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Chinese-American grandpa fatally shot by security guard while playing Pokemon Go

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Judging from all these (very sad) stories I came to the conclusion that people in America seem to live with a constant fear for their lives. I can't explain these overreactions otherwise. Aweful..,


what a weird line. I get it causally but man

poor dude. feel for his family.


CHESAPEAKE, Va. - A game that takes most of its players on an athletic adventure may have lead one local Chinese man to his death.

The past tense of "lead" is "led," for fuck's sake! You are an ostensibly professional news organization, how the fuck do you let that happen?!


This is an easy murder conviction right? Like how could this guy possibly get away with it, not even a cop, guy was in his car and shot through windshield multiple times so obviously no immediate threat, victim is a 60 year old man.

No such thing as an easy murder conviction in this day and age. Even though he only won by 1.3%, there's a whole lot of Chesapeake that's Trump country. Trump's anti-immigrant, America First message went over well in Chesapeake and Virginia Beach. Bear in mind, that's also Pat Robertson's/CBN's stomping grounds (right on the border of VA Beach and Chesapeake).

Doesn't take long to get outside of the Chesapeake urban areas bordering Norfolk to find Confederate flags flying over people's houses and "Don't Tread on Me" VA license plates made popular by the Tea Party.


Judging from all these (very sad) stories I came to the conclusion that people in America seem to live with a constant fear for their lives. I can't explain these overreactions otherwise. Aweful..,

Sure, the gun epidemic is real breh.

In some way i'm relieved/surprised that there aren't more mass shooting in this country considering how easy it is to obtain a gun and how many mentally or emotionally unstable people there are out there.

Everytime i'm at a movie, i think man someone could come in here with an automatic and gun down about a hundred people and get on the news real famous. Yea.... i dont go to the movies very much.


I don't think you have a clue what you are talking about. There is nobody in the Chinese-American community who wants to be the model minority for the white people. We had that pushed on us by them to drive a wedge between us and other minorities.

No, I understand its agenda and that it was pushed on Asians but at the same time it was also embraced by people albeit a minority within the community.

It's no different of wanting to be the " good ones ". I'm not against the Asian American community it's those willing to sell themselves and other marginalized groups out by voting for Trump that piss me off. I'm Asian myself.

I'm sorry if I convey my post wrongly.



The past tense of "lead" is "led," for fuck's sake! You are an ostensibly professional news organization, how the fuck do you let that happen?!

Now you've made me check the writer and see that her name is Merris Badcock.



Must be hard for the shooter to empathize with a Chinese, more so in Trump's dynasty.

Asian-americans for Trump? Wanting to be a subservient second class who will never be viewed as equal rather than demanding the bare minimum of human dignity.

I will never understand the mentality of wanting to be model minority. Incredibly delusional.
...this post is pretty offensive


Private security shouldn't be neighborhood cops with permission to shoot to kill. People have lost their minds over crime.


The shooter will most likely receive a medal from the White House for such a strong display of courage and patriotism.


The presumption that Asians are A. a monolith, B. actively trying to fulfill the racist model minority stereotype, and C. somehow deserve blame for this tragedy due to the other two presumptions is pretty friggin offensive


Fucking hell. And this won't even be covered by major networks, because this sort of thing happens every day. A human being gets shot dead, and no one cares. But lets build a wall and ban immigrants because people "feel" like they are in danger. I would like to see an executive order for a ban of all guns for 90 days.


The presumption that Asians are A. a monolith, B. actively trying to fulfill the racist model minority stereotype, and C. somehow deserve blame for this tragedy due to the other two presumptions is pretty friggin offensive

Statement is unfounded and the accusation generalizing as well as unsupported. As an Asian-American, I vehemently voted against Trump and disavow any notion of being anybody's model minority.

Clinton Won the Asian-American Vote

I really don't think he was referring to ALL Asians as a monolitic group, but to the minority of Asians who support Trump and/or, whether consciously or unconsciously, behave in a way that is consistent with believing that if they fall in line then they will be considered One Of The Good Ones.



First he is assuming that the murderer is white. He's making assumptions based on stereotype. Thats being racist. The security guard could very well be black, hispanic or Asian.

2nd, Not all Asian Americans are for trump. Infact majority of us aren't. Stop spewing lies.

3rd, I don't know too many asians that WANT to be model minorities or subservient to white people. Infact Chinese Americans are one of the group most resistant to white assimilation. We keep our own religion, our own food, our own language, our own culture. None of that bullshit. I don't know too many chinese who are christians.


First he is assuming that the murderer is white. He's making assumptions based on stereotype. Thats being racist. The security guard could very well be black, hispanic or Asian.

2nd, Not all Asian Americans are for trump. Infact majority of us aren't. Stop spewing lies.

3rd, I don't know too many asians that WANT to be model minorities or subservient to white people. Infact Chinese Americans are one of the group most resistant to white assimilation. We keep our own religion, our own food, our own language, our own culture.

He never said that all Asian-Americans are for Trump. He never even said that most Asian-Americans are for Trump.

I thought it was clear and obvious that he was addressing the Asian-Americans who happen to support Trump.

He is Chinese. And, as he has stated in past posts, both here and in Asian-GAF, he hates anti-Asian racism.


