shouldn't interfere since that same cccp has also increase the quality of life for the vast majority of chinese and raised the country to a super power level all within 70 years. I'm pretty sure that the cccp has a lot more local support than what the western media portrays. I've never lived there but there is plenty of footage from all over China that their standard of living is on part with western countries.
China's standards of living are pretty trash. Most of the country is still rural/developing, and the 3 'developed' cities have ugly underbellies. They have 3rd world level services.
Also, the ccp didn't do anything to improve their living quality. They simply allowed china to open its borders for a while and let their economy grow using capitalism. All to escape from the poverty that the CCP themselves created.
I agree with you there. The west is too focused on promoting lgbtq issues at the expenses of traditional values on family, masculinity and femininity. Heterosexuals are the majority in the world population. We can coexist and accept adult members of the lgbtq community but I'm against promoting it in children. They can be manipulated easily and I believe that it's better to let them develop naturally without people outside the family with an agenda trying to influence them. Hell the majority of us were. Manipulated into believing in Santa Claus and the Easter bunny. Children can also be manipulated to become racists at an early age. Videogames for children shouldn't be promoting that and should just focus on being fun with neutral themes.

Seeing gay people won't make you gay. That's not how sexuality works.
Unless of course you also believe that playing violent video games/films/music makes you a violent person.


I truly do not understand why people are so triggered by gays. I am straight as an arrow but gay people have no effect on my life so why should I be so concerned about them? I just don't get it. If their presence in a video game bothers you that much just don't play that game.


I support their restrictions on gaming with the exception of gay characters in games for mature audiences. One thing that wasnt clear in this declaration is if all the restrictions on the depictions of people apply to games of all age ratings or only games that are rated for kids or general audiences. If the USA had a competent government then I wouldn't mind having some similar restrictions to protect children. They should also restrict the depiction of child soldiers in game. I think that it's a weird fixation that is really common in jrpgs for example. I'm curious to see how this plays out over there.
Oh no...think of the children.

Really....what year is this.


I agree with you there. The west is too focused on promoting lgbtq issues at the expenses of traditional values on family, masculinity and femininity. Heterosexuals are the majority in the world population. We can coexist and accept adult members of the lgbtq community but I'm against promoting it in children. They can be manipulated easily and I believe that it's better to let them develop naturally without people outside the family with an agenda trying to influence them. Hell the majority of us were. Manipulated into believing in Santa Claus and the Easter bunny. Children can also be manipulated to become racists at an early age. Videogames for children shouldn't be promoting that and should just focus on being fun with neutral themes.
It is a parent's job to raise their kids, not media's. If media is raising their kids, then they fucking suck as a parent and that isnt media's fault.

So you're going to ban every fairy tale too, right?


I agree with you there. The west is too focused on promoting lgbtq issues at the expenses of traditional values on family, masculinity and femininity. Heterosexuals are the majority in the world population. We can coexist and accept adult members of the lgbtq community but I'm against promoting it in children. They can be manipulated easily and I believe that it's better to let them develop naturally without people outside the family with an agenda trying to influence them. Hell the majority of us were. Manipulated into believing in Santa Claus and the Easter bunny. Children can also be manipulated to become racists at an early age. Videogames for children shouldn't be promoting that and should just focus on being fun with neutral themes.
How the F is depicting normal human relationships not 'neutral'?
In that case all eastern European/Balkan countries have to leave the EU, because Hungary is really not an outlier.

I think it makes a lot of sense for those countries to not be in the EU, yes. On this and many other issues they are quite opposed. Why would populations with such vastly different beliefs wish to be governed by the same entity?
That’s why past attempts to unify Europe failed. But hey, diversity is a strength 😋
The concept of "diversity" in the West is such a misnomer. It's just different discrimination than previous regimes, but the mentality is the same. How humans are able to maintain such a level of cognitive dissonance is basically beyond my understanding. That I could be effectively governed by the same people that govern metropolitan social activists is so absurd it hardly even requires comment, yet here we are.


4 pages in and no one is talking about the CCP enacting real restrictions on how people can live their lives?

no, we are just going to whine about gay video game characters?

how about this? China can ban gay characters, because really who fucking cares, and they renege on the actual civil rights abuses


I think it makes a lot of sense for those countries to not be in the EU, yes. On this and many other issues they are quite opposed. Why would populations with such vastly different beliefs wish to be governed by the same entity?

The concept of "diversity" in the West is such a misnomer. It's just different discrimination than previous regimes, but the mentality is the same. How humans are able to maintain such a level of cognitive dissonance is basically beyond my understanding. That I could be effectively governed by the same people that govern metropolitan social activists is so absurd it hardly even requires comment, yet here we are.

Wait a minute, doesn’t that make you a racist? I haven’t quite caught up on the literature.


4 pages in and no one is talking about the CCP enacting real restrictions on how people can live their lives?

no, we are just going to whine about gay video game characters?

how about this? China can ban gay characters, because really who fucking cares, and they renege on the actual civil rights abuses
The fact the CCP is garbage and restricts lives is pretty well established no?
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