I really don't think he was referring to ALL Asians as a monolitic group, but to the minority of Asians who support Trump and/or, whether consciously or unconsciously, behave in a way that is consistent with believing that if they fall in line then they will be considered One Of The Good Ones.

That's how I read it as well.

Back on topic, I can't believe how the security guard was not arrested and charged with manslaughter/murder right away. He shot the guy through a windshield ffs.


Private security shouldn't be neighborhood cops with permission to shoot to kill. People have lost their minds over crime.

I agree but unfortunately in Virginia if someone is a registered armed officer, calling them "neighborhood cops" would be pretty apropos.

Registered armed officers in VA not only can carry weapons but also have limited arrest powers. Say, for example, you were a registered armed officer hired through a company to patrol a gated community and you roll up on someone you don't know. You'd be within your legal power to arrest that person for trespassing and your arrest would carry the same weight as that of a police officer.

With that said, to be perfectly clear, we don't know if the guard in question here was registered as armed or unarmed officer and regardless of his designation the work contract should have prevented him from having a weapon at all. I'm just afraid Chesapeake will end up hurrying it along, absolve the guy by using the "justifiable homicide" excuse and close the book on the whole thing when it's damn clear his actions fit the description of voluntary manslaughter.
Fucking hell. And this won't even be covered by major networks, because this sort of thing happens every day. A human being gets shot dead, and no one cares. But lets build a wall and ban immigrants because people "feel" like they are in danger. I would like to see an executive order for a ban of all guns for 90 days.
It's sad this is so common place in America that the only reason this story is featured news is because it contains trendy click bait keyword Pokemon.


Judging from all these (very sad) stories I came to the conclusion that people in America seem to live with a constant fear for their lives. I can't explain these overreactions otherwise. Aweful..,

Last time I said this in one thread, a few Americans got triggered. But I guess under Trumps' reign, minorities in the US are facing even greater danger.
I've already seen, in type, by a IANAL type, the potential defense:

the van - 3000lbs - may be considered as a deadly weapon and perhaps he had started it and was trying to drive off.
(rebuttal by family - but it was in park!)
even 5 shots don't kill someone straight away, he may have turned the engine off and put it into park before dying.

Yes, this is a real "this could be the scenario / wait for the facts" analysis, from someone smart enough to type in whole paragraphs.


BioWare Austin
I really don't think he was referring to ALL Asians as a monolitic group, but to the minority of Asians who support Trump and/or, whether consciously or unconsciously, behave in a way that is consistent with believing that if they fall in line then they will be considered One Of The Good Ones.

Regardless of the reasons from the subset of Asian Americans who supported Trump, the assumption they all voted to be model minorities might as well be an underhanded accusation that they're all "Uncle Toms."

There's no point in throwing that comment except just to incite unsubstantiated vitriol that's divisive towards a community that already predominately votes progressive.
I've already seen, in type, by a IANAL type, the potential defense:

the van - 3000lbs - may be considered as a deadly weapon and perhaps he had started it and was trying to drive off.
(rebuttal by family - but it was in park!)
even 5 shots don't kill someone straight away, he may have turned the engine off and put it into park before dying.

Yes, this is a real "this could be the scenario / wait for the facts" analysis, from someone smart enough to type in whole paragraphs.

This is unfortunately pretty plausible. The guy should be in jail for manslaghter.


''”I did not want the public to misunderstand Mr. Chen," said the attorney Greg Sandler, who believes the incident escalated partially because of a language barrier.''

So in crazy gun society America you will get shot if you dont speak English. Better watch out if your a tourist and dont speak English. Or a immigrant.

Also how is a neighberhood security guard allowed to carry a gun?


Billy Rudolph, a spokesman for the River Walk Community Association, said since 2010 the group has contracted with a security company to hire unarmed guards.

Then what the fuck was this asshole doing with a gun?
Confrontation leading to an old man shot 3 times through a windshield?

I'm trying to imagine 2 people not speaking the same language having a confrontation, one one foot, the other sitting in a car.

Maybe he gave him the finger?

It's horrible enough to think about how the family of the victim is taking this tragedy.

It's even worse to think about how the justice system could find a way to let the shooter go scot free.

Zen Aku

"He was swiping his finger upward! I thought he was trying to dial a number to activate a bomb from inside his vehicle!" - possible statement from that idiot.

Rest in Peace grandpa. I'm sorry you had to go out like that.


Unconfirmed Member
This is unfortunately pretty plausible. The guy should be in jail for manslaghter.

They'd better get him for Manslaughter. Even if they can prove the situation was escalated and the gun shots were in self defense somehow, they should be able to prove that it was the security guard that escalated the situation (likely by drawing the gun).

Don't fuck this up like Trayvon. Keep Manslaughter in your back pocket so at the very least this Scumbag does time and hopefully never gets a license to carry again.
I went to a party at that clubhouse a few years back. If I had known then that they allow armed security guards on the property (don't care that it's not in the contract) I would have never attended. A lot of children are going to grow up without a grandfather now thanks to the insane paranoia stoked by the grotesque right wing of this country.

We have over 30,000 gun deaths every year. That is 10x the death count of 9/11 and it happens every fucking year. But no Muslims are the great terror in our society that we must remove, not our sick terrible culture that we ourselves are responsible for.
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